-theme music to Soap plays in the background- In the last episode of my random rantings of death, Blaise left Darnell's Cobra at the Airport. Nicademus crashed their boat, which was then eaten by a gaint sea snake. The gang met up with Pyramid Head and Johnathan Faust the 8th. And Pyramid Head said Blaise looked like a girl! Now their all going to the mall.... Confused? Good. Get used to it. 'Cause it'll only get worse after this weeks episode post.
We join our group of hero's in the Amazon, right outside Heather's mall, which has inexplicably been moved to Silent Hill, which has inexplicably been moved into the Amazon...
Faust: -looks kind of surprised- Oh, so you are a Homosexual?
Blaise: No. Actually I'm Bi. But he's gay. And so are they. -points at Vlad and then Krys and Angel-
Faust: Ahh... -nod, nod- I don't know many homosexuals, as there are no homosexuals in Germany. They are in Austria... and Switzerland.
Vlad: Oh yea? Where in Switzerland?
Darnell: -totally interrupts everything- So why exactly are we going to the mall?
Faust: Pyramid Head needs bleach.
Darnell: Bleach? Are you serious?
Faust: Afraid so.
Emma: Oh! Lets get a walnut while we're here!?!!
Vlad: And a Hard Boiled Egg.
Blaise: Good idea! That way if we need to kill some bugs or violently abort God from Angel's stomach or something we can put the walnut in the bleach!
Emma: My thoughts exactly. -nod nod-
Angel: Hold on a second! Why my stomach? I'm not Heather! I don't even look remotely like Heather!?!!
Blaise: -shrugg- Just saying...
Vlad: -sigh- That's not even how you kill "God" in the game....
-EVERYONE ENTERS THE MALL!?!! Which is completely empty except for Billy Mayz and VINCE-
Pyramid Head: -curious-
Billy Mayz: Hey Pryamid Head! Look at how dingy and bloody and rusty and gross your pyramid is!?!! You need some CLR! Lookit what it does to this penny!?!!
Pyramid Head: .....If you come anywhere near me with that stuff, you lose your skin privileges. Permanently.
Everyone: O_o He spoke...
Pyramid Head: It's not a skirt!
Billy Mayz: GET ON THE BALL!
Pryamid Head: .... -walks away-
VINCE: Hi it's Vince with Slap Chop! You're gonna be in a great mood all day, cause you can slap your trouble away with Slap Chop! Look, the skin's at the bottom, THE SKIN COMES RIGHT OFF!?!!
Pryamid Head: -curious- ...... Does it come in human sizes?
VINCE: Ummm, -looks around- Do you hate makin salad?
Pyramid Head:.... I hate spokes people...
Nicademus: -picks up Sham WOW- Hmmm, it's like a shammy, it's like a towel.... To bad I don't have a boat anymore!
VINCE: Ya know the German's always make good stuff.
Faust: INDEED! -high fives-
Angel: -looks at the directory- The jewelry store is on the 2nd floor.
Sheldon: Lenard, he did it again...
Lenard: -rolls eyes-
Atreyu: Hey guys.....I'M STILL HERE!?!!
Announcer: Hi there everybody, thanks for tuning in. Welcome to another exciting edition of 'TRICK OR TREAT'!
Darnell: What the phuck...?
Krystal: We're not even in the Apartment Building...
Announcer: Here you either answer the questions correctly and win a great prize, or fail to answer correctly and receive the punishment. It all depends on you! And our lucky, or should I say unlucky, challengers today are Angel and Emma Radic, Krystal McKaye, Vlad Mattrik, Blaise Adams....Jesus Christ. How many people are in this blasted elevator? Nicademus, Darnell James, Atreyu, Johnathan Faust the 8th and ...Pyramid Head? Pyramid Head!?!! Are you serious?! That has got to be cheating....
Vlad: Actually, when you think about it, it's kind of a miracle that we haven't exceeded the weight limit in here...
