Okay, so I was watching TV the other day and the super random thought occurred to me that if Zooey Deschanel, the super cute actress from Yes Man and Failure to Launch, etc, etc.

And Justin Bartha, the super adorable actor from National Treasure and Failure to Launch, etc, etc,

Were to ever have a child, that if would look like, none other then Elijah Wood!?!! Yesh, that's right. Elijah Wood. I believe that their children would look just like him. Don't you?

Seriously, look at him!?!! I'm totally right. Hahaha. Anyway, these sort of thoughts occur to me sometimes. And uhhh, I guess that's it for today. I promise that I'll post something relevant soon. Unfortunately, my computer has committed suicide, once again. So, I'm posting on my Brother's lap top, which I know thrills him to absolutely no end, ever single time that I ask him to let me borrow it. Hahaha, Anyway, I don't have any of my reference pictures or my notes or anything like that on Wolf's computer. Which makes posting anything but randomness, kind of difficult. Hahaha.
But oh well, you people will just have to deal with reading whatever random crap that I decide to post until my Uncle can resurrect my computer. Sucks to be you. Hahaha.
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