-Okay so, because Emma and Angel are women and Angel has rather large breasts, we will have to start off by taping those down with cloth bandages so that they don't get in the way. LIKE MULAN!?!! And obviously they will be wearing underwear.
-Over that they shall wear pants! Yesh! Pants! Black pants made of cloth, not leather. And they shall be loose, but not baggy. And a sleeveless chain mail shirt. Angel's will only be long enough for her to be able to tie her belt over it and have it stay. Where are Emma's will go down all the way to her mid thigh, like a dress.
-And over that, they shall wear shirts! Yesh, Angel will be wearing a black Gi jacket with the sleeves cut off of it. And Emma, will either be wearing a Gi jacket with the sleeves rolled up a little past her elbows or a t-shirt. I haven't decided yet.
-On top of that, we place the armor itself.
Angel!?!! Angel's armor is for the most part inspired by traditional Samurai style armor. But of course, I have taken it and destroyed it and made it the way I like it to the point where it is almost indistinguishable. Hahaha.

-Angel will be wearing a three quarter length breast plate. You know the type doesn't cover your stomach? Angel needs her full range of motion in her hips after all. Angel's breast plate will be made of like custom shaped/fitted steel plates, covered in dark red hard leather. And like most breast plates, it will come in two peices that you put together and lace up the sides when you put it on. Hahaha. And it'll most likely have the Radic Family Crest, or whatever I decide to make the symbol of our country, burned into the leather on the front. And attached to her lovely chest plate she will have a pair of shoulder pads. Nothing super fancy. And not exactly traditional Smaurai shoulder pads. Just something small that won't get in her way and will deter people from trying to break her collar bones.
-On her arms, Angel will wear a pair of fingerless black gloves, probably leather, and over those she will wear some sort of wrist guards. They'll only cover from her wrists to her elbows though and I want them to look as though you could kill someone with them. These two will likely be plate mail covered in hard leather. But I want to do something fancy with them. Maybe burn something specific to Angel into them. A rose, or something a long those lines.
-As far as lower body armor goes, Angel will opt for the traditional Samurai Leg Wear. Which is attached via a belt or sometimes two belts. And consists of three panels, one covering each thigh and one across the back with an open front. However, I think in Angel's case that I will remove the back panel. Because I think that they get in the way when you run, and have always considered them bothersome and annoying. Anyway, the panels should not be any longer then Angel's dad. And they should only be wide enough to suitably cover her thighs.
Emma!?!! Alright, now Emma wears almost exactly the same armor Angel does. But with some subtle differences. For example, Emma's armor is more influenced by the armor of traditional knights then Samurai's like her sisters or really anything else. However this too, I have taken and messed with until I had it the way I like it, so bear with me....
-As far as lower body armor goes, Angel will opt for the traditional Samurai Leg Wear. Which is attached via a belt or sometimes two belts. And consists of three panels, one covering each thigh and one across the back with an open front. However, I think in Angel's case that I will remove the back panel. Because I think that they get in the way when you run, and have always considered them bothersome and annoying. Anyway, the panels should not be any longer then Angel's dad. And they should only be wide enough to suitably cover her thighs.
Emma!?!! Alright, now Emma wears almost exactly the same armor Angel does. But with some subtle differences. For example, Emma's armor is more influenced by the armor of traditional knights then Samurai's like her sisters or really anything else. However this too, I have taken and messed with until I had it the way I like it, so bear with me....

-Emma will also be wearing a three quater length breast plate, that comes in two peices and laces up the sides to keep it together. And just like Angel's, Emma's breast plate will be made of custom shapped/fitted steel plates and covered by hard leather. Except I want Emma's to be dyed purple! Dark purple. Hahaha. Because I'm lame. And whatever gets burned into Angel's chest plate will likely be burned into Emma's as well. Emma will wear shoulder pads as well. But I want them to be a little diffrent from Angel's. Pherhaps they will cover a bit more of her arm or something like that. I haven't exactly decided yet.
-Emma shall be wearing the exact same plate mail wrist guards covered in hard leather and fingerless black leather gloves as her sister. However, I want the coloring and the fancy design or whatever I decide to burn into the leather to be diffrent. Pherhaps for Emma, it could be a reference to Cassandra or the moon or something like that. Hahaha.