Nicademus: Or the height limit for that matter. -looks at Faust and Pyramid Head-
Announcer: Ah, whatever. I don't care any more.... Anyway, are you ready to play 'TRICK OR TREAT'!?!!
Almost Everyone: Yea!
Announcer: Okay, here's your first question. Red and Blue are...
A) Two different colors.
B) Purple.
C) Hell, I don't know.
D) Richard Nixon
Blaise and Emma: Purple!
Nicademus: -nod nod- Richard Nixon.
Krystal: A jar of Almonds?
Faust: Um, I vote... -thinks about it for a minute- For a Jar of Almonds as well.
Announcer: Alright, well.... That was good, I guess.... Anyway, quickly on to question number two! On a scale of 1 to 10, what letter is your favorite color? -starts mumbling under his breath- ....Who wrote these questions? This is just stupid....
Atreyu: Duck on a Rock? Bibble Bibble.
Faust: -confused- ....Bibble, Bibble?
Emma: Q!?!!
Nicademus: 10.
Angel:...Saint Queerbait?
Vlad: And a Hard Boiled Egg.
Annoucer: Annnnnnd you are all wrong. Now I'm going to name a fish,
Blaise: -interrupts- PAMELA ANDERSON!?!!
Announcer: -surprised- That was actually right...
Annoucer: And now for our final question! ... This is a trick question. Is the answer to this question,
A) B
B) C
C) A
D) D
And remember, you can always go off the board and say,
E) A Jar of Almonds.
Faust: O_o
Pyramid Head:....Richard Nixon.
Blaise: B!
Krystal: -whips out a little lap top- Computer findings point to ...A jar of Almonds.
Vlad: Oh really? Did your pie charts tell you that?
Krystal: -smirk- Yesh, Actually.
Announcer: Wow...Okay, Well, that's the last of our questions. Have you got it all figured out? When you know the answers, head to the storeroom on the 3rd floor to collect your prizes! But be careful. If you're wrong.... -maniacal laughter- Well then everybody, thanks for tuning in. I hope I never have to see another one of you ever again in my life. Bye bye!
-suddenly the elevator stops and the doors open-
Emma: That was fun.
Angel: That was retarded.
Blaise: Let's go to the store room!?!!
Vlad: Let's not.
Blaise: Why?
Vlad: If we get the answers wrong then Pyramid Head will suddenly appear and attack us. Duh.
Krystal: But Vlad... Pyramid Head is already here...
Vlad: -shrugg- Just saying...
Darnell: Let's just go. -looks at a spontaneously generated map of the mall- The store room is on the way to the Jewelry store anyway.
Angel: Ah, cause that makes sense....
Darnell: What do you expect? We're all subject to Liz's insanity, after all.
Angel: Well that's true I guess...
Krystal: Finally!
Vlad: I had no idea that this place was so freakin big...
Angel: Well it is the combination of the mall and the apartment buildings.
Vlad: -nod, nod- Yea. I suppose that's true.
Darnell: Let's just get our prize and get out of here...
Emma: Yea! Prizes and Surprises! .....It's supposed to like a bunch of bullets, right?
Darnell:...Bullets, you say?
Nicademus: Yea. Bullets and some health drinks, I think.
Blaise: Not that we really need those, when we have two doctors in the house... -opens the door-
Angel: Hey look guys, -points at the cake- The cake is not a lie.
Benson: Let me tell you something, you NAT-ZI SHRIMP! You can talk to these people anyway you want. But now your talking to me. Now your talking to Benson, and I have had enough of your yelling and bullying and spitting. NO BODY HERE KILLED ANYBODY!?!! -picks Henrick/Fenney up and puts him on top of the Strawberry short cake- ... I'm sorry folks, there'll be no dessert tonight.
Pyramid Head: Awww.....
Everyone: -hysterical laughter-
HENRICK! HENRICK YOU FOOL!: -does not looks amused but says nothing, merely continues to scribble on his note pad-
Father Vincent: Yay Benson! -hi fives Billy-
Voice Over Guy: Will the Tates due without dessert? Or will they eat Henrick's pants?
