Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm all lost in the supermarket...

Alrite bitches , LETS GO!!!

-First order of bussiness, I am an idoit! I mean why the hell would you create an imperial court and then not use it for anything!?! That's just stupid. So I have decided that to give my useless court some relavence that it would be a great idea to have a war council! Yea! Because Aiden and Hiroshi have friends and alli's and shyt like that, their are not going to fight A WAR, alone. That would be silly... So we're gonna have a war council and see whoose with them and whoose not. I think it's a good idea, anybody else? Or am I alone in this one?

-I also think that this would be a great excuse to leave the children (Krystal, Angel, Xander and Emma) IN THE DARK! Yes, the plan is, we will not tell them a blessed thing about whats going on until after the council meets, which in turn means that I can put that creepy/ak-weird exchange between Xander and Kerian, as Kerian's leaveing the castle, back in there! Woot! I love that scene!

-But! (The draw back) The idea of the war council makes me wanna bring my cameo charries in NOW instead of waiting for the oppertune moment.... (lol) Which I'm not sure if I should do or not.... What do you guys think? Darnell now or later? ...Although I suppose I could always bring in someone now and leave the rest of them till later......That could work. What about that? Darnell and Amanda now, Blaise and Vlad later? (Blaise is gonna hate me for even asking that question, by the way...)

-And! My plotline, think i should just redo it and include all the specifics this time? Or just leave it as is? I don't know.... -pout-

-And freakin Xander! I've tried 86 thousand diffrent hair styles and colors! NONE of it looks right for him all of a sudden! Any suggestions? (Remember Aiden has black hair and Hiroshi's is silver.)

-listening to Gackt and dancing badly-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You dance fine and should do so as if no one is looking who cares anyhow!!!
Balise will get over you asking if he should be held back from entering at this point or later, comeon he's a big boy even if he does pout, He loves you!! I like the war council, it's good, and I think that K & H would t ry to keep t he kiddo out of it, so it works. Bring back the Zander scene it works too!!