Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Bubo MacPhearson von PookieBearinstien

This Tea is nothing but hot leave juice!?!!
Oh wait..... That's what all Tea is, isnt it?

Anyway, I had a most peculiar dream the other day, and I feel like posting about it. Soooo, Deal with it! Hahaha.

Okay, so when my dream started out, Me and my Princeling were at a wedding. Now, I didn't recognize a single person at this wedding, but apprently the bride and groom were old friends of ours. Hahaha. Anyway, everything is very normal and wedding-y for awhile, you know we're all standing around talking about the cake and the bride's dress and such like that and then all of a sudden there is a huge explosion and it blows out one of the walls of the reception hall. And then everyone is like 'ohmigod, what happened?!' and we run outside to investigate and guess what we find?!

No seriously. Guess. You'll never guess it in a million years. Hahaha.

We see LL Cool J standing ontop of a car in the parking lot, commanding a gaint red Tyrannisaurus Rex to destroy all the cars in the parking lot. And then! Someone screams and turns and sees us, and then orders the T Rex to maul everyone! Can you believe it?! So, naturally, we all start running for our lives. And the bride and groom get eaten first, I remember this because I looked over my shoulder whilest running, even though that is my single biggest complaint about Horror movies. I mean seriously, you know that whatevers chasing you is still there, infact you can probly hear it coming for you, why do you have to turn around and look at it? Why?

But I am getting off topic. Anyway, the bride and groom get eaten first and I remember watching the T Rex nomming on them and noticing that even as they were being eaten, they were still holding hands and thinking, Awwww! That's so sweet! And then my Princeling grabs my arms and starts pulling me along because you don't run as fast when your looking over your shoulder you know. Anyway, the T Rex chases us all the way to a random Industrial Park/Construction Site, where we suddenly have normal clothes on instead of suits and fancy dresses, and we start trying to hide. And against all survival techniques known to man, we split up. But I think that that was probly more due to panic then anything else.

Some people try hiding in and under the equipment, or in the buildings and one crazy guy in particular, drives to run the T Rex over with a Bulldozer and each and every single one of those people gets mauled. Now, my group, which consists of Me and my Princeling and like 5 or 6 other random people. And we have the brilliant idea to run all the way around the building and break in through the back because we apprently think that if the T Rex doesn't see us go into the building then he wont be able to figure out that we're there. Which isn't a bad plan, I don't think.

So, we get into the building and thats when it because rather reminiscent of Resident Evil. Because there was a computer and a holigram of a creepy little girl with a british accent. And I don't remember everything that she said to us, but she definately said, "You are all going to die down here." And I remember thinking, down here? We're on the first floor! Hahaha. Anyway, the little holigram girlie starts telling us about how there's no way out and we've run ourselves into a dead end and theres no escape, you cant beat the T Rex and this that and the other thing. You know, doom and gloom type stuff like that. And it doesn't really bother me. But it is bothering this one guy who is in the corner shaking and what not and looks out the window and sees a totally intact Jeep and he's like come on! We can make it if we run! And we're like Nooooo, I don't think that's a good idea. And he starts shouting about how he doesn't wanna die like this and if we don't wanna go find he'll go without us. Blah, blah, blah. And we tell him to shut up because T Rex aren't Deaf! But he won't listen so he breaks the window and starts running for the truck only too be mauled. And now the T Rex knows where we are.

So, we burst out the front door and start running like crazy. But LL Cool J is standing outside and most of us manage to get past him, but he grabs one lady and calls for the T Rex to come back over this way. And we keep running, and then all of a sudden this one guy, who is apprently the Princeling's best friend and really, really cute, yells "THE STAIR CASE!?!!" and points ahead and I'm not really paying attention because I'm too busy running. Meanwhile the Princeling and this guy start arguing about this. It was something along the lines of, "its the most fortified place in this area" "we shouldn't stop it's too risky" "well we cant outrun it either" You know, that sort of thing. But then as we approach the stair case this dude shoulder checks Princeling and the two of us fall into the stairwell between these two gaint concrete buildings. And then he starts fiddling with a random control panel next to the entrance to the stairwell and yelling at the two other people who are left. And they join us in the stairwell and then all of a sudden this huge doors slam shut on us. You know? Like they just shoot out of nowhere and smash together like you would expect doors to do in a Horror movie or a space station or something.

Anyway, the Princeling starts freaking out and pounding at the door and yelling at the AI to open it because his hott, nameless best friend is going to die. But his friend locks the computer out for something like a half hour, so that she won't do anything until then. And then he gives a most dramatic speach about who he loves that woman the LL Cool J grabbed and even though she didn't know he existed or they werent together or something like that, he still loved her and he had try and save her. And I'm bawling my eyes out. And Princelings pounding on the door and yelling at him. But his friend just smiles, pulls out a pocket knife and runs off.

