Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Can't Wait Forever...

So, as anyone who has talked to me lately know, I am severely pissed off and I'm in no mood to continue ranting about happy things such as Emma's wedding. So, I'm going to post the plot line for one of my fabulous and random side stories that I came up with a while back. It's based on an episode of SNAPPED, but it also has a lot of influence/references from The Crow. SNAPPED, in case you didn't know, is a show in which they review, true, real life case studies of Lady Killers. And I think it's really interesting. So, here we go....

-Alright, so the story would start off examining long time lovers, Amanda RavenHearst and Dresden Marx, who have a very passionate Love/Hate relationship. You know, there is a lot of fighting, often screaming and occasionally they break things, but never abuse because there really is love in this relationship. Anyway, one night Dresden and Amanda go out for a drink, and while they are at the bar they kick some major ass and pool, do some dancing and get alittle trashed, making some insane, crazy drunk enemies in the process.

-Anyway, right before Dresden and Amanda leave the bar, a guy comes over to them and attempts to start a fight with Dresden, presumably for Amanda. But Dresden will have none of that and they leave peacefully. However, this guy and his buddy jump into their car and follow Dresden and Amanda. At first they are just follow the couple but as Dresden turns down a country road and there starts to be less and less people around, the other driver gets more aggressive. He smashes into the back of their car, blares the horn, he's screaming at them and eventually runs Dresden off the road. It's a pretty horrendous crash.

-So this crazy bastard and his friend drag Dresden out of the car and start beating the crap out of him. Amanda jumps out of the car and foolishly starts screaming and trying to pull them off of her boyfriend, which does not work. One of the guys turns on her, and Amanda suffers some severe head trauma and all but passes out. Then this scum bag, decides that it is a fabulous idea to rape Amanda....Great.... Anyway, Dresden sees this and goes completely ballistic. And since, now it's only one on one he has a much better chance of defending him from this guy. And the crazy guy does not like that, so he pulls a knife out!?!! And being the crazy bastard that he is starts stabbing Dresden. Just stabbing and stabbing and stabbing, until his friend panics and pulls him off. And he starts yelling and panicking because dude just killed somebody! And in the response, his crazy friend turns around says that he is just as much to blame for this, so if anybody finds out about this, they'll both go to jail. Ya know? Cause that conversation hasn't been done a thousand times....

-Amanda recovers from her serious head wound enough to get up and crawl over to Dresden like twenty minutes later, only to freak out and have a mental break down when she realizes that he's dead. Right around then, a man who lives about a mile or so down the road shows up, he had just returned home from the midnight shift at work, heard the screaming and called the police. Now he's just trying to figure out what happened. Well, he is horrified at the scene, but recovers from the sight quickly and tries to calm Amanda down. But she will have none of that, she refuses to let go of Dresden's dead body and continues to cry until the police arrive and pull her off of him.

-Oddly enough, other then not wanting to let go of Dresden, Amanda does not display many symptoms of shock. Which the Police make a note of. Then after Dresden is taken away in an ambulance, they take Amanda's statement. Then a week or so later, after Dresden's funeral, the police come to Amanda and convince her to do the press conference, begging the general public for help with the investigation, because she is their only witness and there is very little physical evidence.

-And by the way, at this point the papers have dubbed this case, "The Road Rage Murder"

-But wait! Wasn't there a sexual assault? Shouldn't they have evidence from that? Yesh. They should, but they don't. The man that raped Amanda would a condom, so there is no DNA evidence to speak of. And because Amanda was all but unconscious because of her head wound, she was not able to defend herself in any way. So no, DNA under the fingernails or defensive wounds or anything like that. The police did recover a bunch of transfer evidence and some hairs from the scene. But all that sort of evidence can prove is consistency. The only blood they found was either Dresden's or Amanda's. And they couldn't find the murder weapon.

-Anyway, Amanda agrees to do this press conference. So she goes on TV and tells her tragic story with Dresden's parents sitting by her side for support, and then she asks for the anyone from the bar to come forward, anyone who recognized the car or licence plate to come forward, basically anyone with any sort of information to inform the police. Then she asks for the accomplice to come forward and expose Dresden's murderer, because she'd be willing to drop the sexual assault charges against him if he testifies. And this....... almost works! Over the next couple of weeks the police receive a billion calls. And over the next 4-7 months they explore each and every of these new leads, while Amanda wallows in hopeless misery. She may even contemplate suicide....

-After exhausting each and every lead received the police have come up with absolutely nothing. And that is when the prosecution decides to go after Amanda. Why not, right? After all, she is the only witness, maybe she did do it. And they have no evidence to rule her out. (This is where my version of the story starts to deviate from what actaully happened...Hahaha.) Anyway, both Amanda and Dresden's parents are utterly horrified. They make no statements to the media about this ridiculous accusation, and Amanda's only comment is "I did not kill Dresden."

-Then a few weeks later, after the prosecution has built up a towering case of circumstantial evidence against Amanda, the trail begins! Amanda has no defense except the truth, issues a simple "Not Guilty" plea and the trail begins. The prosecutions case is built entirely around the speculation that Dresden was abusive and back it up with witness testimony from their neighbors, who state that Amanda and Dresden were constantly screaming at each other and implies that theirs was a loveless relationship and that Amanda killed Dresden because she was finally sick of the abuse. They also testify that all the damage to their car was already there, it wasn't new. They also aim to discredit Amanda's testimony, focusing most of their attention to the fact that she claims she was raped but that the bruises would suggest otherwise and that there is no DNA evidence. After all, why would some insane, random rapist bother to use a condom? Exactly. And Amanda is shocked. Then when they question her about these speculations and Amanda has a mental breakdown on the stand. And why wouldn't she? They are accusing her loving boyfriend of being super abusive jerk! It's insane!

