Monday, April 27, 2009


Alrite, so here's an issue I don't believe I've discussed yet. Ears and tails. Angel, Emma and Sabastian are all have animal related powers and could by all rights be given animal ears and tails. So the question at hand is, do I give them animal ears and tails to match their powers? And if so, ears and tails, or just tails? And then there is the option to have them always present or only present sometimes?

I'm kind of on the fence about this one myself, which is why I'm asking my beloved followers...any thoughts? Opinions?....Babies?

Keep the dream Alive...

Alrite, so I have decided in an attempt to stall until I'm ready to post some more of my story, That I am going to outline my people's super cool demon powers, with specifics, limitations and examples and other shyt like that. So enjoy...or skip this post if you don't feel like reading one of my seriously loooooooong rants. lol

And I shall start with,


- Aiden is a Hawk Demon. He has a 15 foot wingspan, his feathers are dark brown with black flecks and stuff on them. (Like an actual Hawk's wings, basically.) His bones are hollow, and his muscles are lighter then average, which makes it easier for him to fly. All of Aiden's clothes are slit down the back so, he can snap out his wings easily and/or fold them up and out of sight. Aiden's stamina and reflexes are also very good and he can breathe even when there is very little oxygen in the air. He's also pretty fast and has exceptionally good eye sight, but those are really the only advantages to being a Hawk demon.

-If you've ever read Maximum Ride (Which I suggest you do) then you should understand where I'm going with/What I'm trying to do with Aiden here.


- Hiroshi is a Blood Alchemist. Which is something I made up. lol. It's basically regular alchemy, you know changing one thing into another and what not, but in Hiroshi's case he controls the transformation with his mind, you know shaping it, telling it what to become and stuff like that. And the catalyst is in his blood, or is is blood. (I have quite decided which yet.) Anyway, it's not the best offensive power, but it does come in handy sometimes.

-I haven't decided if I'm going to stick with this ability or not yet, cause I've changed his power like 38 times already. But at the moment I like the idea of it, so for the moment it'll do. lol

-Think of him like Ed Elric, from Full Metal Alchemist, only instead of an alchemy circle, he bleeds alchemic symbols on stuff. lol


-Angel is a Fire/Fox Demon. Angel can both control and create fire. She can force the flames to burn hotter, or put them out completely. However, if the fire goes beyond a certain temperature, she will lose control. It is impossible for Angel to burn herself, unless she looses control of her power. Her overall temperature and heart rate, naturally run higher then most demons. The Fox Demon aspect of Angel makes her being swifter/quicker then the average demon, but doesn't seem to give her any advantages in battle.


-Emma is a Lightning/Cat Demon. Emma can conjure up a thunder storm out of nowhere, and can control when and where the lightning strikes. She can also produce a pretty severe electrical charge, on comand/whenever she feels like it. (Like Pikachu?!) If Emma were to be struck by lightning, she would not be harmed.The main drawback to Emma's power is how much time, training, concentration, etc, etc it actually takes to control the lightning. The Cat Demon aspect contributes to Emma's exceptionally good balance and reaction time, but thoose appear to be her only advantages as far as thats concerned.


-Xander is a Shape Shifter. He can change his appearance to match that of anyone he's ever met. Even their voice. And in the case of demons, he can mimic their powers, but his imitation of power is never as strong as the original demon's, obviously. Xander is so good at this, he can even make up people on the spot and/or change a single aspect of himself, like his eyes or voice. On his own, in his original state, Xander's stamina is slightly better then average. But his strength and speed depend greatly on the form he is in, and is not overly impressive when he's not assuming another demon's shape. Shape Shifting is not the best offensive power, but Xander makes do by causing massive amounts confusion with it.

-Xander basically has the same powers as Mystique from X-Men or Envy from Full Metal Alchemist, with the one exception. When Xander shifts, his shadow does not change with him. Which I have decided is true to all shifters, but not widely known.


-Krystal is a "Touch Know." Meaning that when she touches someone or something, she instantly learns every significant thing that ever happened to it in the past and anything that's currently wrong with or bothering whatever she's touching. Which is part of what makes her such a great Doctor, She'll never misdiagnose you! However, the glitch is that she can only see past events through the person's eyes or from the objects point of view. This ability, clearly gives Krystal no offensive edge in battle. Good thing she doesn't intend to join the army anytime soon.

-Krystal's power's are basically the same as The Fishman Abraham, from Hellboy. I might look into making a few changes to Krys' power here and there to make it a little more unique, but I'm pretty happy with it as is, at the moment.


