Monday, April 5, 2010

Looking Through Your Eyes

Okay! So I have been thinking about it, And I've decided not to let you guys help me design Emma's engagement ring. Know why? Know why? Because I have finally figured out EXACTLY what I want, and it's gorgeous. Deal with it.
-Basically what I want is this exact ring,



-With this beautiful stone in the middle. Althought I haven't decided what shape I want the stone to be yet. And there shall be Amethysts as the accent stones on the sides.
Mystic Quartz Topaz, Magic Green, Yellow, Iolite Blue, Black, Yellow Fire colors Factory Prices Pictures, Images and Photos
-And the side details of this ring. But just the side details, I want to keep the top of the band the same as the other ring.
-Um, I chose the Mystic Fire Topaz as my stone of choice, because number one, diamonds are boring and number two it's my favorite stone. And purple is the not only Emma and I's favorite color, but also the color of her eyes, so I'm probably going to have Eclipse say something lame and romantic about how he picked the stones because they reminded him of Emma's eyes...Cause I'm cool like that. And it may or may not wind up being engraved, I haven't decided yet.
-So yea.... I think it'll be beautiful. I mean I would wear that ring most definitely. So basically all I gotta do now is work my description of my custom ring into the scene where Eclipse proposes. Hahahaha.

1 comment:

viccicat said...

Nice, what a beautiful ring. Nice touches and reasons and points made. Yea for you!!