-Alright, soooo first thing is first. Emma's ring! The ring..... Well, lets talk about this for a second. First off, I do NOT want a diamond. They are just so....typical. So instead the stone in Emma's ring shall be my favorite stone, a Mystic Fire Topaz. Specifically one with a lot of purples, blues and greens in it. Because I said so. Hahaha. And as for accent stones..... assuming I have any, I would use Amethysts, or maybe even dark purply-blue Shappires. Um, I also want the band to be Silver....or White Gold. It doesn't really matter, I just want the band to be silver colored.
But other then that, I don't really know. I don't yet have my heart set on a specific design.
Hahaha, so I went trolling the interwebs for Mystic Fire Topaz rings.....And that didn't really work out so well. Did you know that there is a surprising shortage of Mystic Topaz rings..... No I shouldn't say that, there is a surprising shortage of ATTRACTIVE Mystic Topaz rings out there. Hahahaha. So, anyway then I started looking for regular engagement rings and custom made engagement rings and I found a few that I really liked, but none of them jump out at me. I mean I haven't yet found THE PERFECT RING! But, I'm quickly coming to relaize that that may very well not exsist.....or at least not for me and Emma. Hahahaha. So maybe, I'll just post a few of my favorites and we will vote on them.... Not that I'd expect to get much response from my loyal readers, as usual, but ya never know!
-Next order of bussiness! Emma's wedding dress!?!! I literally found, like the most perfect dress ever. Hahahaha. Would you like to see it? Of course you would!?!!!

Hahahha. Isn't it super pretty? I loooove those sleeves. Um, the only part I'm not sure about is the corset part. I haven't yet decided, if I want to keep it or have just a plan front...I mean it's not that it doesn't look good with the corset, I just don't like a dress with a corset built into it's ability to look awkward at certian angles. Hahaha. Anyway, regardless of the corset part, I want the details of the dress to be lilac. Cause I think pale purple and white are sooo pretty together. Hahaha. And Emma's jewelry will all be silver!?!! ....Should I decide to let her wear any, that is. Hahaha. Anyway, I'll repost this pic when I'm done photophucking it. Hahahaha.
-Moving on.... THE WEDDING PARTY!?!!! Angel will be Emma's fabulous Maid of Horror. Hahaha. And Sabastian will be Eclipse's Best Man. And the other two Bride's Maids will be Krystal and Andromina. And the other two Groom's Men will be Blaise and Xander. Annnnnnndd both of Emma's adorable parents will walk her down the aisle. Most definately. And I believe there should be a large blown up photo or maybe even a painted portrait of Emma's adoptived mom, Cassandra, up at the alter as well. Because she needs to be there too!
-Um, I did pick a dress for my loverly Bride's Maid's. It's a prom dress, but I don't care I think it'll look insanely beautiful and not to mention flattering on my darling sister and company.

And I think I'ma be strange and give them all the same dress but in a diffrent colors. So they feel unique. I was also considering maybe doing that epic color fade thing that I love so much. Hahahaha. But regardless, Angel will wear dark red. Krystal will wear royal blue. And Andromina will probably wear black...I'm still deciding on that one.....And anyway, Andromina has PURPLE skin! What color, can I put on her that won't clash with her skin and will still look good on Angel and Krys? I mean really. Hahaha.
And the Groom's Men well.....really haven't given much thought to their outfits at all. Literally the only thing I have decided as far as their outfits are concerned, is that they will be wearing clothes. Hahahaha. How sad is that? I mean can you tell I don't really care? Hahahaha. Oh! But I did have a rather brillant idea to maybe have the guy's suit jackets or shirts or whatever, match their lady oppisite's dress. Which some people thought was a good idea....
Anyway, That's all I got for now. Hahahaha. I'll post again with the pictures of all the pretty shiney rings I found and when I actually have the compacity to think about what the male half of this wedding will be wearing. Hahahaha. Oh and btw, if you start reading this post and going, "GOOOOODDDDA LORD!?!! -Simon impersonation- WHAT THE HECK WAS SHE THINKING!??!!! THAT IS SOOO TACKY AND LAAAAMMMEEEE!" I would like to remind you people that I have no taste. Hahahaha. And that that is one of the many reasons that I will not be having a big white wedding such as this, I'll be eloping. HA!
continueing the theme of your have the gift i do not. i love the opposite jacket to dress idea. as far as the ring i am not inpressed with diamond as well. the corrset well i do not know i do love that dress.
Hahahahaha. I love how your comments are both painfully vague and oddly specific at the same time. <3 Hahaha
I love, love, love the dresses, both wedding and bridesmaid. I like the match the shirt/jacket to the dress colors idea, and I like the bridemaids/maid of horror all in the same dress but different colors. I agree as well diamonds are not my fav for a ring either, and I like the mystics as well, good choices. keep it comming love.
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