Vlad: Holy Voice Over Blaise-Man!
Darnell: ....-looks around- Where is that coming from?
Father Vincent: Ah, your finally here. Good.
Angel: -raises eyebrow at him- You were expecting us?
Xander: -rolls through the scene-
Father Vincent: Not really. No. I was supposed to be meeting someone else here, but I'm beginning to think that I may be a game to early to meet her here. So I suppose you guys will just have to help me instead.
Emma: -drool- Father Vincent...
Darnell: -suspicious- Help you with what?
Father Vincent: I have to kill Claudia. She's a crazy bitch, ya know.
Darnell: I don't see how that is our prob-
Emma: We'll do it!
Darnell: Emma....
Emma: What? It's like a thousand times more fun then killing Eddie.
Darnell: -glare-
Emma: -pretty please-
Darnell: -CAN NOT RESIST THE ADORABLENESS!?!!- Okay, fine...
Father Vincent: -smirk- Whipped.
Darnell: -shoots in his general direction- Shut up!
Major: AIR RAID!?!! -dives under table-
Frank Burns: -high squeaky voice- AIR RAID!?!!! -runs out of the house-
Krystal: -confused- Where did he come from?
Blaise and Vlad: FRANK BURNS EATS WORMS!?!!
Nicademus and Atreyu: -looking around-
Krystal: Hey, Atreyu's still here.
Vlad: What are you guys doing?
Nicademus: Looking for our prizes. They're supposed to be in this room, right?
Father Vincent: Oh yea. I have them. -pulls a big cardboard box out of nowhere-
Angel: But the announcer said we got the questions wrong....
Father Vincent: Yea. But I don't really care. So... -hands the box to Darnell-
Darnell: Yesh! A cobra! -cuddles basket- We are saved! Oh! And bullets! -cuddles bullets too- Yay...
Xander: -rolls through the scene-
Angel: Are you high?
Darnell: I'm not high! -glares- ...You're high!
Angel: Okay then...
Emma: -picks up bag of blood and looks at Blaise-
Blaise: -picks up plairs and looks at Emma-
Emma: Hey Father Vincent....
Father Vincent: Yersh? -walks over to her-
Emma: -throws plastic bag (with blood) at Father Vincent-
Father Vincent: Gah! -bag explodes and completely drenches him in blood- What the hell?!
Krystal: -horrified- Emma! Blaise! What are you doing to him!?!
Blaise: -hacks Father Vincent to the ground and sits on his chest- I CAN HAZ YOUR PHILLINGS, PLEAZ?! :3 -tries to pry his mouth open-
Emma: We have to steal his fillings! -pins Vincent's wrist down- This effects our ending!?!!
Father Vincent: -swearing up a freakin storm as he fights with teh Blaiseinator-
Benson: -looks at the blood all over the floor- I'm not cleaning that up....
Angel: What ending?! THIS IS NOT A VIDEO GAME!?!!
Faust: Actually... This is kinda funny to watch.
Benson: And you two! Stop dropping popcorn all over the place!?!!
Faust: ...Popcorn?
Nicademus: POPCORN IS NOMZ!?!
Pyramid Head: -munches on popcorn- OM NOM NOM NOM -offers popcorn to Faust-
Vlad: -smirk- Are you implying that you actually believe that we are in Silent Hill, Angel?
Angel: -glare-
Krystal: -can't watch any more of this mistreatment of teh Vincento- Alright. Alright. Enough. You're going to hurt him.
Emma: But we need his fillings.
Krystal: Just give me the plairs, I'll get them.
Blaise: -shrugg- Okay... -hands Krys the plairs and slides off Vincent's chest-
Atreyu: -super sneakily steals empty card board box, while humming the Get Smart Theme-
Krystal: -mumbling to herself- And of course this equipment is very crude and probably not sterile...God only knows where the hell these plairs have been recently....I really hope you don't get an infection Father... -AND THEN WITH PRACTICED SKILL AND ACCURACY, KRYSTAL REMOVES ALL OF VINCENT'S FILLINGS IN UNDER .2 SECONDS WITH NO PAIN OR BLOOD!?!! AMAZING!-
Father Vincent: -sits up, tests his jaw, there is no pain! no pain! no pain! Hahaha. And looks at Krystal- Thank you... I guess.