-Eclipse is a Dragon Demon. He has two main forms, Dragon and Normal, with a few degrees in between. And for the most part he can control the transformation, however sometimes under stress his body transforms regardless of his wishes. In his half-transformed state (Preferred over fully transformed) Eclipse can fly with his big scaly Dragon wings, has sharp fangs, and poisonous claws. Eclipse is also exceptionally strong, (Though you might not be able to tell by looking at him.) and his pain tolerance is pretty high. However his reaction time and reflexes are not the best.


- Kerian is a Necromancer. Also known as a Bone Sorcerer. Kerian basically has control over the dead. Meaning that he can raise skeletons and the recently fallen from their graves and make them fight for him. His powers are strongest over bones. For example, the handle of Kerian's sword is made of bone, which means he could throw it like a boomerang and make it come back to him everytime, despite the fact that swords do not fly very well. Although he's not strong enough to crush the bones of a living person (their life force tends to interfer with powers), he could potientally guide a broken rib, into stabbing you in the lungs. Which is creepy...

-Think of him as my beloved husband John Faust The 8th from Shaman King, only creepier, less german and....EVIL?!


-Kazuo is a Parasite and/or Life Draining Demon. What Kazuo does, basically, is drain life from people. In the case of demons, he steals their energy first making them too weak to use their powers, before he begins to drain the life out of them. He also has a little bit of a talent for stealing peoples energy from a far, a.k.a. without touching you. But he's a sick bastard and would prefer to look into your eyes as your dying, so he doesn't use that trick very often.

-You can think of Kazuo as having the same powers as Rogue, if you like. But they do differ a little. Just because Kazuo is touching you, doesn't mean your gonna die. (Although you often do.) He can decide when he wants to use his powers and when he doesn't. Actually, he's a little more like that crazy, sadistic, goth chick in Electra.

And there you have it. Another pointlessly long post that no one will read....Yay!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Stomp the catbox?

TADA! Another peice of my story! Love it?!

Kneeling on the ground beside her, the mysterious man threw his arm around her and pulled Emma close to him, “Brace yourself.” He said, holding onto her shoulders tightly. She immediately grabbed a hold of the stranger. Emma didn't know what he was going to do, but she got the feeling it would be dangerous. Reaching into his pocket, the mysterious man withdrew what appeared to be several small, wrinkled, scraps of paper and whipped them at the oncoming truck.

Unfurling themselves in mid air, the paper flew surprisingly straight, slicing through the air like a knife, until they connected with the trucks heavy metal frame, little more then 15 feet in front of them. Emma gasped, feeling suddenly like she was watching this horrific scene unfold before her in slow motion.

Upon impact the paper flattened against the truck, not unlike a wet noodle being thrown against the wall, and crushed the truck beneath it. The screech of twisting metal was deafening and the truck was quickly beginning to look like it had been run straight into a solid brick wall at sixty miles per hour, instead of a few flimsy pieces of paper.

As soon as the smoke had cleared and he had determined it was safe to approach the vehicle, the Stranger silently pried himself out of Emma’s death grip and moved to check on the driver. Waving his hand casually over one of the strips of paper, in a Jedi like manner, as he walked by. After which it floated softly to the ground, almost as if he had given it permission to fall.

Meanwhile Emma’s head was reeling. And she found it completely impossible to wrap her mind around what had just happened. That man had shown up out of no where and destroyed an entire truck with a few pieces of scrap paper! There was no logical way to explain that! Oh man, why did everything seem so unreal and confusing all of a sudden?

The man frowned as he looked through the shattered glass and into the wrecked truck, the air bag had deployed, and he hated those stupid things. Wrapping the excess material of his shirt sleeve around his fist to protect himself, the Stranger punched out what was left of the driver’s side window, as casually as possible. Then reached inside and ripped the airbag out of the steering wheel, so he could get to the driver. There was a large bloody gash over his right eye, but after checking his pulse, the mysterious man determined that he was unconscious, not dead. He mentally breathed a sigh of relief as her mumbled under his breath, “Good.”

As soon as she was able to tear her eyes away from the wreckage before her, Emma noticed that one of the Stanger’s peculiar scraps of paper was within arms reach of where she was sitting. It must have been blown over by the wind or something. Curiosity getting the better of her, like it usually did, Emma reached out and picked it up. It was long and thin and much more, grainy then regular computer paper, with a series of long swirly symbols she didn’t recognize, written on it in dark blue ink. It didn’t look all that special to her, although it did remind her of those paper talismans Sailor Mars used to…


“Ah!” Emma startled at the sudden noise and dropped the talisman, jumping quickly to her feet.

“Are you alright?” The Stranger asked, as he stepped out from behind the wreckage, a hint of concern in his voice.

“Uh…” Emma blushed upon seeing her Rescuer's face for the first time. He was gorgeous. Tall, with an athletic build, pale skin, dark, piercing blue eyes and messy black hair, that faded into purple in the bottom two inches. Needless to say, he blew Jason right out of the water.

