Monday, March 19, 2012

Creature Double Feature

Okay, so the other day when I was working on my super epic Battle Scenes of fun and fancy death, I started thinking that perhaps, the battle itself wouldn't be enough chaos to create the necessary amount of distance between Emma and her protectors. So I started thinking that perhaps I should give Kerian like a Troll or something. Like you know how the bad guys always have Trolls on their team in Lord of the Rings? Hahaha.

Of course, Trolls are pretty typically over used. So I probably wouldn't want it to be an actual Troll. Maybe my own version of a Troll would be okay. But even still, I'm kind of leaning away from that idea. I just think that I want some sort of a big, hulking monster type thing with relatively low intelligence, that's tough to kill but at the same time, I don't want there to be a trick to killing it. Ya know?

Um, I was actually thinking maybe Lizardy type guys. But no one else seems to be liking the idea. -shrug- Either way, I'm open to suggestions. But I don't want Spiders or Wolves. So keep that in mind if my some bizarre twist of fate you decide to comment on this post.


Shadow Wolf said...

i do not understand lizard guys but anyway. big freaking monsters well as you described i think of the colossis from dark sector. which there was not trick to killing you just hack at the damn thing forever.

another idea is have some explosion type thing. mabye there is a Gambit out there that drops a bomb in the middle of everything spreading people out. think of tremmors when Bacon Earl and chicky there got thown far away from that rock after the bomb was spit at them.

Damien said...

How about a war elephant type thing? Like the Mumakil in LOTR.

Blaise said...

Hm, so let me get this straight, in order to get Damien to comment on something, Kitty has to have a break down and ignore him for a few days? That doesn't exactly seem worth it. -shrug-