Sunday, August 21, 2011

How You Gonna See Me Now?

So, as those of you who are close to me or are have spoken to me recently would know, I received some very, very awful news Friday night. I won't go into the details of it here, but please keep my friend Ann Dixon and her child in your prayers... It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

Anyway, Alice Cooper last Saturday night!
This is the canvas thingie that was hung like infront of the stage, so we couldn't see the roadies picking stuff up and putting it down because they are roadies!! Hahaha. ((Like I'd ever forget that song!)) Looks pretty cool don't it?
Oh! And what's this?
A picture of me and Wolf with my little teddy bear, Vincent and my

So, Alice had no opening band on Saturday. And why, you may ask? Because he's ALICE FREAKING COOPER AND HE NEEDS NO OPENING BAND?! THE MAN IS A SHOW ALL BY HIMSELF?! Which, as anyone who's ever seen an Alice Cooper concert will tell you is completely true, I am not baised or exaggerating. Haha. Oh! And unlike a certian Zob Rombie I could mention, Alice does not need to resort to using a bunch of flat screens flashing pictures of boobs on it to distract people from the fact that his music actually blows. Because Alice actually has talent. And that's the truth!

And my phone is retarded. I'm going to trade it in for a new one, like tomorrow. I'm sick of it freaking out on me every two seconds.

Anyway, the first song that he played was The Black Widow, which is one of my favorites ever! It's also why I named my teddy bear Vincent, in reference to Vincent Price who does the intro to The Black Widow. He also sang a couple of my other favorites, but because this was the "Early Years" tour there was very little Steven to be had. Which is a bit saddening. I love Steven!! But Alice made it up to us though by bringing out the Boa Constrictor?! Whoooo! And I say this all the time, if you didn't see either the snake or the black make up at the concert, then you didn't see Alice Cooper. Hahaha. I saw both on Saturday! I even got a picture of him holding the snake.

Now, let's see, what else happened during the concert? Oh, that's right! ALICE PLAYED US A BRAND NEW SONG OFF OF HIS YET TO BE RELEASED NEW ALBUM!!?!! WHOOOOO!! Hehehe. Alice isn't retiring anytime soon Guys. <3
Then, after the show, I got to go back stage and meet Alice Cooper?! That's right, Alice Cooper. My Hero. And guess what? He is the sweetest guy on the planet! You know how sometimes people finally met their Hero's and they wind up being total Tool Boxes or complete Jerks? Well that certianly didn't happen here?! Alice Cooper is the nicest guy that you'll ever meet! I mean, he gave me a hug. That's right. You're jealous, Alice Cooper gave me a hug!

.....I really wish that I thought to get a picture of him hugging me....

And here's one of the pictures of us together!
((I have more pictures of us together too!))
Oh and remember how in my last post, I said that I had spent so much of my life sewing ribbons onto that stupid dress that Alice better tell me that he likes it? No? Of course you don't. You people have the short term memory of a gold fish! Or a gnat or something.... Well anyway, guess what? ALICE DID LIKE MY DRESS?! He told me that it was very pretty and that he felt under dressed sitting next to me. Hahaha. And he autographed literally everything that I had on me. My bag, my tour shirt, the set list, Vincent's tee shirt. Everything! He was so sweet! AND HE GAVE ME A FREAKING HUG?!

I may never get over that. Alice Cooper gave me a hug! <3
I can die happy now. Haha

So, my dress isn't a hundred percent done yet. I've got one or two more ribbons to sew onto it and all of the bead work to do. But even as it is with just the ribbon and that pendant that I sewed to the front, I think that it's a great improvement and I'm already getting compliments on it! So, yay me! I'll post more pictures when it's actually done for reals. But don't expect them anytime soon. I don't own a sewing machiene and I have to do it all by hand which bloooooows! CARPEL TUNNEL NIGHTMARE! Hahaha

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sexy Like a Chocolate Strawberry

Guess what?!
I got my hairz cut todaaaaaaaay?!

I think that it looks super cute tiems. It's short now! Like really, really short. Like you would not believe how much freaking hair I had in my lap by the time she was done cutting. Hahaha. Anyway, it's a bit diffrent then what I've done in the past, and in fact, in fact, I think that I kind of look like Claudia!?!! Which I didn't realize until after she cut it all off, but is super cool. And ironical to boot because I totally chose Claudia to play Me/Emma if my book ever actually became a movie! Hahaha. Isn't that sweeeet? ....I find it amusing anyway.

Oh, and I'd looooove to post some more pictures of Claudia and such to go along with this amazingly interesting post about my super sexy new hairz. Buuuuut, I am on my friend Bryan's Brother's laptop and I don't want to be saving pictures to his computer and I don't trust the internet in general, so, sorry about that Loyal Fans. I guess that ya'll will have to live without some more sexy pictures of Claudia and assorted other things.

Um, anyway, I literaly don't have anything relevant to post about. But my lame ass boyfriend is ignoring me to trade Magic cards and such and Bryan gave me the computer. Hahaha.

Ummmm, let's see anything else I have to say....? Probably not...... Just kidding!!


-insert an epic picture of Alice Cooper here-

I'm going to have him sign my Alice Cooper teddy bear, Vincent. Remember him?

