Friday, April 23, 2010

Voice and um, madndmess?

Okay, so the other day my brother and I were watching Destination Truth and Ghost Hunters on the Discovery Channel for some strange reason and despite the fact that I think the whole thing is fixed and totally fake, I have to admit that they said some pretty hillarious things. And I wrote some of them down because they were so freakin hillarious. Now I'm thinking that maybe I should go on a little old school rant using all of those hillarious lines I wrote down. Ya know, I can use my characters and some random characters from my list of absolute favorites and that kind of thing. Just like I used to do, aaallllll the time! Anyway, would you, my loyal totally adoring fans, be interested in reading something like that? :3

Well, would you?! Would you?! ............TO BAD!?!! I ACTUALLY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU GUYS WANT AND I'M GOING TO POST IT ANYWAY!?!!! Unless, you know, I reread it and discover it sucks. Then I won't post it and this conversation will never happen, but that's really no big deal. I mean this post is fairly irrelvent. And why are you talking to your compter screen anyway? This is not a telephone you know, I can't hear you when you talk to my posts. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!??!!! -totally hyper from lack of sleep-

Anyway, moving right along. I don't know what I am going to call this particular rant. Or what it's even going to be about..... But, off the top of my head, I can tell you that it will likely include, Pyramid Head, Father Vincent, Benson, HENRICK! HENRICK YOU FOOL!, Sailor Moon and Friends, Ummmmm assorted people from YuYu Hakusho and maybe The Big Bang Theory. So jokes from the 2010 Anime Boston Masq..... AND SLUSHIES!?!! Hahahaha. Alright! So let's get started!?!!

-Our scene begins with a bunch of my original characters crowded around the bagage claim in a random terminal of a random airport, SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD!?!!-

Darnell: -mumbling to Angel as he plots their course on an big map- And from there it's about 60 miles up the this river...

Blaise: -not paying attention- Hey guys! Look! -picks up a random package from the conveyor belt- Hahahaha. Did we pack a Cobra in a basket?

Krystal: Blaise put that down, it's not yours...

Vlad: Wait a minute. -puts his ear to the side of the basket- Ohmigod, Blaise! That basket is actually hissing!?!!

Blaise: No way! Really? - curiously, tries to open the package-

Vlad: Wah!? -takes basket away from Blaise- Don't do that?! Just leave it alone.

Darnell: And from there it's pretty much a straight shot. Okay?

Angel: Sounds good.

Darnell: Alright. Do we have all the stuff? Is everyone ready to go?

-murmurs of agreement-

Darnell: Alright! -excited- Then to the boats, HOOOOO!??!!!

Sheldon: -mumbling as he walks by- Did you hear that Lenard? He used 'Ho' in the wrong context....

Lenard: Words can not describe how much I don't care Sheldon.

-And then we exit to the boats!?!! But not before the auidence notices that Darnell's name was on the bottom of the basket with the cobra in it! Hahahaha. I hope that Cobra wasn't too important to him.-

Angel: So, -looks around at everybody- Um, whoose gonna drive the boat?

Darnell: Ni-

Blaise: -totally interuppted- OH! LET ME DRIVE!

Nicademus: -randomly appears behind Blaise- Not a chance in hell.

Blaise: -gasp- Nicky!

Darnell: -nods- Nicademus.

Nicademus: Darnell.

Atreyu: I'm here too!?!!

Emma: YAY! -hugs Atreyu-

Nicademus: Let's get out of here... -turns boat on and drives away-

Krystal: -looking at map- Hey Darnell, What's this river called anyway?

Darnell: Madre de Eijos. (I totally made up that spelling btw.)

Blaise, Vlad, Emma: -burst into laughter- Madre de Eijos!?!!

Darnell: -totally confused- ....What?

Emma: -giggles- Doesn't that mean 'Son of a Bitch' in Spanish?

Krystal: Does it really?

Angel: According to who? You don't speak spanish.

Emma: The guys at Red vs Blue.

Angel: In that case I highly doubt that's what it actually means.

Blaise: Why would you say such things?! -shocked- You don't trust Red vs Blue?!

Angel: They don't speak spanish either! They use Google Translator and just throw those stupid accent thingies over letters at random!

Vlad: -mumbling- Two keys I can never find on the freakin key board....

Atreyu: Hey! I'm still here! -shows up suddenly-

Darnell: -shrugg- Whatever. Hey Emma, will you hand me the Cobra please?


Darnell: Yea. It should be in a basket, -demonstrates with his hands- about this big.

Emma: Uh, okay... But I don't see a basket anywhere.

Darnell: -jumps up- WHAT!?!! Shyt! Where could it have gone!?!!!

-Blaise and Vlad exchange looks-

Vlad: Wait, you were actually serious?

Darnell: Of course I was!?!!

Angel: -Queen of Sarcasm- Yea Guys. Everyone knows you can't travel 60 miles up Son of a Bitch River without a Cobra in a basket.

