Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello my Freaky Little Darlings.

I need to rant. Deal with it.

Todays subject = Creepy guys and Stalking in General.

Today, while I was at the Gas Station. Some creepy guy tried to pick me up. I mean it was barely 3 oclock in the afternoon. And he was in line for the chasier ahead of me and I didn't say a damn word to him. Not one! And yet, this wackadoo felt the need to follow me out to my car! And stand there and stare at me the entire time I was filling up my tank. THE WHOLE TIME!?!?!! And he kept trying to talk to me, he asked me if I had a face book, he asked me where I lived, told me where he lived, asked for my number, the whole bit! He wouldn't leave me alone! I mean he had to be in his late twenties, at least. In fact he was probably even older then that. And I'm just barely 19. Give me a freakin break......And you know what the best part is?


Infact, he's not even in the top five. He's number eight on the list. Eight!?!! But I won't go into the others, simply for the sake of keeping this post short and to the point.... But can you even believe that? I mean what the hell is it about me that attracts these weirdos!? Do I have "Stalk me! I love Creeps!" written across my forhead? Seriously.....

And this is exactly the reason that I have a knife on me AT ALL TIMES!?!! And on the rare occasion that I happen to be in a place in which having a knife will get me arrested, you better believe that I have a pen in my pocket. A pen which I will use Jason Bourne style, to violently rip a hole into your jugular! DO NOT under estimate me!?!!

I swear to God, it is no wonder that I am paranoid beyond all logical reason. Random people that I have no romantic interest in, calling me at all hours of the night, showing up randomly to my house, trying to get me to talk about sex with them, pretending they care about my personal life in an attempt to gain my trust, etc etc....

Seriously. I will kill you all if you don't back off.

And when I want to talk to you, IF I want to talk to you, I'll call you. But don't you dare try to corner me in the hallway and attempt to harass/embarass/intimidate me into going out with you, because that is a sure fire way to get the HELL beaten out of you, and/or murdered by yours truely. END OF STORY.


Unknown said...

they best pray i am no where near them because i will kill them in a brutal fasion. whether they try something or not. they best hope you get them first because i will kill them.

Unknown said...

you did not tell them anything did you... of course not

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Are you kidding? I'm not as dumb as I look. Hahaha. Besides I am a master of bullshyt and fake phone numbers.

Celes said...


xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Awwwww! Thank you guys! Argueing over who gets to kill off my stalkers. You are TOO sweet. <3 I KNEW THERE WAS A REASON THAT I LOVED YOU BOTH SO MUCH!?!! Hahahaha....... Now if only my stupid boyfriend felt the same way about me, that you guys do...

viccicat said...

theres no hope in sight for the person who tried to hurt my babies, notthat you need my help, but Lord help them their health and life insurance better be paid up when it hits the fan, cuz I will leave so little to identify that their beneficiaries will be in court forever trying to collect.