Saturday, May 29, 2010


Buddy, your a boy, make a big noise,
playing in the streets gonna be a big man some day,
You got mud on your face,
You big disgrace!
Stuffing those sandwhiches into your face!
Singing we will, we will,
We will, we will,

That's right. I went there. I brought Roz Dauer into this. What now!?!! Hahahahahaa. Anyway, believe it or not, this post actually has a point! -gasp- I know right? Me? Posting something that is actually relevent? SURELY NOT!?!! Hahahaha. But it's true.

So, I have been obsessively editting my discription of the AMAZING castle and the FANTASTIC AND BEAUTIFUL area surrounding it, like I have a tendancy to do. And whilest working on that, I realized that the huuuuuugggge town that exists right outside of the castle's walls.... Has no name! Hahaha. Can you believe that? I forgot to name the stupid town! Hahahaha. BUT HAVE NO FEAR LOYAL READERS!?!! FOR I, THE SPASTIC AND HYPER LITA KAYE, HAVE DECIDED ON A NAME!?!! Hahahahaha!

At first, I was going to attempt to make something up that didn't sound like a Russian swear word or was impossible to pronounce. But then, I changed my mind and decided that I was going to call my town, Castleguard. YERSH! CASTLEGUARD!?!!

But why Castleguard, you ask? GOOD QUESTION!?!! I have decided to name my town Castleguard in reference to my absolute favorite Michael Cichton book of all time, Timeline. Seriously amazing book. If you ever have the time, I suggest you read it.

Anyway, you guys know how much I love to sneak hidden meaning and references to things that no one else gets into my stories. So are you really that surprised that I found a way to do it again? Hahaha.
I also, finally named the RoQuero's forest. And the river that cuts through it. The forest's name is Rayentha. Which I may or may not tweak a bit, I haven't decided if I like it yet. And the River's name is Tydix. Which is super fun to say. Hahahha.

And that's it for this post!?! So, in the immortal words of Gene Wilder, "YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!?" I'll post again some time soon.

1 comment:

viccicat said...

and a happy roz dour to you too!!! I already told you that I liked the name, the rivers name is cool too.