Blaise: Oh, well... That sucks. 'Cause we left the Cobra at the Airport.

Krystal: -panicks- We didn't know it was yours!

Darnell: -growls- Blaise... I could kill you right now!

Angel: -stealthily steals Darnell's gun, so he's not tempted to try-

Atreyu: ..... I'm still here! -this time wearing a cape-

Nicademus: -turns around- Hey! What's all the yelling about down there!?

Angel: Darnell is crazy!

Darnell: Angel! -just noticed his gun was missing- Give me that back!

Angel: -sticks tongue out- Never.

Nicademus: -raises eyebrow-

Darnell:... Gah! Nic! Blaise left our Cobra at the Airport!

Nicademus: Oh, is that all? That's nothing to get upset about.


Nicademus: Yea. I have a spare Cobra. -pulls Cobra out of his jacket-

Everyone: O_o

Blaise: ....Why do you have a Cobra in your jacket?

Nicademus: Just in case I need one.

Angel: For what?!

Krystal: -screams suddenly- OHMIGOD! NICK THERE'S A ROCK! LOOK OUT!

Nicademus: What? -turns around and sees a giant rock- .....Shyt. Everyone hold on!

Everyone: -screams and grabs onto someone or something-

-Nicademus, being the absolutely fabulous Pirate Captian that he is, manages to avoid the rock! Yay! However the turn he took to avoid it was sooooo sharp that the boat all but tips over and sends everyone flying. And they crash land on the shore and then pass out and when they wake up, THEY ARE IN OTHER WORLD!?!! Hahahaha. Cause that makes sense. Then slowly, everyone wakes up one by one!-

Darnell: -growling and pissy as he walks around gathering up all their food and supplies that were thrown from the boat- I can't even believe this.... -mumble mumble- This would have never happened if we had MY Cobra....

Nicademus: -wakes up and immediately panics- OHMIGOD! -shake Atreyu awake- Atreyu! Atreyu! Where is my boat!!?!

Atreyu: What are you taking about? We're on the boat. -rolls over-

Nicademus: ... -waits for it-


Atreyu and Nicademus: -look around a little bit and then they discover that the boat is totally fine!- Thank God... -huge sigh of relief-


Nicademus: NOOOOO! -sitting on the bank of the river, crying- My boat! My beautiful boat!

Blaise: -looks around and gasps suddenly- OHMIGOD! IT'S SNOWING! -sticks tongue out-

Angel: -skeptical- ....In the Amazon?

Blaise: -chokes on "snow flakes"- Blegh! Ew! Never mind, that's totally not snow....

Angel: Ya think?

Krystal: -catches some in her hand- I think it's ash...

Vlad: Ash? Why the heck would it be snowing ash?

Emma:.....I think we're in Silent Hill.

Angel: Again, we're in the Amazon. Why would you think that?

Blaise: Yea. I thought Silent Hill was supposed to be in America....?

Emma: -points- There's a sign over there.

-Everyone looks at the sign, which reads "Welcome to Silent Hill" in big letters. Then under that it says "You sudnt come here" in someons writing-

Vlad: Holy Crap!

Emma: -shrugg- I guess it's not in America....-suddenly squeals- I HOPE WE GET TO MEET PYRAMID HEAD!?!!

Darnell: -still in a bad mood- I hope Blaise loses his skin privlleges....

Emma: -throws cell phone at Darnell's head- Don't be so mean! It's not Blaise's fault that you didn't tell him that you brought a Cobra in a basket!

Angel: Or checked to make sure we had it for that matter...

Atreyu: I'M STIL HERE!?!!

Darnell: .... Anyway, now that we've got all of the gear together we should get moving.

Krystal: Where are we going?

Darnell: My plans have been shot to hell, we have no boat, no cobra and we're lost somewhere in the rainforest. So...-shrugg- It's your call. Althought there isn't very much to do in Silent Hill....

Nicademus: I would like to go to the library.

Blaise: Strip Club!

Angel: No way. Definately not going to happen.

Blaise: Why not?

Angel: What if we run into Maria?

Blaise: ...Good point.

Emma: Oh! Lets go to The Blue Creek Apartments!

Vlad: Why?

Emma: I think that's the best place to find Pyramid Head. Assuming we're in Silent Hill 2 that is....

Angel: Why don't we go to the hospital?

Krystal: -gulp- The hospital? -grabs Angel's arm- I hate Hospitals...

Angel: You do? But your a nurse...

Vlad: -not listening- Yea! The Hospital! Then we can kill a whole bunch of Nurses!

Krystal: -gasp- What!?!

Angel: -laughs- No. Not you Krys.

Blaise: -breaks out into song- DEAD NURSES! CAN'T TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES!?!!

Emma: -laughs- You are definately no Alice Cooper, my friend.

