Wednesday, July 27, 2011

0_- Cheeeeeeese? -_0

Where are you going for lunch?

So, sort post today. Hahaha. Anyway, I was just thinking that some of my characters now have tails like the animals that they um, share DNA with, I guess. You know, in addition to the ones that already had wings and Nicademus with his gills and Shark eyes and such.


Yea... So, now I'm starting to wonder if they have tails and wings and stuff, should they have any other animal like characteristics. Now, please do get your mind out of the gutter!! I'm not talking about anything weird like having them lick themselves clean or anything like that exceedingly creppy like that. I was just thinking, should they be able to see in the dark? After all, Nicademus can see under water. Should they be able to roar or growl like their animal counterparts? Because how cool would that be if Emma could roar like a Panther?! So cool! And Aiden could screech like a Hawk and that would be a great crowd control method for him to utilize, wouldn't it? Hahaa

Ya know, just stuff like that. I mean, it would make sense, I think. Because Nicademus can do all kinds of Shark like stuff. And I don't want to change any of his abilities because they suit him and such. But on the other hand, he is also the only Vaikas that has more then one animal characteristic. Soooo, that makes things a bit unbalanced. Dontchu think? Hahaha.

Music is Life

So, I've been living for my music a bit more then I used to as of late. Which some people might think is strange, but I guess that I think those people are nuts. Music is beautiful and it's something that everyone can relate to in one way another. Which is cool. So, I don't really have much revelant information to post today. But I kind of felt like blogging, and according to my boyfriend and my brother I don't blog enough anyway, so I guess that everyone wins. Or at least the three of us do. Hahaha.

Anyway, I thought that I'd just post some lyrics from a few of my favorite songs. Because they inspire and give me strength. And who knows maybe if you read them here, they can inspire you too! Hahaha

Hey Stoopid by Alice Cooper
"C'mon Girl it's a better day, get your foot out of that grave, don't let that one love tear your World apart! C'mon Babe, kick that stuff, and show the street it ain't so tough. Quit lying around with a crippled, broken heart."

Haven't Seen the Last of Me by Cher
"They can say that I won't stay around, but I'm gonna stand my ground! You're not gonna stop me now! You don't know me, you don't know who I am, don't count me out so fast. I've been brought down too my knees, and I've been pushed right past the point of breaking, but I can take it! I'll be back, back on my feet. This is far from over, you haven't seen the last of me.

There will be no fade out! This is not the end, I'm down now but I'll be standing tall again! Times are hard but, I was built tough! I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of! I've been brought down to my knees and I've been pushed right past the point of breaking, but I can take it! I'll be back, back on my feet. This is far from over, I am far from over. You haven't seen the last of me."

Someone to Fall Back on from Bandslam
"I am no prince, I am no saint but if that's what you believe you need, you're wrong. You don't need much, you need someone to fall back on. And I'll be that, I'll take your side. If I'm the only one, I'm used to that. I've been alone, I'd rather be. The half of us, The least of you, the best of me. And I will be! I'll be your prince, I'll be your saint, I will go crashing through fences in your name! I will, I swear, I'll be someone to fall back on! I'll be the one who waits, and for as long as you'll let me, I'll be the one you need. I'll be someone to fall back on!"

Survive by Sick Puppies
"I've had too many days where I'm ready to break. There's gotta be more, there's gotta be more, so I incest everything because I'm in it to win. Nothing but time on my side. Anywhere I chose, cause I wasn't built to lose and you think I'm gonna fall face down on the floor just because I'm high, high? As for me, I have to disagree, cause I'm the one who will survive, the ones you eat alive and nobody puts up a fight! They die, they die. Growing tired of bills and popping all these pills, but I'll do what I want to do. Cause I wasn't built to lose."

What are you Looking for? by Sick Puppies
"I walk the line of the disappointed, I celebrate when I'm in pain. My heart and mind can be disjointed. I built a bed in this hole I made... I recognize that I'm damaged, I sympathize that you are too. I wanna breathe without feelin' so self-conscious, But it's hard when the world's starin' at you... Another piece of the puzzle, that doesn't fit. You throw your arms up, you're so damn sick of it! What are you working for, What are you searching for? Love... You won't be thinking of cars when, You're on your death bed and dyin', You'll only be thinkin' of what you are paying for, What you are praying for, Love.
I'll never be what I see on the TV screen, I just keep dreaming of what I'm never gonna be! But I can't think of a better way to waste my time then try!

Anyway, that's just a few of them. Believe me, there are a TON more. But I am waaaay to lazy to type any more of them right now. Hahaha. So anyway, I hope that you liked those songs. Their some of my favorites.

Bye Bye

Friday, July 8, 2011

Again With The Butt!

'Ello My Freaky Little Darlings!
How are we all doing today?
Glad to hear it.
I too, am well.
Thank you for asking.

Anyway, the topic of today's post is a preface. As it is my book starts out with Emma having a nightmare about the day she fell through The Void. Now, the question is, do any of you people think that I should write a preface for the book? It would have to be a scene from the day that Valken was murdered and Emma fell, obviously. I was thinking of perhaps the scene where Aiden and Hiroshi stumble Home all battered and bruised, without Emma, intending to go and round up every single man they have and go on a huge quest to find Emma. Only to find the castle in an uproar and Aurora and Lily crying their eyes out because Valken has been murdered. Or perhaps, just the part where they capture Kerian and Aiden sentences him. I don't know. I suppose that I could try to do both. But they would have to be a bit more abbreviated then I'd like and I don"t want anything to seem rushed. Ya know?

Um, so yea. Any thoughts on that? Because if I decide to write a preface then I have to decide other things like how long it should be, which part, from who's perspective and all kinds of other stuff like that. So, um, input?

Also, did anybody but me notice that in that picture of Spike on the motorcycle that I posted awhile back, he's wearing a big square belt buckle with a round bit in the center that looks quite similar to the lame belt buckle things that they had in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?

Cause it totally did!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tramps Like Us, Baby We Were Born to Run

Baby, wrap your legs 'round these velvet rims and strap your hands across my engines!
Together we could break this trap,
We'll run till we drop, Baby we'll never look back

Yea.... I would totally jump on the back of Spike's motorcycle and run away with him. Hahaha. No reason to roll your eyes at your computer screen though, I know exactly how lame I am. In fact, I'm pretty well aware. Hahaha. Buuuuuut, I love that song a lot annnnnnnd I have all of these epic, gorgeuos pictures of Spike. So, why not post them?

Anyway, back to the topic of the post at hand. Um, my blog has suddenly decided that it will in fact, let me copy and paste things from my Word Documents to my blog again like I used to be able too. Which kind of begs the question, should I start posting my actually writing on this blog again or not? Because I know that the majority of my "loyal" fans are too lazy to check my blog regularly, let alone read anything on my Devianart page.

Yea, that's right. I know and I'm talking about you.

So, on the one hand, more people would actually read my writing if I posted it up here. However, on the other hand, if there are only two people who EVER comment on my blog as of right now, what're the chances that if I start posting my writing that that's going to change? I would expect rather slim. Slim to none, actually. But the question still stands.

And let's wrap this post up with another good picture of Spike.
He looks goooooood, right?
Good, if not slightly creepy whilest hugging himself.