Monday, March 22, 2010

Press X to 'Jason!'

Kaaaaayyy, so I am tragically bored once again. My stupid English Teacher has just informed the class that he requires that we all meet with him outside of class to discuss our paper's twice every semester. And of course, he couldn't have told us this any sooner. Grr, I mean really we're already half way through this semester! -sigh- And of course, the only times he has available to meet with us are either Tuesday, while I have Psychology or today, AN HOUR AND A HALF AFTER CLASS!?!! And I only have one class today......So, I'm just hanging out in the Library. Yay.

Anyway, since I don't have any of my notes with me to post something relevant to my story, I think I'll regale you with another of my SUPER FASCINATING dreams. Aren't you lucky? Hahahaha.

-So this is a dream I had during Junior Year in High School. In my dream, I was lying in bed reading, ya know nothing unusual for me. Then all of a sudden, this guy crawls through my window and along the wall like SpiderMan. He's bald. He's got greenish tinted skin. He's wearing a moldy looking brown trench coat. And he's singing a song about eating flesh. I don't remember the words any more, but I used to know them. And I remember thinking that it sounded a bit like Golum's Fish Song, in the second Lord of The Rings Movie.

-Anyway, he climbs through my window and along the wall until he's directly opposite me, clinging to the wall above my dresser. Then when he finishes his song he pulls out this huuuge knife and jumps on me. He stabs me in the left side a couple times, before I manage to throw him off. AND THEN!?!!.......I woke up. I sat bolt upright in bed, looked around, determined that there was no green cannibals a foot and went back to sleep. It like didn't phase me at all. Haahaha.

So that's my singing cannibal dream. Hahaha. I told my Psychology Teacher at the High School about that because she was doing dream meaning stuff, but she had no idea what to think about that one. Hahahaha. That dream was really short though, SO HOW ABOUT ANOTHER!?!?!!!! Hahahaha. Bet your really glad you chose to follow this blog now, eh?

-Soooo, I have no idea when I had this dream. But it is one of the few dreams that I remember that has my beloved friends in it. Um, it starts out in this huuuuge white building with giant windows and it's all concrete inside. And at first it appears to be a museum type place. Ya know? Lots of strange things behind glass. And there is a yard outside, surrounded by a big fence with barbed wire at the top. Anyway, it starts out with me and my boyfriend and my brother looking out these big windows at the yard outside. Then all of a sudden, my brother yells 'NOW!?!!' And the three of us smash the window and make a break for the fence. We get aaaalllll the way to the fence and start climbing, before an alarm goes off and a bunch of big guys run out of the building. And they are apparently members of the Mafia. Hahahaha. One of them grabs my leg and pulls me down off the fence. And then my brother jumps on him. I think my boyfriend got pulled down as well, but I don't remember.

-So anyway, now the three of us are fighting the Mafia. And suddenly my friend Celes appears in the smashed window and yells at us to come back inside, they've got a better plan. Which apparently they could not have told us, five minutes ago before we set off the alarms. Hahaha. So we run back inside and Celes hands me a bag and tells me that I need to go help Mike set the bombs. And I don't question that. So I run down stairs and help Mike set up a bunch of bombs in the basement, which appears to be a parking garage. My brother and my boyfriend stay upstairs to defend the huge hole we made in the window and keep the Mafia from getting inside, while Celes takes out some security cameras. Although at this point that seems almost pointless.

-But there must have been another way inside, because the Mafia guys show up in the garage and start shooting at me and Mike. Then all of a sudden the lights go out. Mike and I finish setting the bombs in the dark and then leave the garage, we run upstairs in the dark and eventually meet up with my brother, my boyfriend, and Celes again. Then Mike is like 'This Way!' and he points at this tiny gape in the wall of the museum. So we make a single file line and run down the incredibly small hallway. It's Mike, me, Celes, my boyfriend and then my brother.

-And we run down this hallway for a really long time, following Mike's tiny little flash light's glow. Then all of a sudden, WE RUN INTO PYRAMID HEAD!?!! OHMIGAWD!?!!?!! We skid to a halt, about face and run screaming back through the tiny hallway. Now, my brother is leading. And he doesn't know where he is going, none of us do. Hahaha. And apparently we took a wrong turn somewhere, because we run into Pyramid Head a second time. OH NO!?!?!!! But not once, does he attempt to attack us, so I don't know why we bothered to run away but whatever.... I wonder why he never attacked us though?.....Maybe we're all pure souls? Hahaha.

Anyway, that's all I remember of that one. But I just thought it was hilarious how we kept running into Pyramid Head. And what was with the Mafia connection, weird! Hahaha.

Pyramid Head Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

viccicat said...

Quite quite weird dreamys you have.