Darnell: Alright then, -grabs Nicademus by the collar and starts dragging him away from the river- Let's move out.

-20 Minutes Later, finds our heroes very lost in the jungle-

Vlad: We are sooooo lost.

Angel: Now that we have a very firm grasp of the obvious...... -sigh- I mean seriously, You're only just realizing this now?

-Rustling in the bushes-

Emma: -painfully naieve- I think I hear someone coming! We can ask for directions! -runs ahead-

Blaise: I hope it's Father Vincent! -runs after her-

Everyone else: ACK!


Emma and Blaise: OHMIGOD! IT'S PYRAMID HEAD!?!!

Faust: Gah! Intruders!

Pyramid Head: ..... -uses his super awesome Jedi mind powers to choke Blaise-

Darnell: Crap! -opens fire on Pyramid Head- Emma! Get out of the way!

-Bullets bounce off Pryamid Head's Pryamid and go flying into the bushes and trees and such around them-

Unknown Blonde Voice: Ouch!

Blaise: -totally can't breath-


Faust: -blink blink- .... I have fans?

Emma: Yea! You're my favorite character! I love you!

Faust: -totally flattered- Really?

Emma: Yea. Blaise loves you too! -motions vaguely at Blaise, then suddenly notices that he's being strangled- OHMIGOD! BLAISE!

Vlad: -shakes head- Gawd, she is soooo slow sometimes....

Angel: Yep. That's my sister...

Darnell: Dammnit! Nothing is working! -pulls out a grenade-

Faust: -takes grenade away from Darnell-.... Don't worry. I got this. -turns to Pyramid Head and starts whispering to him- ....Yea. Yea. Of course we can trust them.... No. They love me.... Yea, of course, I'll ask. Just put him down.....

Pryamid Head: -suddenly stops strangling Blaise with his mind-

Blaise: -falls over-

Vlad: Blaise! Blaise! Are you alright!?! -cradles Blaise in his arms-

Blaise: -huggles Vlad. cough, cough, choke-

Vlad: Is there anything I can do to help?!! -In hyper romantic cliche panic mode-

Blaise: Yea... - totally ruins the moment- Get Pyramid Head to autograph my shirt for me.

Vlad: -totally drops Blaise on his head- .....I hate you sometimes, ya know that?

Atreyu: -comes out of the bushes, dragging James with him- Hey guys! I'm still here! -and still wearing a cape, dontcha know?- And lookit who I found? It's James!

Pyramid Head: -loud growly breathing sounds!-

James: AHHHHH!!!!?!?!?! -tries to run away-

Pyramid Head: -walks over and steals James away from Atreyu, drags him into the bushes-

Blaise: -laughs- Clang, Clang. THUNK! Scraaaaapee. Pyramid Head has come to rape!

Emma: -hysterical laughter-


-THEN EVERYONE STARES AS TERRIBLE, TERRIBBLE SOUNDS LIKE SCREAMING AND SUCH COME FROM THE BUSHES FOR A FEW MOMENTS!??!!!! Then Pryamid Head comes back out of the bushes and acts like nothing happened.-

Faust: -high fives Pyramid Head-

Everyone: O_o

Darnell: So... we are looking for the Hospital.

Faust: Well, we're going to the mall. Wanna come with!?!

Nicademus: Are you.... A foreigner?

Emma and Blaise: HELL YESH!

Darnell: -sigh- Alright...

Emma: I get to walk with Faust! -runs over and grabs Faust's hand-

Blaise: I get to walk with Pyramid Head!

Pyramid Head: -stares at Blaise for a second, then picks him up and puts him on his shoulders-

Blaise: Wah!

Vlad: -kinda pissed- Hey! What the hell?!!

Faust: -laughs- Sorry about that. Pyramid Head thinks your friend looks a little bit like Angela.

Angel: He does not! Angela is hott and female and Blaise is.... not either of those things.

Blaise: Hey!

Vlad: O RLY? Then why did he strangle Blaise just a minute ago?

Faust: -shrugg- Don't ask me. -looks at Pyramid Head, then back at Vlad- But it's either him or her. -points at Angel-

Angel: No way!

Pyramid Head: -turns and starts to walk away-

Vlad: Hey! -chases after them- You give him back! He's mine!

Emma: Hey Faust, Do you find it difficult talking with a German Accent?


Oh and one more thing. My blog has suddenly decided to let me copy and paste things again. Which means I can post my story again!??!!! Yay! So now the question is, would it be easier for everyone to read my stories here, or should I continue not to post them on DeviantArt? And don't say do both, because you all know I'm much to lazy for that. Hahahaha. Anyway, comment and let me know, and if you can't figure out how to comment, text me or something. Because I could really use the INNNNNNNNPPPPUUUUTTTT!?!!

1 comment:

viccicat said...

I like the this one betterer, I would like to read your story here it's easier fors the mes.