Saturday, February 28, 2009


So in order to make my story a bit more realistic, (Haha. Laughable concept, right?) I decided to make up a religion. Cause like it or not, they are kind of everywhere, you know? So I thought they should be included. Not as a main theme, but still in there.

The first one, I've become kinda partial too, even though the structure of it isn't the best.... Oh yeah and it doesn't have a name either. LoL. It's loosely based on, Greek mythology, I guess....

-Anyway, it centers around a pair of sisters Nayotake and Isakakate. Nayotake being god of life and Isakakate being the god of death.
-Then there are two gender neutral beings, Oberon and Umbriel, who represent balance. You know, good and evil, night and day, etc, etc.
-And then there are The Fates. Which I have renamed, Cybele, Anatolia and Ceres. (I may change their names...)

At the moment they're all female, and I'm not sure if Ima keep it that way or not, but for now, I think it's good. -points dramatically- What say you to that?!

Then for the Christian/Catholic equivalent, we have...

-Im going to call God, Apollyon.
-And I shall call Satan, Nakal.
-Then to make it alittle different, I was thinking of perhaps giving Nakal a wife. And having her be the truly evil one. I would most definitely call her Nefaria. But I'm not sure if I'll do that or not yet....

And last but not least, I thought it would be nice to have something along the lines of Native American religion as well. I only have three Gods so far though....

-Evaki = Sky God
-Tycho = Sea Goddess
-Sabitier = Earth God


Aiden and Hiroshi, do not rule the world. So I think it's about time I introduced the other Kings and Queens of my realm , don't you?

-Ruled over by Aiden and Hiroshi
-Named after my AWESOME purple ipod

-Ruled by Theresa Tetranova's family
-This one is dominated by women, kind of like the Amazons, but not quite to that extreme. They still like men, They just don't put them in charge of anything....

-I like this name now, but I might change it later...
-This one I think should be set up, halfway between the government in V for Vendetta and Sparta. Sounds fun right?

-Considered a waste land
-I think Im gonna send traitors and criminals and such here
-Doesn't belong to anyone in specific
-It is the job of everyone to make sure the people on this Island don't escape or rebel and other such non-sense like that.


The Island
- I'm debating on whether I should give it an actual name or not....
-Serves as a neutral meeting place for the Imperial Court, should someone be at War or whatever

I'm considering adding one more kingdom, but I'm not sure yet. Any thoughts?

ANYWAY! I have come up with a name for Blaise's band of gypsy/bandits! And it is, Rokurokubi, or Rokuro for short. What do you think? It has nothing to do with anything, but it is just so much fun to say!


I have decided on the use of oddly colored birds to summon the Imperial court! The color of the bird's body will tell you who is calling the meeting and the feathers on the bird's wings will tell you where to meet and why you are meeting. Now all I need to do, is come up with a color scheme.


That my people should consider the word "Demon" in accurate and insualting, because it is what a human's term. I haven't yet decided what they should refer to themselves as, but it won't be "Demons" that is for sure.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Bit For You!!!?>!>!>!>!

I got tired of stalling, so here ya go, even though the scene isn't finished yet

The next morning

Emma groaned, pulling the covers up over her head in an attempt to hide from the sun, which had ever so kindly decided to shine directly in her eyes. Ugh! Why did it have to be morning? She didn’t want to get up and go to school, even though she knew she had too. Any more sick days and she’d be held back, that’s what the principal had told her. What a jerk…
Yawning, Emma reached for her phone, so she could check the time, but her cell phone was not on the night stand where she’d left it. Another moment or so of blindly groping around for it confirmed that. And since when did she have a table lamp? Thoroughly confused, Emma opened her eyes. This was not her room… Sitting bolt upright, she looked around. High ceilings, huge bed, full length mirror, marble floors? This was most definitely not her room. “Oh my god….” WHERE THE HELL WAS SHE?!
She couldn’t remember anything about last night, except for that weird dream. Just as she was starting to panic, Emma noticed footsteps outside the door. Her mind racing, the first thought that entered her mind was that the Australian government had finally passed The BR Act and she’d been kidnapped so they could force her to participate in the Sydney edition of Battle Royale!?!....Which was both terrifying and highly unlikely, but then again she wasn’t exactly thinking very clearly.
Before Emma had the chance to even contemplate getting a grip on herself, something jumped at her. “Reow!”
Emma screamed. “Wah!” She attempted to jump out of bed so she could escape from whatever it was that had attacked her, but it seemed that during the night the bed sheets had twisted themselves around her legs in such a way that prevented her from accomplishing anything other then knocking herself out of bed.
Upon hearing the commotion, Eclipse burst into the princess’ room, almost literally .5 seconds after she’d hit the floor, sword drawn, ready to defend her from… her pussycat? And the bedspread? “Princess…” He couldn’t help but laugh a little as he crossed the room to help her up. It was a funny sight.
After seeing the vague, blurry form of Eclipse coming toward her, through the fabric of the blanket, Emma switched immediately to defense mode. She’d only taken one self defense class in her entire life and it had taught her two very important survival techniques, One, Scream. And two, Never give up!
“Are you alright, Princess?” Eclipse questioned pulling the blanket away from her face, only to be punched square in the nose without hesitation.
Oww!” Eclipse mentally screamed. She hit me?! He hadn’t expected that, that was for sure. But he recovered from the attack quickly and grabbed Emma’s wrist. “Princess!” This was partly because he wanted to make sure he had her full attention but mostly because he wanted to keep her from throwing the table lamp at him.
Emma whipped around to hit him again, “Let go of me!” But for some reason she stopped when she saw his face. He was cute. Gorgeous actually. He had long, silky, black hair that faded into a deep purple in the bottom couple of inches and allusive dark blue eyes. This man was easily a hundred times better looking then Jason ever was and for some reason she got the strange feeling that she could trust him…. Maybe he was the one that had saved her from the truck?
“Are you okay?” He repeated an air of concern in his voice.
Emma nodded mutely in reply. She was still trying to figure him out.
Eclipse let out a sigh of relief, “Good.” And released Emma’s wrist.
“Who are you?”
“Oh, my apologies Princess. I’ve not introduced myself,” And with that Eclipse jumped to his feet and bowed to her. “My name is Eclipse Deimos. I work for your parents.”

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Computer Findings Point To.....

LOL CATS!!! (And their friends!) Enjoy!....ESPECIALLY YOU GRANDMA JANET!!! lol

I has decided that from now on that I shall use lol cats and their friends to distract you guys everytime I need to stall alittle before my next story post. HAHAHAHAHAHA!