Today's Topic = My hair!
I love my hair!? I think it looks really, really cool! Don't you? OF COURSE YOU DO! But as cool as my hair is, I am sensing that it may be time for change. And yesh, I am focusing on random things that in the long run don't really matter in an attempt to keep from falling apart and/or killing my beloved boyfriend! ....But that's really none of your bussiness now it it devoted Fans?
MOVING ON!?!! I have been pondering chopping all my hair off recently. Ya know, because I like girls with short hair, and I've never actually had really short hair, so I thought I might try it. But there is one major problem with this idea.....

IF I CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF I WON'T LOOK LIKE SAILOR JUPITER ANYMORE!?!!! And I know that sounds funny too you, but Sailor Jupiter is my non exsistant, childhood idol! She's epic! She kicks ass! She's bad ass! She throws balls of lightning at monsters and gets into fist fights with random girly men that have super natural powers!?!!! She's frickin AMAZING and I like looking like her..... Hehehe. <3
Um, but on the other hand, I might look cute with short hair. Maybe..... And if I cut all my hair off I could look like Sailor Lesbian!?!!
She's not as cool as Sailor Jupiter in my opinion. But you have to admit, Sailor Uranus is pretty adorable. Hahaha.
I also have the potiential to wind up looking like my beloved husband, the creepy and talented JOHNATHAN FAUST THE 8TH!?!! <3>
Then we have Yoh. Yoh's hair is very similar to My husband's. Except Yoh has no bangs. And I'm kinda anti-bangs, don't ask me why, so of the two I lean more toward this one. But yea I've always liked Yoh's hair. Hahaha.
Ummmmm, so yea. Anime is cool. But still I bet you guys would all like to see some actually pictures of actual people, huh? Ohhh, you already stopped reading this post? .....Damn..... WELL I'M GOING TO POST THEM ANYWAY!?!! DEAL WITH IT!
My mom likes this one the best. Joise, from Joise and the Pussy Cats. But I'm not entirely sure. It just seems a bit too similar to the hair cut my mum has. Not that that's a huge deal or anything. Just saying......And lets be honest, when will I have time to be able to curl the ends up like that on a daily basis? NEVER! Hahaha.
This one is also super cute. I think I would look okay with hair like that. Ummmmm, I don't know who the model is, because I stole this picture as a random reference for my custom Sailor Scouts, off of DeviantArt. I didn't even look at the name. -_- Still, she is pretty adorable tho. Hahaha. <3>
I like the look of these ones. I mean their cute, right? They are a little bit shorter, slightly diffrent shaped version of the first girl's hair cut.
This one is my personal favorite. I might be the exact same hair cut as in the last two pictures, but I wasn't exactly sure. So! I decided to post this picture anyway! And like I said it is my favorite one. <3
Okay, I lied. One more cartoon. Hahaha. But hey! It's not anime! <3>
Ummmmm, so yea. Anime is cool. But still I bet you guys would all like to see some actually pictures of actual people, huh? Ohhh, you already stopped reading this post? .....Damn..... WELL I'M GOING TO POST THEM ANYWAY!?!! DEAL WITH IT!

Okay, I lied. One more cartoon. Hahaha. But hey! It's not anime! <3>

I have always looooved Akima's hair! I mean seriously, isn't it cute?! Anyway um, as much as I love her hair, I hesitate to chose this one, simply because it is sooooo short and I'd really only be able to wear it that one way. But I haven't completely crossed it off yet. Maybe if I cut my hair short and I like it this time, I'll try it next time. Ya never know! Hahahaha.
Anyway, the only other thing I'd like to point out here is that all of these girls, (and Boys!) have straight hair and I don't. My hair is partway between curly and wavy, soooooooo I really don't know what the heck it would look like cut into any of these styles. Hahahahaha. But yea..... That's my stupid, take your mind off the pain, personal delima of the month. Enjoy.
i like the girl in black and white as much as i love Akima as well i do not see you with the back buzzed
I wasn't talking about the colors. Just the hair cut itself.... -_-
You know what I like, I do like the Jopsie cut, and since I almost never do my hair that way even tho my cut is similar that should not stop you!!! I also love Akima's hair but I understand the reluctance to cut that much in the back. I think that the cut you chose is awesome!!! You look fabulous my darling!!!
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