“Are you alright?”

“Oh! Yea, I’m fine.”

“Good.” The Stranger replied, flashing her a dazzling smile before throwing a small fist full of sparkling blue powder in her face. Emma immediately felt faint and after another inhale or two, lost consciousness completely.

I'm still playing with the wording alittle bit, but still I thought it would be nice to post what I had. Hope you liked it!

And again. Sorry the editting is so slow.

The RoQuero'Kubeh?!

Alright, so because I feel like it I have decided to post about my super cool Gypsy/Bandits, The RoQuero'Kubeh and their allegiances and creed and stuff like that there, So....HA?!

-To start, I'd like to talk about their Allegiances.

My RoQuero are the kind of people that have no allegiances to anyone outside of their group, and no specific enemies. Even though they are technically helping the kings of Zarius by keeping the crime rate and stuff like that in check, they don't answer to anyone. They also don't expect to be aided when their in trouble either.
-Not explaining this as well as I thought I could-

-Next Question! Whose in charge?!

And the answer is, no one really. In general the strongest fighters, like Blaise, simply take it upon themselves to protect everyone. And all big life altering decisions are generally put to a vote. It's also the group as a wholes job to get food, take care of the wounded, look after the children and make sure no one gets left behind.

-Next topic, is their creed,

"Death Before Blindness."
I personally love it and in all honesty, I don't care if you guys like it or not, cause I'm not changing it. Haha. Anyway, I have decided that it means/I want people to think of it like this, my RoQuero would rather die, then turn a blind eye to an injustice of any kind, okay?

-You see, I want them to come off like a mish mash of a bunch of diffrent things such as, the King's Musketeers, Peter Pan's lost boys, The Varden, Gypsys, The Outsiders And some other ridiculous ideas that have been running around inside my head, etc etc. You'll have to let me know if I'm failing or not later on, after you meet them. lol.

Umm, That's really all I can think of right nao. But, know that I might add to this at some point!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hiya guys?! Heres the next installation of my obsessively edited story!

The loud shriek of police sirens sliced suddenly through the cool night air, shaking Emma, unceremoniously from her peaceful thoughts. “Hmm?” Curious as too what all the commotion was about, she pulled her headphones off and peaked over the ledge of the roof, at the main road. Only to be horrified when she saw the flashing lights of a police car, headed toward the school.

“Ah!” Emma jumped to her feet, grabbed her backpack and took off running for the fire escape. “Damn you Mr. Paul!” She must have tripped the principal’s stupid new alarm system, somehow. Which meant that she only had a couple of minutes to get off the roof before the police arrived, and she could not get caught up here. Mostly because she wanted to be a police officer when she grew up, and she knew for a fact that they’d never let her in if she had a record. But also because, if she got suspended one more time, Emma was positive she’d fail math. Jumping the last couple of steps, Emma hit the ground running, if she could just get across the street to the park…

Emma was about halfway across the street, almost home free, when her backpack suddenly ripped wide open, spilling its guts all over the pavement. However irksome it was, Emma knew that she couldn’t stop to pick her things up now, or she’d be caught for sure. So she bolted across the road, crashing through the bushes on the other side to avoid being seen. She could get her things later.

Emma lay low in the bushes waiting for the police sirens to dissipate, before peaking out at the street. There was no one there. Thank god. With a sigh of relief, she stepped back out onto the street. The cops must have turned down one of the side streets or something. Walking back into the middle of the road, Emma knelt down and started picking her stuff up, although with her backpack torn the way it was, she had no idea where she was supposed to put it all.

A fraction of a second after standing up, her belongings crammed hastily into her dilapidated back pack, Emma was blinded by the headlights of a large truck speeding down the road. Her entire body immediately went numb with fear and suddenly Emma understood exactly what "a deer in the headlights" felt like. But she couldn’t have been in the street for more then thirty seconds, where the hell had that truck come from?!

The driver was roughly fifty yards away when he finally slammed the brakes. For one shining moment, it looked like Emma might actually live through the night, but then a terrifyingly loud bang ripped through the air and Emma could only assume that the truck had blown out a tire, from the way it swerved unstably.

“Oh my God…” Emma’s eyes widened in horror as the truck hit the curb beside her at an angle, its rear tires swinging out from behind and skidding across the pavement in a wide arc. The momentum of it eventually pulling the entire car into an uncontrollable spin.

Dropping her bag, Emma focused all her energy on forcing her numb, legs to move. Actually succeeding in taking one step backwards, before being knocked to the ground, by … a man? Kneeling down beside her on one knee, the mysterious man threw his arm around her and pulled Emma close to him, holding onto her shoulders tightly. “Brace yourself.”