He attacks LL Cool J with the knife and wounds him a little bit and the LL lets go of the girl and Princeling's friend runs off with her. Then the T Rex starts chasing them. And this random girl trips and falls like all stupid girls do in this situation and Princeling's friend helps her up but by the time she starts running again the T Rex is ontop of them So he does the sterotypical male, knight in shining armor, hero thing and pushes her behind a building or some sort of cover and lets himself get eated. And the girl just falls down behind the cover and starts crying instead of continuing to run like she should have. And then she repeats Kayoko Kotohiki's last words, her little monolouge there, from Battle Royale, word for word. She's like, but you never even talked to me, how could you be in love with me? I had no idea! You loved me so much that you'd die for me!? How come you never said anything! And then she furthers this demonstration of her stupid by picking up a big rock coming out from behind her cover and chucking it at the T Rex, tears streaming, you know all that cliche madndmess. And then of course she gets mauled. Sooooo, essentially the Princeling's friend died for her in vain.

And the four or five us that are left, locked in the stair well watch this whole thing. And I bury my face in the Princeling's shirt, crying my eyes out and the Princeling's just holding me. He's got like one very manly, tear running down his cheek and a pissed off/determined look on his face. And everyone else just looks horrorfied. One person even throws up. Because of all the death in this dream, for some reason that was the only gory one. Hahaha. Everything else was basically cartoon violence.

So anyway, after watching his evil T Rex maul these two people, LL Cool J comes over to the stair well door and smirks at us before he starts fiddling with the control panel by the door. And the Princeling glares at him for a minute and then he's like alright everybody upstairs. Come on! So we only go up a flight or two. Because we don't want to be too close to the roof, because the closer we are too the roof the easier it would be for the T Rex to get too us. So, we stay on like the fourth floor or something and we have too wait the whole half an hour or whatever it takes the system to stop being locked out. And everyone is freaking out because we figure that as soon as the system is back online we're dead. But like 45 minutes pass and LL Cool J never comes up the stairs. So, one guy goes to check it out and finds that LL is gone. So he comes running back up stairs and starts yelling guys theyre gone! Theyre gone! They must have given up and left! We're gonna make it!! Because he cant see anything from the window.

And me and the Princeling are like, Yeeeeeeeaaaaa. I dont think that its that easy. And this guy is like No! We can make it! And he yells at the computer to open the door and it does. And the Princeling starts yelling at the computer not to do it. And I start yelling at him not to be stupid. But he goes anyway and immediately upon leaving the building gets mauled. We hear his screams, I grab the one other survivor and the three of us make a break for the roof! And as soon as we get there we run down the fire escape on the otherside of the building, closest to the road.
Now, when we don't follow the other guy outside, LL Cool J runs up the stairs and by the time that he gets too the roof, we're already down the fire escape and half way to the fence surrounding the area. So he busts out a gun and starts shooting at us. The one other survivor, a younger, blonde girl that I am still dragging around by the arm because she doesn't run fast enough, gets shot in the head and immediately dies. And I get shot through the shoulder. But the Princeling sees me stumble and grabs my arm so I dont fall and we can keep running. And we hop the first fence and LL Cool J fires off a couple more shots at us, but they all miss. And right about then the T Rex runs around to our side of the building.
LL Cool J calls off the T Rex. And then just stands on the rooftop and watches us run, all whilest smiling.... for no apprent reason. It was strange. But whatever, me and my Princeling got away. Hahaha.
....Is it strange that I often have dreams about dinosaurs chasing me all over creation? Hahaha. I mean, usually it's Raptors, not a T Rex and usually I'm alone instead of with boyfriend and a group of random other people. But still it's all basically the same dream. Hahaha. Oh! And I had a most peculiar dream about a Zombie Apocolypse in which me and my brother encounter some cannibals living in an ambulence! That one was a little bit horrorfying actually. But I really only remember the ambulence part of that one. Still, I'll post it if you like.
And by if you like, I of course, mean if I bloody well feel like it.
Speaking of strange dreams!! You know what my Princeling told me the other day? That he had a dream that I had gotten him pregnant!! Hahaha. Apprently I had the best look on my face when he told me about it too. Hahaha.
And in other news, I have started a new little mini series of stories! It doesn't have a title yet, but it's on my Deviantart. There's only one up there at the moment but I am in the middle of typing up several more of them. So check those out sometime.
Annnnnnd! .....I think that that's it. Hahahaha. Goodnight Everybody!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It Can't Rain All The Time

Ohmigod! I found the Avatar!?!! Hahahha.
Hello and Welcome to my super fabulous Blog of EPIC DEEEEEEEAAAAATTH!?!! Hahaha. I don't have a ton to say in this particular post so, I'm just going to post a bunch of random pictures along side the useful infromation of this post. Hahaha.

Because people are more likely to read and comment on my blog if there are random silly pictures, right!?! Right!?!! WRONG!! No one ever comments on mah blog, not even my boyfriend and/or brother silly pictures of not! -cries- Hahaha!! -guilt trip-


This first one here is a picture of the Avatar, Ang that someone drew on my car windshield. The picture is pretty awful, but then again, so was the drawing! Hahaha. And it certianly made me laugh!

And this is a picture of two of my stuffed animals, lookinf super freakin adorable. Raspberry Lime Ricky the Raccoon and Shi Foo the Red Panda. Hahaha. They are holding flowers!

And now on to something relevant!?!! Hahaha

I totally forgot to mention this the other day when I was posting, but I've also finally picked names for Blaise's parents!?!! Hahaha. I've decided that I'm going to go with Gabriel and Ariana. Gabriel, in reference to The Left Hand of God/Van Helsing and Eric Draven's cat. And Ariana in reference toooooo..... nothing. I just like the name. Hahaha.

Runners Up:

But I do reserve the right to freak out and change her name again!?!! I mean, after all, the thought literally just now occured to me that I could name Aiden's sister, Lillith and have everyone except like Aurora and Nicademus, just call her Lily. Hahaha. I'm soooooooo slow. >_<>
And here is a picture of Michael Wincott as Rochforte in The Three Musketeers!?!! Random? Not really. At least to me it's not. You however, are probly going what the hell?! And to that I say, Hahahaha! You are out of the loop!

Anyway, isn't he cute?! He is! And he's got the absolute greatest voice on this planet! Hahaha. XD This man is also the reason that Nicademus is blind in one eye, has a big friggin scar and wears an eyepatch! Hahaha. So you can thank him for that, Nic!

And that's all I have to say to you guys today! Love ya, Bye!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thanks I Could Help Bro!

Okay, so as the three people who read this blog have told me, repeatatively, I have been slacking off with the updates! So today, I have a totally relevant and semi interesting post you! ...And thanks for the harassment by the way Guys. -sarcasm-

-Firstly we have Angel's arch rival.

As you may or may not recall, I have gone back and forth and back and forth about what to name this stupid wench. Well I have finally decided on that! Her name shall be, wait for it! ....Selene. Yesh! Selene! Why you ask? I don't know! Deal with it! Hahaha.

Anyway, that's my final anwser. At least until next week or a month or two from now when I suddenly decide that I hate the name Selene. But I really, really hope that that doesn't happen. I am so sick of working on this stupid wench. Hahaha.

-Next order of bussiness is Selene's face! Remember how I suddenly decided that I absolutely hated her original character ref? Well I made some new ones for ya! Enjoy. And please ignore the super crappy pictures. Sun glare seriously ruins my Macgyvered screen shots. Hahaha.
Personally, I'm leaning toward this first one. I like the black hair that fades into brown at the bottom. It's kinda pretty. Works with the hooker make up. And matches her pretty new Hazily Brown eyes. I think it sort of gives the air of a stuck up bitch who thinks she entitled to everything and has a massive inferiority complex. Ya know, basically what I was going for. Haha.

These next two are exactly the same hair in two diffrent colors! -gasp-

Holy messy blue bun Batman!!! Hahaha. I lover this hair. It's so pretty. Hahaha. And the blue still looks pretty with the hooker make up and her eyes. So it's all good.
And the pinkish red version. Complements the eyes and hooker make up. It's very nice, isn't it? Haha. This one is leading in popularity with the two people that I asked to their faces/via text message. But then again, both of them are very baised toward red heads, soooo yea. Anyway, I'm just a bit hesitant to pick the red one for Selene, just because Angel's hair as red in it and Emma's hair is red. And I don't want too many red heads running around my castle!!?! Hahah. Actually, Elonwey and Aurora are also red heads, but their not in any of the scenes with Selene, so that's fairly irelevant, isn't it? Haha.

Sooo, yea. That may be a silly thing to worry about. But that's what I do! Deal with it!!?!!?!!!

-And moving right along! My little brother Xander is the focus of this next issue. Remember how a few posts ago, I was complaining about how I was trying to rename Xanathos and I totally forgot what I was gona change his name too? Well, in trying to remember what that stupid name was I started thinking of other cool names that I have yet to use. And I decided that Xander is not the most interesting name that I could have used for my baby brother. So I think I'm going to change it to something much more interesting and befitting of a changeling. And what is that name you ask? Well I'll tell you. It's....
Yesh! Fiore! It sounds cool doesn't it? That's because it is! So cool! Wanna know where I got it? I bet you'll never guess!? Never! .....I got it from Sailor Moon!?!! I know, blows your mind don't it? He was a hott, alien, bad guy in one of the Sailor Moon movies with blue hair and green skin and was totally in love with Darien! Hahaha. Anyway, me and My Princeling love it. And I think that Angel, Emma and Fiore sounds just as good together as Angel, Emma and Xander ever did. Haha. Because that sort of thing is another one of those stupid things that I obsess and worry about!

Anyway, in changing Xander's name to Fiore, two things happened. One! Angel can no longer call her brother XandoZan. Which is hillarious. So, I'll have to come up with some other annoying nick name for her to use. And two! I was inspired to change in appearance. Kinda of.
You see, at the moment Xander/Fiore natural state is the spitting image of his father, Aiden. (Except he's supposed to have silver streaks in his hair) Which I think is pretty freakin adorable actually.

Hehehehe. Lookit how adorable he is!?
Anyway, then all of a I was like wait a second here!!! Xander/Fiore is a changling/shapeshifter! He can look however he wants too! And then I felt stupid for not thinking of that one sooner. Haha. So, I have decided that Xander/Fiore's natural state shall look just like the picture above and that his perfered form shall be the picture below.
Hehehe! Lookit how freakin adorable he is! Dontchu love his hair? I do! It's like my favorite male hair ever! Sooooo pretty! And colorfuuuul! And I think that it makes him look much more interesting and unique! So, yea. I love it! You should too! Hahaha.

-Then lastly we have Kikyo! Yes. I decided that I hated her character reference around the same time I decided that I hated Selene's. So I remade her. And I really like how it came out!
Tada! Kikyo! I think that this picture reference makes her look a lot more like the raging psychopath that she is.
You should! Hahaha.

Anyway, She's got pinkish-red skin with white facial markings. And Magenta eyes to match. I may change her eye make up a bit. And perhaps use a diffrent set of Magenta eyes. (I was thinking of maybe using slitted, cat like eyes actually.) But this is essentailly how I want her to look.

-And I was planning on posting about Hawk as well. But I accidently deleted all of my pictures of him. So I have to remake him. O_- Which sucks! But it won't take that long, I'm just feeling pretty lazy right now! Haha. But it's all good.
And still no progress has been made on the coming up with a Resolution. And that's pretty much all that I have for you guys at the moment. I thank you for reading it! But I'll love you forever if you comment on it and tell what the hell you think of it! Hahaha.

Ta Ta For Now!
-Lita Kaye

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's Gonna Be A Happy New Year

And not so Loyal Fans, and Family Members and Random People who just sort of stumbled onto my SUPER FABULOUS BLOG
.....OF DEATH!!!?!!
I don't usually make New Years Resolutions, because let's be honest, how many people actually manage to keep them? .....Uh-huh. That's what I thought. Very few people. But that's besides the point. I am feeling very, very good about this coming year and I'm not a hundred percent sure why, but I honestly don't care! Because I feel great! Hahaha. And I think that I might just make a Resolution this year.
The problem is, I just don't know what kind of Resolution to make....
It seems like all of my friends are making resolutions about Love. Whether it be to fall in love or find a boyfriend or something to that effect. But I can't really do that because I already have a Boyfriend and We are in Love!
I'm rather interested to see exactly how long it takes for my Boyfriend to find that little message up there. Aren't you? Hehehehe. Anyway! Ummm, yea. So, the only other things that I can think of to make a Resolution about would be School, My Book, Working Out, Karate.
But I'm pretty set with school. I mean I got accepted into the college that I really, really wanted to get into. And my grades were good last semester. I may or may not get screwed over next semester as far as my transfer credits. But it is possible for me to work that out... I think. Karate is also pretty good. I should be getting my Requirements so I can test for Third Degree this Summer. But I'm not sure if I want to go for that or not. I mean, it might be a little crazy, trying to move and get ready for the test and all that junk all at the same time. And I work out with my Mum twice a week. And on the days I don't go to the gym with her, I go with my girls after classes. So that's pretty good. And, lately I have been ripping through the scenes of my book. Just writing ALL THE BLOODY TIME! And I know that I haven't posted any of it for you guys but, let's be honest. You don't read it. And on the off chance that you do, you don't comment. On the Blog or in Person. Soooooo, you are absolutely no help in that department! Hahaha.
Anyway, that's my New Years Resolution Dilemma to date. But don't worry! I'll come up with something good. Hahaha.
Happy New Year Guys!
Welcome 2011 with a smile and good cheer,
be nice and don't discard your urine
and let's make it all for one and all for love.