Blaise: -smilely and happy tiems- Vin-cen-to! Vin-cen-to!
Emma: -huggles- Father Vincent! Did you know your like my 5th favorite psychopath?
Father Vincent: -glares a super intense death glare at Emma and Blaise- You two...
Emma: Yea! In order that would be Faust, Akito/Agito...Oh! I forgot Kazuo. Okay so, Kazuo, Faust, Akito/Agito, You...
Blaise: What about Mitsuko?
Emma: Oh yea. Okay so, Kazuo, Faust...
Father Vincent: -snaps and steals Benson's broom and starts chasing Emma and Blaise around the room with it- AHHH!!!?!!!
Benson: Hey!
Xander: -rolls through the scene again and again- Roll, Roll, Roll through the scene....
Faust: -smirky- I'm number two on her list! Yay me!
Card Board Box (With Atreyu): DUN DUN DUN DA! DUN DUN DUN DA! DA DA DA DA DA DADA DADA DAAAA!?!! -completely tone deaf and singing the wrong theme song while sneaking around the room like Snake- .....TAKE CARE OF YOUR BOX AND IT'LL TAKE CARE OF YOU!?!!...... SNAKE EATER!?!!
Nicademus: -shakes head- Yep... That's my boy. Doesn't even know what Video Game he's supposed to be in...
...................Crazy is Just Fine Cause I Like Where I'm Going...................
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Voice and um, madndmess?
Okay, so the other day my brother and I were watching Destination Truth and Ghost Hunters on the Discovery Channel for some strange reason and despite the fact that I think the whole thing is fixed and totally fake, I have to admit that they said some pretty hillarious things. And I wrote some of them down because they were so freakin hillarious. Now I'm thinking that maybe I should go on a little old school rant using all of those hillarious lines I wrote down. Ya know, I can use my characters and some random characters from my list of absolute favorites and that kind of thing. Just like I used to do, aaallllll the time! Anyway, would you, my loyal totally adoring fans, be interested in reading something like that? :3
Well, would you?! Would you?! ............TO BAD!?!! I ACTUALLY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU GUYS WANT AND I'M GOING TO POST IT ANYWAY!?!!! Unless, you know, I reread it and discover it sucks. Then I won't post it and this conversation will never happen, but that's really no big deal. I mean this post is fairly irrelvent. And why are you talking to your compter screen anyway? This is not a telephone you know, I can't hear you when you talk to my posts. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!??!!! -totally hyper from lack of sleep-
Anyway, moving right along. I don't know what I am going to call this particular rant. Or what it's even going to be about..... But, off the top of my head, I can tell you that it will likely include, Pyramid Head, Father Vincent, Benson, HENRICK! HENRICK YOU FOOL!, Sailor Moon and Friends, Ummmmm assorted people from YuYu Hakusho and maybe The Big Bang Theory. So jokes from the 2010 Anime Boston Masq..... AND SLUSHIES!?!! Hahahaha. Alright! So let's get started!?!!
-Our scene begins with a bunch of my original characters crowded around the bagage claim in a random terminal of a random airport, SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD!?!!-
Darnell: -mumbling to Angel as he plots their course on an big map- And from there it's about 60 miles up the this river...
Blaise: -not paying attention- Hey guys! Look! -picks up a random package from the conveyor belt- Hahahaha. Did we pack a Cobra in a basket?
Krystal: Blaise put that down, it's not yours...
Vlad: Wait a minute. -puts his ear to the side of the basket- Ohmigod, Blaise! That basket is actually hissing!?!!
Blaise: No way! Really? - curiously, tries to open the package-
Vlad: Wah!? -takes basket away from Blaise- Don't do that?! Just leave it alone.