Hope you enjoyed it.....and I'll try to post alittle faster next time, kay?

Friday, April 3, 2009

"There is no spoon?!"

HER YA GO?! Have some profiles more profiles!

Nickname: Blaisajosky
Full Name: Blaise Adams
Birthday: August 10th
Sign: Leo
Animal: Half Dragon. (Blaise's genes where mutated when Eclipse's blood got into his system at the end of book one. JUST LIKE SPIDER MAN?! ...Only not.)
Ability: Control over all things Water
Weapon of choice: A rapier (Fencing Sword), a Bo (Big Stick), or His Fists.
Height: 6'1'
Weight: 146 Pounds
Hair Color: Black, Relatively Long
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Sexuality: Pansexual
Clothing Preference: Something swishy. lol
Other Details: Blaise is the Unofficial leader of The RoQuero'Kubeh! And he believes whole heartedly in the RoQuero Creed. (And he's my favorite alter ego. lol.)
Personality: Awesome, Loyal, Fun to be around, Loud.... Almost Bipolar when it comes to some things...
History: Blaise was taken in by the RoQuero when he was very young. They are the only family he has ever known and he likes it that way.
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Cotton Candy
Least Favorite Food: N/A
Likes: Being with friends, Goofing off and Kissing.
Dislikes: Jerks of all kinds, To many Rules and Tight Pants
Talent: Being the life of the Party!? And kicking ass?!
Weakness: His Friends, other RoQuero...

Full Name: Vladimir Mattrick
Birthday: January 27th
Sign: Aquarius
Animal: N/A
Ability: Super-Duper Psychic Abilities!
Weapon of Choice: Jedi Mind Tricks...obviously.
Height: 5'9'
Weight: 128 Pounds
Hair Color: Blond, Shoulder Length
Eye Color: Bright Green
Sexuality: Gay
Clothing Preferences: A shirt and some pants? Vlad's not picky.
Other Details: Vlad is head over heels in love with Blaise. lol. (And at the moment I am contemplating whether to put him in the first book as a minor charrie or leave him out til the second one...)
Personality: Kind of withdrawn, Interesting to talk to, Alittle Shy
History: Nothing interesting I'm afraid. Vlad is a RoQuero born and raised.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Tomato Soup
Least Favorite Food: Squash.
Likes: Reading and training his brilliant mind?!
Dislikes: Religion...
Talents: Keeping calm in bad situations
Weakness: Blaise...

Nickname: GOD OF WAR!
Full Name: Darnell James
Birthday: November 2nd
Sign: Scorpio
Animal: N/A
Ability: N/A
Weapon of Choice: His Gun...
Height: 5'9.5'
Weight: 145 Pounds
Hair Color: Dirty Blond, Short and Messy
Eye Color: Brown
Sexuality: Yea, finding love is not really a priority in Darnell's world....
Clothing Preference: Something that fits, and allows him to blend in easily.
Other Details: Darnell is the only human living in Zarius, that we know of... (And he does not appear until book two, unless I change my mind between then and nao....)
Personality: He's kind of an aquired taste.
Favorite Color: Camouflage
Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers
Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms
Likes: The rush of fighting!
Dislikes: In general, Darnell does not like people...
Talent: He's a deadly accurate sniper of doom!
Weakness: Recently he's developed this nasty habit of getting attached to people and having friends? Couldn't tell you what that's all about... lol

AND JUST SO YOU KNOW?! I plan on writing a detailed explanation about the RoQuero'Kubeh and their Allegiances and Creed and such like that sometime soon, so that you guys understand just how awesome they really are?! -psyched, but to lazy to do it right nao-

Just a thought....

I was just pondering random cliche twin things to do with Angel and Emma during biology because the kids in the class somehow managed to confuse my teahcer into letting us watch a movie we've already watched three times about genetic disorders (Yippie...), and I started thinking, what if Emma has mood swings because of what Angel is feeling? And vice versa.

This could be one of the reasons she doesn't have any friends in Human World, and I could tie it into what caused the fight with Emma's foster father, Angel could "sense" that Emma was in danger before she sees that Kazuo is sucking the life out of her, and so on and so forth. I wouldn't want it to go as far as telepathy or anything, Cause that would be silly. I just thought maybe it would add to how close they are or whatever. lol.....

Anyway, let me know whatchu think about this one, kay?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Sooooo...I've been thinking, would it make more sense for me too limit Angel and Emma's powers to either just the animal aspect, Like Aiden or just the elemental aspect? Cause even though I like it the way it is now, I'm constantly worried that I'm over powering them.....-sigh- What do you guys think?

AND! If I were to limit their powers to either one or the other I think I would have to keep Angel as a fire element and Emma... Hell, I don't know what I'd do with Emma.

So....... What do you guys think?