Monday, March 26, 2012

It's Okay, Not to be Okay

Don't be Fooled by all my Tears,
Cause Everything is Fine!
And you can Pick up all the Pieces that you Left Behind,
Cause I Never Think About You,
And I'm Better Off Without You!
I Don't Miss You at all,
I Don't Miss You at all.
You Don't Spin Around in my Head,
It's Like you Never Existed,
And I Hope you Don't Call.
Cause I Don't Miss You at all.

That song's been stuck in my head ever since the first time that I heard it. Hahaha.
Anyway! Down to bussiness.
This is a Kilij.

The Kilij is a sword, obviously. It's an Eastern sword with some similarity to the Persian Scimitar, but it's also very different. The curve in the blade extends the draw of the weapon and the weighted tip adds power and follow through potiential to every slash. Which gives the Kilij enough raw power to literally rip through armor and bones to cut a man in half. This style of sword was used by Vlad the Impaler way, way back in the day.

It's brutish, it's deadly, it's efficent. So, naturally, instead of deciding to keep this weapon for myself, I've decided to hand it over to the enemy! Haha. The Kilij shall now be Kerian's weapon of choice. And although the style of sword has changed, everything else is the same. The handle of Kerian's sword will still be constructed of Human Bone so that our little Necromancer can make it do things without touching it and all that.

Soooo.... There ya have it. Toodles.


Eman29 said...

If you like this sword you might also like Hadhafang. Its arwens sword from LOTR

^ theres the link to a decent pic of it

Lita Kaye said...

It is a handsome blade. Gotta say though, Arwen's sword is a bit girly and not quite as intimidating as Vlad the Impaler's sword. Hahaha. Not exactly the vibe that I want for my villian. Thanks for the thought though?

Hahaha. Now I need to pick out a decent axe for Kazu! X3