And, um, my hair is so light and short that I keep playing with it like constantly. And wish me much luck in being the one that they pick to go up on stage with Alice during the concert. And Alice Cooper better tell me that my dress is pretty because I've been sewing ribbons on the damn thing to make it prettier for like literally the 20 hours straight. And comment more on legitimate posts in which I ask for your helps. And join my roleplay you lame, lazy bastards. And I really do want World Peace?! Hahaha.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wifi is Short for Winston Finklestein?

So, I come out back to my computer to type up this blog post about cake because I've been procrastinating about writing it and my Mom is watching True Blood and as anyone who knows me would know, Vampire Porn bothers me to no conceivable end. Anyway, so literally as soon as I pull my Blog up, my nose starts gushing blood like a freakin faucet. -_- Super Duper annoying.

Anyway, this is a fabulous post about the cakes that me and my dearest, darlingest Layfon baked together. Yes, you read that right. My boyfriend and I bake together. On a fairly regular basis! And I just thought that I'd show off our amazing culinary skills for all too see! Hahaha

The first time we made cake together it was mostly because Layfon randomly wanted to make cake and our friend Mike's birthday seemed like a perfect excuse to do such a thing. And since we had enough batter to make two, we did just that. One for us and one for Mike. Hahaha.

Layfon decorated this one. Looks a little tardy doesn't it? Haha
I decorated Mike's cake! Do you like my shooting starfish?
Cloooose up!
This one if from the second time that we made cake together.
I decorated this one!
He's a french smilie face with a little goate and a curly mustache and a unibrow! (Very French)
This one is Layfon's. He used the ENTIRE jar of green suger crystals on that smilie face. And I gave it pupils because I can. Hahaha.
We also burned the hell out of these cakes because Layfon set the oven 150 degrees higher then he was supposed too without realizing it.
This is our most recent cake. The chocolate frosting was really dark so the pictures not the best, but then again we didn't really decorate this one. Layfon just drew a smilie face on it with whatever frosting we had left. Hahaha. Anyway, this was one of my favorite cakes we made together because it's yellow cake with pink in the middle and really dark brown on top. So when you cut into it it looks super funny!

Oh! And in a completely unrelated note, I'm thinking of writing some more short stories for my This is Love, This is Life collection that aren't specifically about relationships. Granted, it would still be a lot of heartbreak because the shorts are based on my life and let's face it, for a reasonably cheerful white suburban middle class college student, I deal with an awful lot of crap. By the way special thanks to all you Jerks out there for breaking my heart, taking sides and abandoning me! (And I'm not just talking about ex boyfriends) I really appercaite it. Really.

Thank God that Claudia gets me.

Anyway, I was just thinking that I should probably do a bit more outside of relationships if not just to add to the This is Life part of the title. But I don't really want this too become a biography. Firstly, because my life is not that interesting. And secondly, because some of the stories I've written for it are in no way true. Like the ones with Blaise in them for instance. He doesn't exist! Though I so very badly, and I mean badly wish that he did...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blow Me A Kiss

I love this picture
Isn't it great?
I totally know how Spike feels right now

Anyway, I guess I don't have much of anything to post about right now. Anything relevant anyway. But it's 1:45 in the morning, I can't sleep and I am so, so very depressed right now that it's not even funny. So, I figured why not do some Blogging? You people always love to read my occasional super depressing posts, right? Hahaha

Okay, so I guess that I'm going to tell you all about a dream that I had a little bit ago. I was on my way Home from a sleep over and driving down this road just minding my own bussiness and then all of a sudden these cops pull over me and like three other cars and we wind up parked on this side street in a line and I'm the last car in the line and the Police Officer is going down car the line car to car asking people questions and such, while his partner stands next to the Police Car and does nothing at all.

Now I don't know why, but for some reason I decide that I am going to make a break for it and I drive away. The Police Men of course give chase and the only reason that I get away is because there's traffic or something and they can't get through. So, I go Home and park my car like right next to the house so that you can't really see it from the street and then I go out with my parents. Why? To buy a Prom dress. Why I am buying a Prom dress? I have no clue actually. We don't talk about me going to the Prom at all.

Anyway, we buy the dress and I come out and my friend Matt is sitting outside next to his car, now Matt is apprently a Police Man because he's wearing a uniform and all that stuff. So, I go over to him and ask if very Officer on the force is looking for me right now. And he says the only reason that they haven't found me yet is because of him. And I tell him that he's the best and then I leave with my parents. And when I get Home my car is gone. And my parents are totally unphased by the fact that it's gone.

So, I don't make a big deal out of it either. Then the next day I go to school and K is waiting for me outside the school. Yes K, from Men in Black. And he's like, I have your car. And I'm like why? You've got nothing on me. (Still no idea what I apprently did or why I ran by the way.) And he's like I've got a witness! And the Officer that was standing next to the car doing nothing when I ran, shows up. And K is like, is this the girl? And he's like, I don't know. And K's like don't you remember? And he's like not really. So K starts to get pissed then and he's like what do you remember? And this guy is like boobs, so I know it was a girl and there was a stuffed animal in the front seat and the car might have been black. And K's like might have been? Well that's not enough for me to go on. And I'm like exactly! So, why'd ou take my car? And K's like I don't know. Hahaha

It was a really random dream. Not quite as random as the dream I had about Sharks eating old ladys in Colonial era party dresses.