Darnell: And from there it's pretty much a straight shot. Okay?
Angel: Sounds good.
Darnell: Alright. Do we have all the stuff? Is everyone ready to go?
-murmurs of agreement-
Darnell: Alright! -excited- Then to the boats, HOOOOO!??!!!
Sheldon: -mumbling as he walks by- Did you hear that Lenard? He used 'Ho' in the wrong context....
Lenard: Words can not describe how much I don't care Sheldon.
-And then we exit to the boats!?!! But not before the auidence notices that Darnell's name was on the bottom of the basket with the cobra in it! Hahahaha. I hope that Cobra wasn't too important to him.-
Angel: So, -looks around at everybody- Um, whoose gonna drive the boat?
Darnell: Ni-
Blaise: -totally interuppted- OH! LET ME DRIVE!
Nicademus: -randomly appears behind Blaise- Not a chance in hell.
Blaise: -gasp- Nicky!
Darnell: -nods- Nicademus.
Nicademus: Darnell.
Atreyu: I'm here too!?!!
Emma: YAY! -hugs Atreyu-
Nicademus: Let's get out of here... -turns boat on and drives away-
Krystal: -looking at map- Hey Darnell, What's this river called anyway?
Darnell: Madre de Eijos. (I totally made up that spelling btw.)
Blaise, Vlad, Emma: -burst into laughter- Madre de Eijos!?!!
Darnell: -totally confused- ....What?
Emma: -giggles- Doesn't that mean 'Son of a Bitch' in Spanish?
Krystal: Does it really?
Angel: According to who? You don't speak spanish.
Emma: The guys at Red vs Blue.
Angel: In that case I highly doubt that's what it actually means.
Blaise: Why would you say such things?! -shocked- You don't trust Red vs Blue?!
Angel: They don't speak spanish either! They use Google Translator and just throw those stupid accent thingies over letters at random!
Vlad: -mumbling- Two keys I can never find on the freakin key board....
Atreyu: Hey! I'm still here! -shows up suddenly-
Darnell: -shrugg- Whatever. Hey Emma, will you hand me the Cobra please?
Darnell: Yea. It should be in a basket, -demonstrates with his hands- about this big.
Emma: Uh, okay... But I don't see a basket anywhere.
Darnell: -jumps up- WHAT!?!! Shyt! Where could it have gone!?!!!
-Blaise and Vlad exchange looks-
Vlad: Wait, you were actually serious?
Darnell: Of course I was!?!!
Angel: -Queen of Sarcasm- Yea Guys. Everyone knows you can't travel 60 miles up Son of a Bitch River without a Cobra in a basket.
Blaise: Oh, well... That sucks. 'Cause we left the Cobra at the Airport.
Krystal: -panicks- We didn't know it was yours!
Darnell: -growls- Blaise... I could kill you right now!
Angel: -stealthily steals Darnell's gun, so he's not tempted to try-
Atreyu: ..... I'm still here! -this time wearing a cape-
Nicademus: -turns around- Hey! What's all the yelling about down there!?
Angel: Darnell is crazy!
Darnell: Angel! -just noticed his gun was missing- Give me that back!
Angel: -sticks tongue out- Never.
Nicademus: -raises eyebrow-
Darnell:... Gah! Nic! Blaise left our Cobra at the Airport!
Nicademus: Oh, is that all? That's nothing to get upset about.
Nicademus: Yea. I have a spare Cobra. -pulls Cobra out of his jacket-
Everyone: O_o
Blaise: ....Why do you have a Cobra in your jacket?
Nicademus: Just in case I need one.
Angel: For what?!
Krystal: -screams suddenly- OHMIGOD! NICK THERE'S A ROCK! LOOK OUT!
Nicademus: What? -turns around and sees a giant rock- .....Shyt. Everyone hold on!
