Thursday, March 11, 2010

And Icy Voice it Whispers Screams of Pain

Aiden versus Kerian - The Details of the Final Battle

I'm still working on a few of the details of this battle scene but I've got it pretty much figured out. So, here goes...

-After Eclipse dismembers Kazuo, Kerian steps up to challenge him. And blinded by rage and power, Eclipse decides that fighting Kerian is an excellent idea, even though he BARELY has control over his own abilities as a dragon. -_- Men...

-Sabastian, who is not that stupid or naieve, tackles Eclipse along side Blaise and Vlad and maybe even Xander. Because they very well know that if Eclipse fights Kerian he WILL die. And while they are forcibly incompacitating Eclipse, Aiden and Hiroshi step in between them and Kerian.
-This would also be the part of this scene in which Eclipse accidently rips Blaise's side open and taints his blood with Dragon Venom/DNA, in case your wondering....

-Anyway, Aiden and Kerian hurl a bunch of insualts and threats back and forth for a bit and then they charge?! The brothers meet in the middle of the field and go at it like you wouldn't even believe, until Aiden gets himself into a bad position and whips his wings out.

-Which is when Hiroshi rushes in and blindsides Kerian, before the bastard rip Aiden out of the air! So now, Kerian and Hiroshi are fighting. And mind you, that Hiroshi does not fight with a sword like the majority of his family, Hiroshi fights with a Zanbato, so the battle looks very diffrent now.... Um, that would be Seong Mi-Na Style, if you don't know what a Zanbato is....

-So, Aiden is flying around with either a bow and arrows, or a couple of throwing knives, which he TOTALLY had with him the entire time, trying to line up a shot on Kerian. Preferably a head shot.... Anyway, Kerian is not that dumb. He knows what Aiden is doing, and takes erasive action, moving side to side and turning the fight so that Hiroshi is inbetween him and Aiden. That sneaky bastard... Anyway, to make matters that much worse for Aiden, Kerian uses his powers to rip shattered bones out of the ground, and the recently deceased bodies of soliders and whip them through the air at Aiden.

-Aiden, however has been flying for a long time and is very good, so he manages to out manuver Kerian's attacks. And in the midst of all the chaos, gets off an absurdly lucky shot that hits Kerian square in the left shoulder. Right below the collar bone. BULL'S EYE!?!

-But this just makes Kerian really mad and he takes it out on Hiroshi. Now, I have a couple diffrent ideas about how to injure Hiroshi and where and how severely, so we've got a few options here.

A) Implies that Kerian is much stronger then Hiroshi and when Hiroshi goes to block an particularly vicious attack, Kerian impact breaks his right arm. Then Kerian rips the projectile out of his shoulder and stabs it deep into the musscle of Hiroshi's left leg. Effectively taking out his dominant hand, unbalancing him, and all but immobilizing Daddy.

B) Also implies that Kerian is stronger then Hiroshi, I guess... When Hiroshi goes to block a high strike, Kerian rips the projectile out of his shoulder and stabs it deep into the musscle of Hiroshi's right bicep. Which I suppose has the potential to break his arm. Then Hiroshi is kicked, Sparta-style in the chest and he's down for a bit.

C)In this particular option it is irrelevent how Kerian breaks Hiroshi's arm, because either/or could work. After causing the break, Kerian rips the projectile out of his shoulder, slices open Hiroshi's thigh and then wacks him upside the head with the hilt of his sword. And Daddy goes down. Then Kerian can throw the projectile at him, or simply drop it, kick Daddy. Whatever.
-They are very, very violent options, but Hiroshi needs to be injured to build the suspense and what not.... And besides he's tough. He can take it! <3

-Anyway, regaurdless of how Kerian injures Hiroshi, Hiroshi will be injured and basically useless for a moment or two. So, Aiden sees this and flips out, abandoning all of his carefully practiced strategy, and basically just going after Kerian, blood lust in his eyes. But that is what Kerian wanted him to do, isn't it?! Yes! It is! Kerian targets Aiden's wings and focuses all his power on breaking them and...HE SUCSEEDS?! Aiden crashes to the ground!?! WITH A BONE JARRING THUD!!

-Then, assuming that Aiden has died from the impact of crashing into the ground at such a speed, from such a height, Kerian turns back to Hiroshi, who figures that since he can't use his dominant arm and/or walk, that this would be a good time to panic! And Kerian says something awful about how Daddy is a half breed and he's doing the world a favor by killing him and how he's gonna kill Angel and Xander and everyone else afterwards. You know, Just really, really awful, cliche things like that, while he's preparing to kill Hiroshi.