-Because of the overwhelming amount of evidence to consider and witness testimony to go through, it winds up becoming a multiday trail. So, after the first session of the trail Amanda is ambushed outside the court room by the press. So she cries a little bit about how she can not believe that they would accuse Dresden of being abusive, and that how anyone who actually knew him would laugh all day at the thought of Dresden ever raising a hand to her. Then she once again asks the accomplice to come forward.... But just like last time, no one comes to her rescue.
-Sooo, as the trail continues things begin to look worse and worse for Amanda and eventually she is found guilty of killing Dresden. A crime she obviously did not commit. So after the trail, Amanda is taken to jail and locked up to await her sentencing hearing. And she doesn't say a blessed word about it. She just cries quietly to herself.
-Anyway, this would be where the influences from The Crow begin to show more strongly. This is also where my version of this story begins to deviate from what actually happened. Hahaha. So, while in jail awaiting the sentencing hearing, Amanda begins to hear Dresden's voice and she starts to dream about him again. And it is these hallucinations that keep her as sane as she could possibly be in this situation. I don't think I want he to progress into full on hallucinations just yet, but you never know. I could change my mind. Hahaha. Anyway! Amanda rots in jail for a few weeks, then finally the sentencing hearing begins! And well, wouldn't you know it? They sentence Amanda to life in jail without the possibility for parole. Loverly.
-So, Amanda is carted off to prison. Which is much diff rent then jail, mind you. Hahaha. Thankfully however, Amanda only has to be there anywhere between a few days and maybe two weeks. I wouldn't want to leave her there any longer then that. But why do they let her out? Because a couple of weeks or so, I haven't yet decided what is reasonable yet, after the papers began reporting that Amanda was found guilty for first degree murder, the accomplice turns himself and his friend in! Because he has a soul and refuses to let an innocent woman rot in prison forever. Good man! ....Well kinda....
-So, the accomplice turns himself and his friend in and in light of this new evidence, the guilty plea and the discovery of the murder weapon and the car used in the crime, they have to let Amanda go. And the accomplice doesn't even ask about Amanda's previous promise to not charge him for sexual assault on top of everything else. Anyway, RETRIAL!?!! At this point, I want Amanda to be a little pissed. I mean, all she's done so far is cry. She's been so good about everything so far, so at this point I want her to get pissed. Amanda is gonna walk into that court room and she is going to slap either the prosecutor who went after her and accused Dresden of being an abusive bastard, or she's gonna slap the guy who murdered Dresden. Who knows? Maybe both.

-And after the retrial and the impending slapping, at the sentencing trail, I want Amanda to make a super dramatic, heart wrenching speech, not unlike the one Matthew Shepard's father made at Henderson and McKinney's sentencing hearing. Because I think she needs the chance to speak about what she's lost and so on and so forth. Then after the sentencing Amanda is going to stay with her sister's a few nights. And maybe even her parents. Then she is going to go home, for the first time since Dresden's death. And she's going to feel very, very lonely.
-And this is where is starts to get strange. Hahaha. Amanda will be in there room, or moping about the apartment, when who should show up, but Dresden himself!?!! Fabulous! Yay! .....But wait, he's dead. Isn't he? Yersh, of course he is! But this is my story! And in this scene Dresden is not just a feeling. He's not just a voice in her head. This isn't a dream or a hallucination. He is actually there. So, Amanda runs over and hugs him! She starts crying. And they spend the night together saying good bye. Because let's face it, by the time Amanda regained consciousness enough to go and check on Dresden, he had already bleed out and they never got a chance to say good bye. Not really.

-Anyway, the lover's spend the night together talking about super, cliche, romantic, finding closure-y things. And whether they actually have sex one last time or Amanda simply falls asleep in his arms, is pretty much irrelevant, because either way, Amanda wakes up alone the next morning. And continuing the super lame cliche romantic theme, when she wakes up alone the next morning I want her to find the wedding ring that Dresden never got a chance to give her and maybe a rose or a love letter or something on the pillow next to her. Because I'm a SAP!
-So yea. Then 9 months later Amanda gives birth to twins! A boy and a girl and she shall name them Eric and Shelly. In honor of The Crow. But wait! How is it possible that she could be pregnant? Dresden died over a year ago and she hasn't been with anyone else? True...but this is magic!?!! And being that Amanda has had two serious miscarriages in the past, it is particularly miraculous!?!! And even thought it is physically impossible, Amanda is sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that the kids are Dresden's. Hahahaha
So......What did ya think? Am I crazy? Hahaha. Anyway, as I said, partially based on true events. Influenced by The Crow. Which I just watched for like the 300000th time yesterday. <3
Um, yea. So as brillant as I think I am for coming up with this, I can't get into writing it. AT ALL! Which might be because it's soooo gloomy. Or maybe cause it's so radically different from everything else I write. -shrugg- Who knows? Anyway, that's my latest, totally irrelevant story. Fear it. Love it. Let me know what you think, if you dare.

1 comment:

viccicat said...

I think that i saw the snapped with you.. it was pretty awful. Isee the crow influence and all and it certainly could work, I like the sappy ending and the eerie finding of a rose and the ring the next am, super cool, also interesting the pregnancy with twins with no partner... very twilight zoneseque.