Everyone: -screams and grabs onto someone or something-
-Nicademus, being the absolutely fabulous Pirate Captian that he is, manages to avoid the rock! Yay! However the turn he took to avoid it was sooooo sharp that the boat all but tips over and sends everyone flying. And they crash land on the shore and then pass out and when they wake up, THEY ARE IN OTHER WORLD!?!! Hahahaha. Cause that makes sense. Then slowly, everyone wakes up one by one!-
Darnell: -growling and pissy as he walks around gathering up all their food and supplies that were thrown from the boat- I can't even believe this.... -mumble mumble- This would have never happened if we had MY Cobra....
Nicademus: -wakes up and immediately panics- OHMIGOD! -shake Atreyu awake- Atreyu! Atreyu! Where is my boat!!?!
Atreyu: What are you taking about? We're on the boat. -rolls over-
Nicademus: ... -waits for it-
Atreyu and Nicademus: -look around a little bit and then they discover that the boat is totally fine!- Thank God... -huge sigh of relief-
Nicademus: NOOOOO! -sitting on the bank of the river, crying- My boat! My beautiful boat!
Blaise: -looks around and gasps suddenly- OHMIGOD! IT'S SNOWING! -sticks tongue out-
Angel: -skeptical- ....In the Amazon?
Blaise: -chokes on "snow flakes"- Blegh! Ew! Never mind, that's totally not snow....
Angel: Ya think?
Krystal: -catches some in her hand- I think it's ash...
Vlad: Ash? Why the heck would it be snowing ash?
Emma:.....I think we're in Silent Hill.
Angel: Again, we're in the Amazon. Why would you think that?
Blaise: Yea. I thought Silent Hill was supposed to be in America....?
Emma: -points- There's a sign over there.
-Everyone looks at the sign, which reads "Welcome to Silent Hill" in big letters. Then under that it says "You sudnt come here" in someons writing-
Vlad: Holy Crap!
Emma: -shrugg- I guess it's not in America....-suddenly squeals- I HOPE WE GET TO MEET PYRAMID HEAD!?!!
Darnell: -still in a bad mood- I hope Blaise loses his skin privlleges....
Emma: -throws cell phone at Darnell's head- Don't be so mean! It's not Blaise's fault that you didn't tell him that you brought a Cobra in a basket!
Angel: Or checked to make sure we had it for that matter...
Atreyu: I'M STIL HERE!?!!
Darnell: .... Anyway, now that we've got all of the gear together we should get moving.
Krystal: Where are we going?
Darnell: My plans have been shot to hell, we have no boat, no cobra and we're lost somewhere in the rainforest. So...-shrugg- It's your call. Althought there isn't very much to do in Silent Hill....
Nicademus: I would like to go to the library.
Blaise: Strip Club!
Angel: No way. Definately not going to happen.
Blaise: Why not?
Angel: What if we run into Maria?
Blaise: ...Good point.
Emma: Oh! Lets go to The Blue Creek Apartments!
Vlad: Why?
Emma: I think that's the best place to find Pyramid Head. Assuming we're in Silent Hill 2 that is....
Angel: Why don't we go to the hospital?
Krystal: -gulp- The hospital? -grabs Angel's arm- I hate Hospitals...
Angel: You do? But your a nurse...
Vlad: -not listening- Yea! The Hospital! Then we can kill a whole bunch of Nurses!
Krystal: -gasp- What!?!
Angel: -laughs- No. Not you Krys.
Blaise: -breaks out into song- DEAD NURSES! CAN'T TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES!?!!
Emma: -laughs- You are definately no Alice Cooper, my friend.
Darnell: Alright then, -grabs Nicademus by the collar and starts dragging him away from the river- Let's move out.
-20 Minutes Later, finds our heroes very lost in the jungle-
Vlad: We are sooooo lost.
Angel: Now that we have a very firm grasp of the obvious...... -sigh- I mean seriously, You're only just realizing this now?
-Rustling in the bushes-
Emma: -painfully naieve- I think I hear someone coming! We can ask for directions! -runs ahead-
Blaise: I hope it's Father Vincent! -runs after her-
Everyone else: ACK!
