Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm Here 'til The End, My Sick Little Friend

Alright, so I'm at school. Bored out of my mind, as usual.... I had a test in psychology today, and I kicked it's ass by the way. But, get this, it's an hour and 45 minute class and the teacher designs the tests to be taken and done in like twenty minutes. I checked my anwsers twice! And I still have over an hour of time to kill before my next class, and nothing to do!

Anyway, luckily enough for you, my loyal fans, I actually have something relevant to my story to post about today, so you don't have to endure reading another random post about my phucked up dreams or some silly side plot story that I come up with in my spare time. Hahahaha.

So! The subject of this post is Hiroshi! And my attempts to keep him from becoming Anemic! <3 So, I was pondering Hiroshi and his super awesome powers the other day, and I came to the conclusion that I may be over complicating things for I have a tendency to do. Hahaha. Then I had a super brilliant idea!?!! Would you like to hear it?! Of course you would! =^.6=

So, just as a refresher, at the moment, I have Hiroshi use drops of his blood to complete every transmutation. And he only uses Alchemy Circles in addition to his blood for large and/or super complicated transmutations. WELL my super brilliant idea is as follows, I was thinking that perhaps there should be varying degrees of difficultly involved in transmutation and/or that maybe some transmutations should only be temporary. Which when you actually think about it, is very logical. And sort of BRILLIANT! ...Don't you think?

-For example, I was thinking for temporary fixes and other little things like that Hiroshi shouldn't need to use an Alchemy Circle or blood. Because it's only temporary solution and why should he have to bleed for that. He can merely focus on using his epic powers and get simple things done that way. After all, he is a very high level Vaikas, why shouldn't he be able to do that?

-For slightly more complex and lasting transmutations he can use either just an Alchemy Circle and/or a drop of blood. Although keep in mind that using a drop of his blood is much more powerful then just an Alchemy Circle alone.

-And for something more complex still, such as resurrecting Kerian, while brain washed at the end of part two, Hiroshi would have to use both a larger quantity of blood and an Alchemy Circle. Because something like that requires a lot more power. Anyway, I think this idea might make a lot more sense in the end. I even found the perfect opportunity for Hiroshi to explain it too Emma already! Hahaha.

I'm just not sure how much my readers actually care. Or whether or not, it's a little bit too irrelevant to the plot line for me to bring it up. Etc. Etc. I'M JUST TRYING TO MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO GAPS OR CONTRADICTIONS OR THINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE! -falls down and bursts into big waterfall style Sailor Moon tears- WAH!..........Anyway, let me know what you think. Hahaha

Also I FINALLY finished the dragon wing references yesterday I was working on and I am going to post them EVENTUALLY!?!!!!! I also made a map of everything and I plan to post that too, EVENTUALLY!?!!! And I've been feeling a little lonely and starved for affection and decidedly feminine lately, so I've been spending a lot of time thinking about Emma and Eclipse's Wedding. Hahaha. Ya know, Bride's Maids, Groom's Men, The Ring. Ect. Etc. I'll likely post about that soon too. So yea...... Tune in Next Week for some brand new fascinating posts about STUFF AND THINGS!?!!!


Unknown said...

?????? yeah this kinda stuff screws with my head. i do not really understand any of it.

viccicat said...

yeppers, I agree for smallsih things no blood should be needed or circles eithers. I think that it would be good to be splaining it to Emma and the reader, yes yes my precious.

Sorry yo have been feeling abandonded, hopefully not by me. Loves you!!