-As for leg armor, Emma shall opt for something a bit more similar to that of what the knights of the days of old would wear as oppsed to the Samurai leg armor Angel is wearing. Which in this case, means that the armor sits a bit higher on the waist and comes down a bit lower on the leg. The band around the waist that holds the armor up will be metal plated and a bit wider then the ties Angel is using to hold hers up, but not by much. Um, two plates hang down from the waist, one over each thigh. They will be a bit less wide then Angel's. And a bit shorter. I may also add some extra chain mail links just kinda hanging down and just kinda be there. Hahaha. And that's pretty much it. Umm, it would be a bit heavier, but I think Emma will deal. Hahaha.
-Then over that, the girls will be wearing knee high, black leather boots with the excess material of their pants tucked loosely into the top. Angel will have a Dagger either tucked into or strapped onto her right boot. Emma however, has opted for shin guards. They will be strapped on top of/over her boots and instead the dagger will be strapped to her right thigh.
-And now for the fun part, Weapons!?!! In addition to the dagger in her boot, Angel will be sporting two short swords and a katana. The short swords will be arranged like Taki's. One fastened, straight across her hips and the other diagonally across her shoulder. And the Katana will be tied to her left hip in the traditional fashion. And in addition to the dagger tied to her thigh, Emma shall be sporting a pair of Sai and a katana. Yea. That's right, I said Sai. And you know what? I don't care if you think they are impractical. I love them! And I'm using them!?!! Anyway, Emma's Sai will be tucked into the belt that holds her leg armor in place. And her katana will, also be attached traditionally and hang off her left hip.
-AND HAIR!?!! Angel will wear her hair up in a high ponytail And it will most likely accompanied by a black head band. Hahaha. Emma however, is going to go with Aragorn/Gandalf/Legolas Style to match Blaise.
-And now for the fun part, Weapons!?!! In addition to the dagger in her boot, Angel will be sporting two short swords and a katana. The short swords will be arranged like Taki's. One fastened, straight across her hips and the other diagonally across her shoulder. And the Katana will be tied to her left hip in the traditional fashion. And in addition to the dagger tied to her thigh, Emma shall be sporting a pair of Sai and a katana. Yea. That's right, I said Sai. And you know what? I don't care if you think they are impractical. I love them! And I'm using them!?!! Anyway, Emma's Sai will be tucked into the belt that holds her leg armor in place. And her katana will, also be attached traditionally and hang off her left hip.
-AND HAIR!?!! Angel will wear her hair up in a high ponytail And it will most likely accompanied by a black head band. Hahaha. Emma however, is going to go with Aragorn/Gandalf/Legolas Style to match Blaise.
And that's what I came up with. I'll post the rest of them, as I finish them..... maybe. Or at least that's the plan. And before you critics my crappy pictures, I would like to remind you that I took with pics with my phone off of a TV screen. So shut up.
Anyway, Thank you very much Soul Calibur 4. Um, These pictures obviously, aren't exactly what I described to you. But they are as close as I could get. Because I can't draw for shyt and yea.... Um, I haven't decided if I like the huge round Thunder Cats looking, belt buckle or that piece that hangs down in front, enough to actually keep them or not yet. I mean I think they look cool. But I think a huge round belt buckle would get in the way. And that piece that hangs down in front, literally has no purpose. And I am trying really hard not to waste time with things that have no purpose whatsoever or are counter productive in this particular story. Hahaha.
Anyway, as far as everyone else, I'm having a really hard making a Soul Calibur and/or SIMS version of pretty much any of my male charries because I hate 90% of all the male armor they give you in that game. But I've been pulling armor reference pics off the interwebs left, right, and sideways, so I'll be able to do it. It'll just be slow. Hahahahhaha.
So let me know what you think, I KNOW YOU WON'T!?!!
Anyway, Thank you very much Soul Calibur 4. Um, These pictures obviously, aren't exactly what I described to you. But they are as close as I could get. Because I can't draw for shyt and yea.... Um, I haven't decided if I like the huge round Thunder Cats looking, belt buckle or that piece that hangs down in front, enough to actually keep them or not yet. I mean I think they look cool. But I think a huge round belt buckle would get in the way. And that piece that hangs down in front, literally has no purpose. And I am trying really hard not to waste time with things that have no purpose whatsoever or are counter productive in this particular story. Hahaha.
Anyway, as far as everyone else, I'm having a really hard making a Soul Calibur and/or SIMS version of pretty much any of my male charries because I hate 90% of all the male armor they give you in that game. But I've been pulling armor reference pics off the interwebs left, right, and sideways, so I'll be able to do it. It'll just be slow. Hahahahhaha.
So let me know what you think, I KNOW YOU WON'T!?!!
I tells you t hings, I does, I does. I likes the arour yo have described. Are you going to add pointy claw like projections off of the wrist/guantlets?
Hhahahha. And you make fun of my spelling.
Haven't decided yet.
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