Ummm, also I have decided that he shall be a scorpion. Which is partially why I chose this dark grey/black skin tone for him. Ummm, I am still working on his powers and their extent a little bit. But I know for sure, that he shall be poisonious. With highly neurotoxic venom, of course. I am also reasonably certian that I want him fight with twin knives or possibly even a small ax, as opposed to a sword. I don't know why, I just feel like he should fight with a small, quick weapon of some kind.
Annnnnd yea.... That's about it. I mean he is a psychotic killer. He has no motivation, he just likes to kill anything and everything that crosses him. He doesn't care whether he lives or dies. He's got no friends or allies. No past... What more can I possibly say about him? Hahaha.
"Some men aren't looking for anything Logical,
Some men just want to watch the World burn."
I'll make sure to make a mention of which name I settle on sometime in the near future.
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