Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Newest "Mostly Flaming" Decisions of DEATH!

Firstly! I have decided that I made the Kerian conspiracy waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy more complicated then need be...and that, in hind sight, it was a little stupid... So, The new Kerian conspiracy, is gonna go like this,

Kerian and Aiden are brothers, and Kerian's older. So by all rights, he should be the rightful heir to the throne right? Wrong! He's not! Because he sucks and he's creepy. Maybe the king sense's the dark side in him or something, whatever?! The point is Kerian, will NOT be named king...EVER! Then the rest of it's the same. He tries to kill Aiden in his sleep, fails because Hiroshi blows his cover and then gets his ass banished. You know...

Also!!!! Kerian doesn't love Hiroshi. Kay? He doesn't. He hates Hiro because he's a half breed. Then for awhile he wanted Hiroshi because Aiden had him. Now he just sort of feels like killing them both off, for no good reason.

And! I'm keeping my Imperial Court...I don't care how useless it is....

Hiro's powers are most definitely going to change. I have decided I most definately want him to be an alchemist. Which I shall explain the details of later....

I'm bringing in ALL of my cameo charries in NOW! And I'll worry about the sequel when I get there.

We're having a party to celebrate Emma's return, introduce minor charries and give Emma a chance to put the moves on Eclipse.

The ak-weird/sorta of creepy exchange between Xander and Kerian, that happens after Kerian declares war on us, is totally on!

The severity of the wounds Angel sustains during the final battle are going to be lessened. (I think I'll just break her right arm or something like that.)

I'm working on a couple power limitators for Eclipse to wear regularly, in an attempt to hide his dragon-ness. Enchanted wrist cuffs, special necklace, you know, stuff like that.

It is decided that from now on the Void will ONLY be disturbed by GIGANTIC bursts of demonic energy.

Emma is being relocated from Boston to Australia, Cuz I feel like it. HAHA!

Also I've just decided to change Kerian's powers as well. I think I'll make him a necromancer. Lol

And....I think that's it for now. I don't think I'ma re-post the plotline with more detail. I think I'll just start posting the actual story and let you people figure out what's going on on your own.


Anonymous said...

Cool, I'm looking forward to it. I like the Australia change. I also like the background change for Kerian and Hiro. Oh yeah and what does btw mean? I read it on another post and I forgot to ask?

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

By the way....