Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dance a Tango to Hell

So, I started this post on Valentine's Day and I was originally planning to rant and rave for like half a page about how thanks to certian people in my life I am begining to hate the Holiday. Buuuut, rereading that today, I've realized that that would make me sound like a bitter old lady that hates the World and let's face it, only half of that statement is true. Hahaha. So, I've decided to just cut that out. And now onto the point!

Today's issue, Emma's weapon.

I was thinking about it and I've decided that Sai are not going to be the best weapon for Emma. Firstly, because they are difficult weapons to wield, they are hard to get good at using and let's face it, not too many people even know what Sai are. -_-" Secondly, the motions of Sai and such are difficult to describe especially to people who are unfirmilar with the weapon and I feel like if I spend three pages of my book explaining the parts of the Sai and the different grips and such that people will get bored quite fast and lose interest. Then lastly, I currently have Emma carrying two heavy metal Sai on her belt along with a Katana and full armor with chain mail! It's light armor, but still, that's going to be a very heavy outfit and realistically it would slow her down quite a lot especially since she's had much less training then the others. Also, when in the battle would she not long lose both Sai but have enough time to draw and then probably lose sword? It's not all that plausible. It can be done, it just isn't really the tone that I want for this.

So, I'm considering changing her weapon to a short sword and sheild. Why, you ask? Well, because that's the weapon I gave my Soul Calibur 3 version of Emma. Cassandra Style! Hahaha. ( I'm only good at using like 4 people in that game btw. X3 ) Also, I noticed the other day that none of the main characters use sheilds. Literally no one. And though the basic time model period would suggest that everyone should be weilding either a bow and arrow set or the sword and sheild combo or just like a broad sword, I want to change things up a bit. Like Hiroshi, for example, will fight with either a Spear or a Zanbato. I haven't started working specifically on his part of the WAR scenes yet, so I haven't quite decided yet, but the point remains.

So, um, yea... Thoughts? Comments? Any sort of input would be greatly appericated.

Bye Bye,
Lita Kaye


Shadow Wolf said...

i would just say sod it and explain the sai and its parts in context. people learn things from reading like weapons. i have had to look up weapons from books like the nodachi. so just make the reader look it up.

but i agree in all out war sai are not the best. if you really want you can have her train for her own intrest or have her in a stealth mission like sai are for. anyway sword and sheild is cool you know how they work given you soul calibur experence.

Anonymous said...

you can just reference the ninja turtles when explaining the sai, say it was her favorite show or something to that effect and thats why she picked them? pretty simple for an explanation but should be able to get the point across. but sword and shield would work good too.