Emma and Blaise: OHMIGOD! IT'S PYRAMID HEAD!?!!
Faust: Gah! Intruders!
Pyramid Head: ..... -uses his super awesome Jedi mind powers to choke Blaise-
Darnell: Crap! -opens fire on Pyramid Head- Emma! Get out of the way!
-Bullets bounce off Pryamid Head's Pryamid and go flying into the bushes and trees and such around them-
Unknown Blonde Voice: Ouch!
Blaise: -totally can't breath-
Faust: -blink blink- .... I have fans?
Emma: Yea! You're my favorite character! I love you!
Faust: -totally flattered- Really?
Emma: Yea. Blaise loves you too! -motions vaguely at Blaise, then suddenly notices that he's being strangled- OHMIGOD! BLAISE!
Vlad: -shakes head- Gawd, she is soooo slow sometimes....
Angel: Yep. That's my sister...
Darnell: Dammnit! Nothing is working! -pulls out a grenade-
Faust: -takes grenade away from Darnell-.... Don't worry. I got this. -turns to Pyramid Head and starts whispering to him- ....Yea. Yea. Of course we can trust them.... No. They love me.... Yea, of course, I'll ask. Just put him down.....
Pryamid Head: -suddenly stops strangling Blaise with his mind-
Blaise: -falls over-
Vlad: Blaise! Blaise! Are you alright!?! -cradles Blaise in his arms-
Blaise: -huggles Vlad. cough, cough, choke-
Vlad: Is there anything I can do to help?!! -In hyper romantic cliche panic mode-
Blaise: Yea... - totally ruins the moment- Get Pyramid Head to autograph my shirt for me.
Vlad: -totally drops Blaise on his head- .....I hate you sometimes, ya know that?
Atreyu: -comes out of the bushes, dragging James with him- Hey guys! I'm still here! -and still wearing a cape, dontcha know?- And lookit who I found? It's James!
Pyramid Head: -loud growly breathing sounds!-
James: AHHHHH!!!!?!?!?! -tries to run away-
Pyramid Head: -walks over and steals James away from Atreyu, drags him into the bushes-
Blaise: -laughs- Clang, Clang. THUNK! Scraaaaapee. Pyramid Head has come to rape!
Emma: -hysterical laughter-
-THEN EVERYONE STARES AS TERRIBLE, TERRIBBLE SOUNDS LIKE SCREAMING AND SUCH COME FROM THE BUSHES FOR A FEW MOMENTS!??!!!! Then Pryamid Head comes back out of the bushes and acts like nothing happened.-
Faust: -high fives Pyramid Head-
Everyone: O_o
Darnell: So... we are looking for the Hospital.
Faust: Well, we're going to the mall. Wanna come with!?!
Nicademus: Are you.... A foreigner?
Emma and Blaise: HELL YESH!
Darnell: -sigh- Alright...
Emma: I get to walk with Faust! -runs over and grabs Faust's hand-
Blaise: I get to walk with Pyramid Head!
Pyramid Head: -stares at Blaise for a second, then picks him up and puts him on his shoulders-
Blaise: Wah!
Vlad: -kinda pissed- Hey! What the hell?!!
Faust: -laughs- Sorry about that. Pyramid Head thinks your friend looks a little bit like Angela.
Angel: He does not! Angela is hott and female and Blaise is.... not either of those things.
Blaise: Hey!
Vlad: O RLY? Then why did he strangle Blaise just a minute ago?
Faust: -shrugg- Don't ask me. -looks at Pyramid Head, then back at Vlad- But it's either him or her. -points at Angel-
Angel: No way!
Pyramid Head: -turns and starts to walk away-
Vlad: Hey! -chases after them- You give him back! He's mine!
Emma: Hey Faust, Do you find it difficult talking with a German Accent?
