Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You Can't Butter a Hole, It'll Just Fall Out

.....Words to live by.

Hahahha. Soooo, this post is about Lucian. The former Leader of The RoQuero'Kubeh, and Blaise's Mentor. Yea, that's right. I finally got around to working on his character design. Took me long enough, right? Anyway, almost everything about his appearence is symbolic and explains something about my SUPER FABULOUS Blaise. Cause I'm amazing with symbols and psychology!?!!

Anyway, TADA!?!! Here he is Ladies and Gentlemen, the SUPER AWESOME, Lucian!?!!

Isn't he pretty? His hair isn't quite right, but it's the closest thing I could find to what I actually wanted his hair to look like. Hahaha. But anyway, Lucian has long, black hair that is either always in a ponytail or Aragorn-Style. And I haven't decided, if I wish to add colored streaks to his loverly hair or not yet. He's got Dark Purple eyes. Blue Skin. And I haven't decided on a power. Hahaha.

Anyway, using my SUPER AMAZING Psychological Skills, I constructed Lucian's appearence solely to explain some things about Blaise and his neurosis and what not. For example,

-The reason Blaise keeps his hair so long, is because Lucian had very long hair. And Blaise looked up to Lucian. This also explains why he pulls his hair back Aragorn style, when in BATTLE!?!! Even though, it's not the most effective way to keep his hair out of his eyes, he does it because of Lucian.

-Blaise is also instantly drawn to Emma because like Lucian, she has purple eyes. And people are often drawn to things and people that remind them of things or people that they have fond memories of.

-And Lucian's has blue skin because..... It's Blaise's favorite color? Actually there is really no reasoning behind that one at all. I just think he looks cool with the blue skin. Hahahaha

Anyway, as I said, as of right now, Lucian has no power. But I'll think of something for him. Um, it was suggested to me to make him Ice, but I feel like that might be a little bit too convient considering that Blaise is Water. And I would make him like a fish or something like that. But he's best friend's with Nicademus and Nic is a shark. And I don't want to over use anything.... Although, I'm pretty sure at this point have like six psychics. Hahaha. Um.... so yea. Any thoughts anyone?


Unknown said...

powers powers powers... well dear i agree ice would be wierd. maybe wind or something meybe no power at all he is just that offsome

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

OFFSOME? Hahahahaha.

viccicat said...

What to do what to do, huh? Powers that be, could he maybe be a clairvoiant, good in battle because he's forewarned? or you could go for another elemenetal what about wind?