-And Angel, who has been watching on the sidelines in near hysterics the entire time, freaks out right about then and tries to run out onto the feild and help her parents. While Xander, who has been helping Krystal attempt to save Emma's life, cries silently. But Blaise stops Angel, because he is wise. And knows that this fight is not over yet...... BLAISE KNOWS ALL!?!!!!??!?!?!

-Anyway, Hiroshi will NEVER quit! Daddy is a fighter!?! So even though he's wounded and in a pretty hopeless situation, he's still vallantly holding on to his Zanbato and trying to use Blood Alchemy!?! Good man! Anyway, just as Kerian is about to kill Hiroshi, he hears someone calling his name, that sounds a lot like his dead brother, which is highly suspcious so, he turns around and... SURPRISE!?! Aiden runs him through the gut with his sword! Die! Die! Die ya Bastard!

-Um, this is where everybody is super surprised that The King is still Alive! AMAZING!?! Sure, his wings are busted beyond belief and sticking out at strange angles and no body know how he survived that fall or how he got behind Kerian so easily and without anybody noticing him, but hey. It's all good! Hahaha. And Aiden and Kerian will exchange some more hateful words and Kerian will do the most cliche thing possible, which is promise Aiden that he will return. Like Queen Nehelania or Dub Queen Beryl, Zoicite.... And yes. I have been watching a look of Sailor Moon lately! Moving on! And then Aiden shall twist his blade around in Kerian's wound and probly respond with something equally as cliche. Then he will pull his sword out and cut off his brother's head, before his body has a chance to even sway where it stands!?!!


And that's the final boss fight between Aiden and Kerian. -robot voice- Some IIIINNNPUUUUTTT about how to maim my father would be nice. But lets be honest here, of the people who read this blog 90% of them don't or can't figure out how to comment. Period. Nevermind them being constructive comments.... -_- And of the one or two people that do actually comment, it is usually nothing helpful...or even pretaining to my book at all....

So, in the end I know I'm just going to have to decide on everything myself. Not that, that really bothers me. Because on the rare occasion that someone actually does give me an ACTUAL, HONEST opinion, there is only a 50/50 chance that I'll actually listen to it. I'm just pointing out the obvious here. I mean really, DON'T tell me you want to help me and that you honestly care, if when I spill my guts to you all over the pages of this book and ask for your opinions, your gonna suddenly vanish from the face of the planet or magically devolp mute-ism. It gets old....

And seriously, I am a big girl. If ya don't like my story, or you think it's lame or whatever, fine. Tell me and I'll stop bugging you for opinions. Trust me, you won't break my heart. And I'm not going to kill you. I promise!

-takes deep breath- Okay. So, that was my angry rant of the month in additon to my battle break down! Yay! 'Til next time!
Lita Kaye


Unknown said...

Well my dear I understand that I am less than helpful by saying this but I was digging the fight. In regards to Hiroshi’s pain the ripping of arrow then stabbing makes a good statement maybe after a mean crack in the face. To increase blood loss a slash across the chest says a lot. Aiden’s wings and fall. Well just thinking about the sound he would make… oogy sick feeling. Anyway I love the battered wing look, maybe some bloodstained feathers. Digging the orc slaying. To hold down Eclipse I know it is out of context but I would give it a hidden comedic element. One of the guys nonchalantly drops him on his ass. You get the idea. The ripping of the side and venom, I would make it specific like nails or teeth. To reference Chris Wooding a simple scratch would be enough to turn. So that is my INNNNNPUUUUUTTT Jonny. I hope this actually posts. If it does check you earlier posts I will give you my IIIIIIINNNNNNNPPPUUUT on those as well.

Unknown said...

AM I GOOD IM GOOD. MY VERY FIRST TRIUMPH OVER COMPUTERS. anyway love i will go back and give you my IIINPPPPPUUUUT whether your mind be made up or not.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Hahahaha. Congrats Hobo! A victory well...won? Hahahaha. And thank you for the IIIINNNNNNPPPUUUTTTT! But you realize that Angry rant wasn't aimed at you, right?

viccicat said...

yo, I have given you lots of input, just not on the computer screen... Besides now you has my inputs everywheres!!!

So the battered broken Aiden falls, very visual, I like that he pretends to be dead and then lops his nasty brothers ugly head off Aragorn style nice imagery!! Poor Hiro, I like the arm break from the bone crushing block, and the pulling of the blade out and using it to stab again is good, vicious even.. it works well. You might even somehow have him fall backwards, possibly oven one of Aidens broken wings or something to be in his last pitiful and bad position.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Aiden's wings don't come off... They just break. The same way someone's arm would.