Oh and one more thing. My blog has suddenly decided to let me copy and paste things again. Which means I can post my story again!??!!! Yay! So now the question is, would it be easier for everyone to read my stories here, or should I continue not to post them on DeviantArt? And don't say do both, because you all know I'm much to lazy for that. Hahahaha. Anyway, comment and let me know, and if you can't figure out how to comment, text me or something. Because I could really use the INNNNNNNNPPPPUUUUTTTT!?!!
Well, would you?! Would you?! ............TO BAD!?!! I ACTUALLY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU GUYS WANT AND I'M GOING TO POST IT ANYWAY!?!!! Unless, you know, I reread it and discover it sucks. Then I won't post it and this conversation will never happen, but that's really no big deal. I mean this post is fairly irrelvent. And why are you talking to your compter screen anyway? This is not a telephone you know, I can't hear you when you talk to my posts. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!??!!! -totally hyper from lack of sleep-
Anyway, moving right along. I don't know what I am going to call this particular rant. Or what it's even going to be about..... But, off the top of my head, I can tell you that it will likely include, Pyramid Head, Father Vincent, Benson, HENRICK! HENRICK YOU FOOL!, Sailor Moon and Friends, Ummmmm assorted people from YuYu Hakusho and maybe The Big Bang Theory. So jokes from the 2010 Anime Boston Masq..... AND SLUSHIES!?!! Hahahaha. Alright! So let's get started!?!!
-Our scene begins with a bunch of my original characters crowded around the bagage claim in a random terminal of a random airport, SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD!?!!-
Darnell: -mumbling to Angel as he plots their course on an big map- And from there it's about 60 miles up the this river...
Blaise: -not paying attention- Hey guys! Look! -picks up a random package from the conveyor belt- Hahahaha. Did we pack a Cobra in a basket?
Krystal: Blaise put that down, it's not yours...
Vlad: Wait a minute. -puts his ear to the side of the basket- Ohmigod, Blaise! That basket is actually hissing!?!!
Blaise: No way! Really? - curiously, tries to open the package-
Vlad: Wah!? -takes basket away from Blaise- Don't do that?! Just leave it alone.
Darnell: And from there it's pretty much a straight shot. Okay?
Angel: Sounds good.
Darnell: Alright. Do we have all the stuff? Is everyone ready to go?
-murmurs of agreement-
Darnell: Alright! -excited- Then to the boats, HOOOOO!??!!!
Sheldon: -mumbling as he walks by- Did you hear that Lenard? He used 'Ho' in the wrong context....
Lenard: Words can not describe how much I don't care Sheldon.
-And then we exit to the boats!?!! But not before the auidence notices that Darnell's name was on the bottom of the basket with the cobra in it! Hahahaha. I hope that Cobra wasn't too important to him.-
Angel: So, -looks around at everybody- Um, whoose gonna drive the boat?
Darnell: Ni-
Blaise: -totally interuppted- OH! LET ME DRIVE!
Nicademus: -randomly appears behind Blaise- Not a chance in hell.
Blaise: -gasp- Nicky!
Darnell: -nods- Nicademus.
Nicademus: Darnell.
Atreyu: I'm here too!?!!
Emma: YAY! -hugs Atreyu-
Nicademus: Let's get out of here... -turns boat on and drives away-
Krystal: -looking at map- Hey Darnell, What's this river called anyway?
Darnell: Madre de Eijos. (I totally made up that spelling btw.)
Blaise, Vlad, Emma: -burst into laughter- Madre de Eijos!?!!
Darnell: -totally confused- ....What?
Emma: -giggles- Doesn't that mean 'Son of a Bitch' in Spanish?
Krystal: Does it really?
Angel: According to who? You don't speak spanish.
Emma: The guys at Red vs Blue.
Angel: In that case I highly doubt that's what it actually means.
Blaise: Why would you say such things?! -shocked- You don't trust Red vs Blue?!
Angel: They don't speak spanish either! They use Google Translator and just throw those stupid accent thingies over letters at random!
Vlad: -mumbling- Two keys I can never find on the freakin key board....
Atreyu: Hey! I'm still here! -shows up suddenly-
Darnell: -shrugg- Whatever. