Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sir Lord Barron Von Vader Hamm

Alright, so as anyone that I work with or text frequently would know, I've been working on the character references for the psychotic bastard that kills Blaise's family and mortally wounds Lucian. And I think that I've finally come up with something I like.
Isn't he cute and creepy in a sort of mentally derranged monster sort of way? I think he is. Hahaha. Anyway, I think that I'm going to call him either Rorak or Zorrin. At the moment, I personally am leaning toward Rorak. But I'm sure that by now, you all know have how often I change my mind. Hahaha.

Ummm, also I have decided that he shall be a scorpion. Which is partially why I chose this dark grey/black skin tone for him. Ummm, I am still working on his powers and their extent a little bit. But I know for sure, that he shall be poisonious. With highly neurotoxic venom, of course. I am also reasonably certian that I want him fight with twin knives or possibly even a small ax, as opposed to a sword. I don't know why, I just feel like he should fight with a small, quick weapon of some kind.

Annnnnd yea.... That's about it. I mean he is a psychotic killer. He has no motivation, he just likes to kill anything and everything that crosses him. He doesn't care whether he lives or dies. He's got no friends or allies. No past... What more can I possibly say about him? Hahaha.

"Some men aren't looking for anything Logical,
Some men just want to watch the World burn."

I'll make sure to make a mention of which name I settle on sometime in the near future.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pimps and Junkies and Whores? ... Oh my!

Okay, so this post is pretty much just an update. I was looking through my pictures and SIMS and what not the other day and I decided that I hated Lucian. I mean for the love of Gackt. I knew his hair was aweful and glitched when I chose it for him originally. But I was looking at it the other day and I literally couldn't stand the sight of it.... I also decided that he needed diffrent eyes.

So!?!! I went back and changed him. And here for the World to see is my brand new Lucian.

He's kinda cute, right? Hahaha. I like him alot. He looks much less silly and more leader like now. Which is a good thing for a leader, I think. Hahaha. Anyway, that's my new Lucian. Love him!?!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah, I NEVER LIE!?!!

Alright. So, I was talking to my beloved Kirapaws <3


-Firstly, Nicademus and Lucian were bestest best friends. And it is a well known fact that after Nicademus ran away from home, he travelled with the RoQuero for sometime. So, it stands to reason that Nicademus, would have still been with them when Blaise joins the RoQuero. Which would also better explain, why Blaise and Nicademus are as close as they are.

I mean, originally, Nicademus basically only agrees to help Blaise and Emma, out of respect for Lucian and the fact that Emma is his Grand Daughter. However, when you think about it, and examine everything that goes on between them in this book, you realize that Blaise gets away with an awful lot of things on Nic's ship and brings him alot of grief and in the end Nic still loves him. And I think that if Nic was there with Lucian and watched Blaise grow up a little bit and pherhaps if he thought of Blaise as his little brother or something, that that would better explain their bond.

-Which brings us to my next point. Nicademus has a pretty good life with the RoQuero, why would he leave them? Well, I've got the answer to that one too!

It has been decided that Nicademus will be at the fight in which Lucian is murdered. In fact, I think that I'm going to have him lose his right eye in that fight. Instead of having him lose it when he challenges the current Pirate King for his title. Because I think it'll be a little more dramatic. And, that will also bring the total of people that Blaise cares about that get wounded in that fight up to three. Which will add to his rage, which will fuel the brutal murder of the psychotic demon that has basically destroyed his life twice. Because this is the same demon that killed his family, all those years ago, remember?

I'm thinking of letting Blaise boil this guy's blood in his veins before he takes up Lucian's sword and just destroys this guy beyond all recognition. Saving Nicademus in the process. I'll give you the break down of that Battle in another post.

Lucian dies slowly, because although his wounds aren't fatal, the venom that the psychopath injected into his system keeps Lucian's body from being able to heal the wounds. So he just keeps bleeding. Which sucks. But before Lucian dies, he names Blaise as his successor, even though Blaise is only like 15. But you already knew all of that.

Anyway, Nicademus will stay with Blaise and back him up. Taking it upon himself to make sure that Lucian's final wish is respected, regardless of whether Blaise is fit to lead the RoQuero or not, until the rest of the RoQuero realize that Blaise is actually a very good leader and accept him as such. And after that, Nicademus will begin to wander again.

-I have finally begun work on this psychotic killer's character references. I was thinking of making him a Black Widow Spider or a Scorpion or something to that effect. A snake might even work. Ya know something, poisonous and creepy and such. I'll show you the picture of what I have so far eventually. Hahaha.

-Now, let's talk about Atreyu, Nicademus' not son. I believe that I originally listed Atreyu as an Empath, which I think is a really cool power. However, I have decided that it isn't a very useful power for Demon Pirate. So, in light of this decision, I have changed Atreyu into an Air Bender!?!! Not literally, of course. I mean, he's not going to run around dressed as a Monk now or anything, he's just going to be a fantastic air bender.
Which I have decided is one of the reasons that Nicademus' ship is literally the fastest in the world. He's always got the wind at his back. <3>

-Now the girlfriend. I've decided that I don't like her name, Levia, anymore and that I shall change it. Too what, I haven't decided yet. But It will change. Her powers will also change. You see, originally she was post cognitive. Because that was important to the plot. She needed to see Nic and Blaise's separate pasts in order for a most dramatic scene that I wrote to happen. However, now that I have changed Blaise and Nic's pasts to include one another, that scene is no longer needed. And neither is a post cognitive Vaikas. So, I think that I'll make her Empathic instead.

Annnddd, I think that that is pretty much it, for my most recent bout of changes to the plot. Hahaha. Um, I've been making some super fabulous new character references. So, I'll post those soon..... GOOD DAY!?!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

What's a Motto to You?

Alright, I'm super bored. And I got a half an hour before I need to leave for my gawd awful job, so... whoose up for another irrelevant post? I know I sure as hell am.

Today's subject: Inspiring words and personal mottos.

- "Everything is beautiful, Let the Music carry you. Baby, I will follow you forever. No wehere else I'd rather be when your lying next to me. Let the Music carry us together."

- "The Chad is stuck."

- "Don't let that one love tear your world apart."

- "If only we had an electric Beaver!!?!"

- "I want to breathe without feeling so self conscious. But it's hard when the world's staring at you."

- "I don't belive in "No Win" situations."

- "Bazinga."

- "Life's more painless, for the brainless."

- "You either die a Hero or live long enough to see yourself become a Villan."

- "Death before Blindness."

- "That is very, very good my friend! -dramatic Gandalf impression- You fell through fire and through water and everyday was as long as a life age of the Earth! But you grabbed your germy opponent and punched him in the face repeatedly! And smoute his ruin upon the moutian side! And for that I salute you! HAZZAHH!?!!"

- "Everybody's got a voice. Now's the time to make some noise."

- "If you don't stand for something, then you will fall for anything."

- "You can take my head and cut it off but, you ain't gonna change my mind."

- "One such as you, should never be anything less then what you are."

- "No course is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it."

- "I'm through accepting limits cause someone says there so. Somethings I can not change, but til I try I'll never know."

- "Ain't nothing but a thing." Hahaha. Whatever that means.

- "Minutes are worth more then money. Spend them wisely."

- "I might get lonely, but I'm never alone."

- "To die would be an awfully big adventure."

- "Some Men aren't looking for anything Logical. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

- "When someone tells you that your children are Angels, are you tempted to remind them, that Lucifer was too?"

- "I'm a bitch. I'm a lover. I'm a child. I'm a mother. I'm a sinner. I'm a saint. I do not feel ashamed. I'm your hell. I'm your dream. I'm nothing inbetween. And you know I wouldn't have it any other way."

- "What are you hurting for? What are you searching for? Love."

- "And I can't think of a better way to waste my time, then trying..."

- "We've been given anwsers, still we're walking cancers, dressed up as life."

- "Hey, Why don't you go play with some balls or something Kid?"

- "I hate the way I need you when I don't know where you are."

- "Oh say can you see, my eyes? If you can then my hair's too short!?"

- "They can't break me, as long as I know who I am."

- "A matteress for a murder confession is a pretty good deal."

- "I'm not gonna let Dimitri turn mom into an onion!"

- "Wrong or right, black or white, if I close my eyes, it's all the same."

- "And when things go bump in the night, these guys shoot it."

- "I'm sorry that I'm late, I had to "choke the Nun" if you know what I mean."

- "Baby, there ain't no mountian high enough. Ain't no valley low enough. Ain't now river wide enough. To keep me from getting to you babe!"

- "Would you love me if I was anything but what I am?"

- "You are my exception."

- "I wanna die with you Wendy on the streets tonight in an ever lasting kiss."

- "The heart can beat the hate."

- "If you've never seen an Elephant Ski then you've never been on Acid."

- "There are nights, you swear you were born to lose."

- "You've got to bring the heat, set the pace, competition, take the lead. This is it. All eyes on you, so stay on point and prove that you deserve what's long over due. Live your dreams. It's not as hard as it may seem. You gotta work to get the cream, on your hopes you must lean. From your fears, you've got to win yourself. It's all or nothing, give your everything!"

- "Can I take my pants off over my head? ,,,, No, of course not. My body is in the way."

- "I would give anything to have you kiss me in the middle of the street on the rainiest day of the year."

- "I don't like all of these lame wedding shows. I mean seriously, what gives some skinny white guy of questionable sexuality the right to tell me that everything about my dream wedding is wrong? Honestly, if I wanna get married dressed as Master Chief then I think I should be able too."

- "And I'll take you for who you are. If you take me for everything. I'd do it all over again. But it's always the same."

- "We're all the same color when you turn out the light."

- "You can't help who you love."

- "Together we can live with the sadness and I'll love you with all the madness in my Soul."

- "One man can be the difference between victory and defeat."

- "Loneliness ain't killing me no more. 'Cause I'm stronger then yesterday."

- "Eat sheild, Stabby."

- "There is a madness to the method."

- "We're all stronger then we know."

- "Do or do not. There is no try."

- " Don't you know you can go be your own miracle."

- "Never start a fight unless you're sure you can win."

- "Sometimes the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded."

- "Nothing is trivial."

- "True love never dies."

- "It's time to end this ones and for all."

- "I called you a whore and broke down your door, but you don't even hate me. And how can I heal when you won't even feel? Why won't you hate me?!"


- "Hate is easy, love takes courage."

- "Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to use it."

- "I am not just some prize to be won."

- "Every hands a winner and every hands a loser and the best you can hope for is to die in your sleep."

- "Dying is a day worth living for."

- "Life is a bitch and so am I."

- "Walk away before I finish what you started."

- "Hit me with your best shot, knock me down it's all in vain, I'll get back up on my feet again."

-"Now I'm gonna draw the line, cause you ain't gonna take my mind."

- "Victims, aren't we all?"

- "The power is yours!?"

- "You don't own me. I'm not one of your many toys."

- "I've seen your world with these very eyes, don't come any closer, don't even try. I've felt all the pain, heard all the lies, and in my world there is no compromise."

- "Even youths grow tired and weary, even young men stumble and fall. But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength! They will soar of wings like Eagles! And will walk and not grow faint!"

- "Don't let no body tell you that your life is over."

- "I'd be happy to die for a taste of what Angel had, someone to live for, unafraid to say I love you."

- "How do you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart? It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out til your torn apart. RENT! How can you connect in an age where strangers, land lords, lovers your own blood cells betray? What binds the fabric together when the raging, shifting winds of change keep ripping away!"

- "Betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope."

- "Would you like to "Fluff my Garfeild?" If you know what I'm saying..."

Hahaha. Yea. So, those are just a bunch of quotes that I like. Words to live by in my opinion.... Anyway, they're all from songs and movies and I even managed to quote Yoda and some fortune cookies in there some where. Hahaha. There are many, many, many more. But this is all that I can think of at the moment/feel like typing out, right now. Sooooo, maybe I'll post some more later. Maybe not. Either way, hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my mind.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Chad is Stuck!?!!

We join our heros in the Sewers shortly after Lenard appears and attacks them.

Nicademus and Darnell: .... Shyt kicker.

Angela: -points Dust Buster at Leonard- Now your Mother has asked me to come up here and kill you.

Leonard: -moves to attack Angela-

Angela: -turns the Dust Buster on herself- ONE STEP CLOSER AND I'M A CLEAN MAN!?!!

Krystal: -grabs Angela's arm and pulls her out of the way- Get out of the way, you daffy bastard!?!!

Leonard: HEATHER!?!! -goes after Krystal- RAWR!?!!

Krystal: AHHHH!?!! I'm not Heather!?!! -runs behind Blaise and Angel-


Vlad: ....Where the hell did that door come from?

Sailor Jupiter: -super gasp- DAIMON!?!!

Sailor Uranus: -punches her left hand- Let's murderlize him!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Scouts HOOOOO!?!!

Artemis: -nod, nod- I expect nothing less then gratuitous violence from you girls.

Emma: -gasp- KITTIES!?!! -scoops up Luna, Diana and Artemis and cuddles them against their will-

Darnell: Like hell I'm sitting this one out. -pulls gun out and starts shooting at Leonard- DIE YOU UNDEAD MUMMY, DIE!?!!

Sailor Mercury: Bubble Spray!?!!

Leonard: -instantly dazed and confused and lost- Ehhh?

Sailor Mars: Burning Mandala!?!!

