Saturday, March 27, 2010

This World is Such Perfection

This World is Such Perfection
What a Sight
It's just Like Paradise
For my Eyes
A Truly Grand Creation
What a Sight
From up Here it Looks so Nice
-Alice Cooper-
Anyway, just as I promised Dr. Hemlich, this is my map of everthing! Yea! I photophucked it myself. Hahahaha. Um, the picture is actually a map dipicting continetal drift over the course of what, like 700 billion years, or something like that. Hahahaha.

So yea....That's my world. Rayet, Ursionya, Tethys, Myritrius, Zarius and Harcos. LOVE IT!?!!


Unknown said...

why is it that you have doughts that this story will not catch on. you have an amazing concept of eveything that should be in a story like this. your interest in detail is endless. you have thoughts on important things that people would not think of damn it. keep it up you will have more information than Tolkien.

viccicat said...

Yes, yes, precious very complete world view, good background, nice images. Keep it up precious, yes yes.