Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We Stand Together

Soooooo, I've been giving the entire ending of my freaking book a lot of thought, and I've made some decisions. So here they are. And I plan to post a vague outline of Kerian and Aiden's final battle sometime soon. So look for that....

My technique

-So you remember how I was talking about this brillant move I came up with all by myself that looks epic and how I tested it on my boyfriend? Well....I tried it with an actual sword in my hands and if Kerian were to block the strike as I imagined it....Well it still works but it's a lot more choppy in reality then it is in my head.... So I suppose the question is, do I care? Because realistically, how many of the people who would be reading this, would actually know anything about sword fighting? Or even careif the techniques are sound or not? I mean really...

-So I guess I have to decide whether that kind of small inconsistancy is gonna drive me up the freaking wall or not, before I do the finishing touches on this particular fight scene.

Kerian's Untimely Demise

-So I've been thinking a lot about Uncle's death, and I think I've decided to go with a Lurtz or Lutz of whatever that stupid Orc's name was in Lord of The Rings, style death. So, Aiden is gonna stab him in the gut and then twist his sword around in there. Then he's gonna cut Kerian's head clean off. Hahahaha. Because it's violent and graphic and I love the imagery.

Emma's Pregnancy

-Kay, so the time between when Kerian declares war and when the fighting actually begins is like two weeks, right? Right. So, I have decided that at the time of the war, Emma will be a few days short of three weeks pregnant. So, a bit too early for any psychical changes and all of the early warning signs of her pregnancy can be confused with nerves and/or stress. Which I think is a pretty good set up. Hahaha.

Eclipse and Aiden

-Okay, so as you may or may not remember in Eclipse's OC Quiz that I posted last year, Eclipse said that Aiden was his rolemodel, with no explanation attached to it. Well here's the explanation, and I know it's lame and cliche, BUT I DON'T CARE?! DEAL WITH IT! Anyway... Eclipse looks up to Aiden because Aiden is essentially the closest thing Eclipse has ever had to a father figure. You know, being that his biological father was an insane psychopath who tried to kill him when he was a kid, and all that fun stuff! Yea. And that will also be the reason that Eclipse felt the need to keep his relationship with Emma as a secret.

Hiroshi Speaks the Truth?!

-Hiroshi is realtively quiet throughout the majority of this story. He's not withdrawn or mute or anything like that, he's just quiet. Hiroshi is an observer, he likes to watch people. Well, NO MORE!?!! I have decided that in the last couple of scenes of this book, Hiroshi is going to take charge of the situations that Aiden has lost control over, which is basically the entire ending of the book.... He's gonna yell at Aiden and the rest of his family for the first time in his life! He's gonna tell everybody what is what and that they are over reacting and being stupid. And he's basically going to fix everything with a few well placed words, cause he's just that good!

-Um, Hiroshi will start taking charge of the situation right after Emma's pregnancy comes out into the open and Aiden attempts to slit Eclipse's throat. And he will lead the questioning of Eclipse and Emma and the family discussion that follows. Then he will proceed to comfort and reassure Emma. And tell Aiden that he's being a jerk and exactly why he's being a jerk. Then he shall proceed to have an epic, probably Sailor Moon inspired, monologue about love and acceptance and family, that will essentially wrap everything up! WHY TO GO DAD!?!! <3

Happy Ending?!

-So, about the ending..... I was planning on simply ending the book with Hiroshi's beautiful monolouge about Love and Family. Now, I'm wondering if I should go just a bit further with it. Maybe to Emma and Eclipse's fabulous wedding? What about Aiden's epiphany about Eclipse and Serena's birth? Or should I keep our fabulous wedding as the prolouge of book two like I had originally planned, not go into Serena's birth at all and only make a mention of Daddy's epiphany?

-I really, really have no idea. I guess I'm leaning towards going into Emma and Eclipse's wedding just a little bit. But I don't know yet..... -robot voice- Innnnpuuut would be nice Loyal Fans and Readers.

1 comment:

viccicat said...

I want a teaser about the wedding. I don't want the whole thing but I want some, and then you can either prologue it in the 2nd or open with it. ... Depending on how much of the wedding you go into may decide how much if any of Aiden's epifany to bring in.