Sailor Uranus: WORLD SHAKING!?!!

Angela: -looks at Sailor Moon- Ya know, you remind me of the Babe.

Sailor Moon: What Babe?

Angela: The Babe with the power.

Sailor Moon: What power?

Angela: The power of Voodoo!

Sailor Moon: Who do?

Angela: You do!

Sailor Moon: Do what!?

Angela: Remind me of the Babe!?!!

Sailor Moon: -cries- I'M SO CONFUSED!?!!


Emma: Slime and snails!?!!

Angel: ... Or puppy dog tails?


Diana: Guys! We are trying to fight a monster here...

Angela: And Baby said?

Luna: -squirms out of Emma's arms- NOW SAILOR MOON!?!!

Sailor Moon: Oh right!?!! -busts out magic wand-

Angela: -pout- That is not how the song goes...

Sailor Moon: MOON HEALING ESCALATION!?!! -spinning, twirling, sparkly attack of utter death and destruction-


Leonard: LOLOLOLOLOL!?!! -knocked over backwards by a big, pink, concrete wall shaped like a heart and accidently crushes Darnell's replacement Cobra in a Basket- LOVERLY!?!! -Disintergrates and in his place THE SEAL OF THE METATRON appears alongside a broken Daimon- DEDZ!

Darnell: NOOOOO!?!!!

Father Vincent: ZOMG!?!! IT CAN'T BE!?!! -runs over and picks up THE SEAL OF THE METATRON and examines it- OHMIGOD IT IS!?!!

Claudia: -totally been here the whole time- I don't know what you are so excited for Vincent. That stupid thing doesn't even work.

Father Vincent: Oh yea? -whips THE SEAL OF THE METATRON at Claudia's head-

Claudia: -In bullet time- Ahhh!?!! -gets hit in the temple and falls over, apprently dead-

Blaise: Direct hit!?!!

Emma: It was super effective!?!!

Xander and Krystal: -jump out of their seats- Wow! -hi fives, followed by a manly arm pump- Yesh!?!!

Father Vincent: VICTORY IS MINE!?!!

Blaise: I think that you mean "Vengence is Mine." -whips out an electric blue guitar and starts jamming- VENGENCE IS MINE!?!! TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE, THOUGH NOT AS REWARDING I FIND! BECAUSE VENGENCE IS MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE!

Angel: -shakes head- Dude. Seriously? Enough already. You will never be Alice Cooper.

Angela: -nod, nod- BOOT TO THE HEAD!?!! -throws boot at Blaise-

Blaise: -dodges the first one, only to get nailed by a second boot- Ow... -big, big blue eyes- But, But I'm his biggest fan, I-

Angel: I swear to Gawd on high, if you say "I'll follow him until he loves me," I will kill you right here.

Blaise: Well, actually I was gonna change the lyrics a bit...

Angel: -cracks knuckles-

Blaise: Haahhaha. Just kidding! You know that I don't even like that song... Hehehe.... C'mon Vlad! -grabs Vlad's wrist and runs away-

Vlad: Ah!

Nicademus: -raises eyebrow- I can't believe that that actually worked....

Faust: Is that how it happened in the game?

Vlad: Not really....

Father Vincent: -turns around to look at everyone- Do you know what this means?

Everyone: Uhhh.... No. No idea.

Angela: Your mother was a Hampster....?

Father Vincent: What? -confused- No.... It means that I just saved the entire freakin Earth from that psychotic bitch's -points at Claudia's dead body- evil plans!?!! I'm a hero! And I didn't even have to trick Heather into helping me or martyr myself!?!! Whoose the man? -hi fives Pyramid Head-

Emma: YAY! FATHER VINCENT!?!! -throws confetti everywhere-

Angela: -smiles- Life is a Cookie.

Darnell: -not celerbrating-

Nicademus: -pats Darnell's back- Hey, Are you alright Buddy?

Darnell: I am.... -staring at his Desert Eagle, while 27 other guns lay abandoned on the ground around him- Completely out of ammo. -looks up at Nic- That's never happened to me before..... AND WE LOST YET ANOTHER PERFECTLY GOOD COBRA IN A BASKET!?!! -total anguish-

Nicademus: -nearly falls over- That's it?

Darnell: -slightly confused- Yea. What more is there?

Angel: -hangs head- What more is there? Is he serious? -mumbling under her breath-

Nicademus: I don't know. -shrugg- I was just expecting more....

Darnell: -scoffs-

Angela: ..... I have a Cobra in a basket. Would that help? -pulls a random basket out of no where and offers it to Darnell-

Darnell: -eyes light up- What did you just say?

