Monday, January 12, 2009

Alrite, Xander wins....

For some reason, it all of a sudden irks me an awful lot that Xander is the only one that does not have a elemental or animal type power, SO! I have decided to change Hiroshi's powers to something along the same lines as Xander. So that he won't be the only one...and because I think it will make alittle more sense that way...not that anyone even really notices that Xander is the odd man out anyway, but still! It would make me feel better if it made alittle bit more sense....

Now, the only problem is picking out a new ability for Hiro. I was thinking something along the lines of like an alchemist, (like the ones in Full Metal Alchemist) only not. Something like the ability to create things and fuse exsisting things together, with your mind....but in order to make it work you need to use a drop of your own blood....or something... I'm still trying to figure out a way to word it so that it actually sounds like what I want it to be. But honestly, some advice please? I mean does it sound stupid?

And seriously guys, if you don't comment on anything or never give me any advice again in your lives! Could you at least tell me if you think I should repost the plot with more detail or leave it as is? I would greatly appreicate it.


Celes said...

Go ahead and repost if you like.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Yes, but what I wanna know is would it be helpful or just annoying to re-read....

Celes said...

I dunno; it's your call. I don't mind reading a new summary.

Anonymous said...

I think that it might help you to repost, I am ok with however you decide to do it. I like the blood alchemist change, I think that you will be able to do alot with that and it is a unique twist. Still I think that you could also use the resoning that Hiro is a half breed to explain why Zander is animal less, and as I've said in the past, he could be a late bloomer, due to his Dad being a half blood, he could require a supernatural catalyst to expose his animal, and he could be some sort of never before seen dragon of all dragons or something, or even some other beast. Gryphon or somethig else maybe an elemental beast, a fire dragon or something like that?