Anyway, let's start with the loverly and talented Angel!?!!
Angel will be carrying three swords. Two short swords, and one Katana. One of Angel's short swords, will be strapped diagionally across her back and down her shoulder. Tilted to the left, like this \ . And the other will be attached to her belt and lie flat across the back of her hips, with the handle on the right side. Then tied to her left hip, because she is right handed, in the traditional fashion, will be her katana. So It'll look something like this,

And for a reference we have Taki! But please everyone, rest assure that this photo is just here to show you the placement of Angel's short swords. And although Taki seems completely incapable of finding a bra or an actual pair of pants, that my sister will be fully clothed. Hahahaha.
Anyway, moving right along to Emma!?!!
Emma will be carrying a pair of Sai and a Katana as well. Emma's Katana will also be tied to her left hip, as she and Angel are both right handed. And because Sai are relatively easy to holster and do not require sheaths, Emma can tuck her Sai easily into either the front of her belt, like Raphael of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Or criss cross them and tuck them into the back of her belt. I personally vote for the later, because that is how I carry my own set of Sai. Hahaha. And also to avoid the, however remote chance, that Emma's Sai may get tangled up in her Katana strings.

So yea, at first I was considering just using a regular pair of Sai. But now, I'm kind of leaning toward these,

They are called Manji Sai. And they are pretty cool, neh? Damn right they are! I think they will make Emma look a lot more epic. Um, as you can see, there are two different styles. One has a handle like normal Sai do. And the other is pointed on both ends. Not gonna lie here, I am leaning toward the double sided ones. Just because I can think of so many WICKED AWESOME things to do with them. But I suppose I could at least pretend to take your opinions into account when making my descion.... -passive aggressive, misplaced rage- Not that anyone here ever gives me any feedback but my brother!?!! Anyway, let me know what you think....
I think the latter sai are more aesthetically pleasing, while not as dangerous.
Yea. It definately looks better with the handle at the bottom. It would probably be easier to explain her use of them that way as well. But you know I have a boarderline sick obsession with sharp, stabby weapons and things. Hahaha. <3
I agree with your point of view, either will certainly work, although if people are familiar at all they will accept either as a cool weapon.
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