Angela: I have. -super fake French accent- In this Basket. A Cobra.

Darnell: -steals the basket- You've got to be kidding me! -shakes the basket, listening to it closely for the appropreite sounds before ripping open the lid and looking inside- ..... This is a stuffed animal.... -pulls green and black stuffed cobra from the basket-

Blaise: -Steve Irwin Impression- Ain't she a Beaut'!?!!

Nicademus: Quit it Mate. -sarcasm- You're not Austraillian. This is Zarius.

Emma: I'm Austaillian!?!! And I can't spell!!?!

Blaise: Dude. We're not even in Zarius, we're in Silent Hill. -matter of factly- And I have decided that my defualt backround in Silent Hill is Austraillian. Deal with it.

Nicademus: Whatever Man...

Vlad: I don't think that there's ever been an Austraillian Silent Hill character....

Xander -frowns- Now this is just stupid.... Cobra don't come in those colors. Who the hell manufactured this toy? It's not even zoologically acurate..... I mean what kid would want this?

Angela: -shruggs at Darnell- He still works. He's a mute. But he still works....

Darnell: A mute? I doubt it. You probly just turned his volume down or something.... -fiddles with the stuffed snake for a minute or so before he finds the dail on the side-

-crackly noises.... crackly noises..... raspy voice.... crackly noises-

Snake: ... He-

Darnell: Hold on a second. I've almost got it.... -tinker, tinker- There!

Snake: Hello?

Krystal: -smiles- Oh good. You found the Elijah Wood setting.

Xander: Say something, anything!

Snake: Test. 1, 2, 3?

Xander: -sigh- Anything but that.

Faust: This is weird.

Nicademus: It's weird. -stares-

Emma: -nods- Very weird.

Angel: Phucking weird.

Blaise: So what's your name Snake?


Emma: He sounds just like Elijah Wood. We can't call him Larry... It's too lame.

Nicademus: What about Bob?

Faust: What about him? That movie sucked.

Blaise: No, we can't call him Bob either.

Nicademus: Why not?

Blaise: Because, isn't Bob an ass?

Father Vincent: Whatever. I think that he's kinda creepy anyway.... I mean, he's a talking stuffed animal. And this is not like Toy Story when he's all cute and cuddly. His mouth doesn't move! He's got cold, dead, doll eyes!?!! It's creepy!?!!

Vlad: Well, he is a doll after all.

Darnell: -smacks the Father across the face- MAN UP!?!!

Father Vincent: ..... Did you seriously just slap me?

Darnell: -shrugg- I was out of bullets.

Father Vincent: You would have shot me!?!!

Darnell: No.... -unconvincing-

Father Vincent: Ohmigod! I can't believe that you would've shot me!?!! You're insane!

Faust: Actually he's not. I'm crazy. You're crazy. Angela is bat crap crazy. Darnell is just violent.

Xander: He's like a dog chasing cars. He wouldn't know what to do with one if he caught it. He just-

Darnell: -interrupts- Yesh. I do. I would find a way to convert said car into an ATV style zombie killing device.

Xander: Uh huh....

Emma: Ya know, Darnell once killed a helicopter with a car.

Vlad: I think that that was John McClaine actually.

Emma: Nononono! True story!

Luna: -glares at Larry the stuffed Snake- I don't trust that thing.... I bet it's from the Negaverse....


Monday, August 2, 2010

Beware My Fish's Foot Mustache!?!!

Okay, so I was watching TV the other day and the super random thought occurred to me that if Zooey Deschanel, the super cute actress from Yes Man and Failure to Launch, etc, etc.

And Justin Bartha, the super adorable actor from National Treasure and Failure to Launch, etc, etc,

Were to ever have a child, that if would look like, none other then Elijah Wood!?!! Yesh, that's right. Elijah Wood. I believe that their children would look just like him. Don't you?

Seriously, look at him!?!! I'm totally right. Hahaha. Anyway, these sort of thoughts occur to me sometimes. And uhhh, I guess that's it for today. I promise that I'll post something relevant soon. Unfortunately, my computer has committed suicide, once again. So, I'm posting on my Brother's lap top, which I know thrills him to absolutely no end, ever single time that I ask him to let me borrow it. Hahaha, Anyway, I don't have any of my reference pictures or my notes or anything like that on Wolf's computer. Which makes posting anything but randomness, kind of difficult. Hahaha.
But oh well, you people will just have to deal with reading whatever random crap that I decide to post until my Uncle can resurrect my computer. Sucks to be you. Hahaha.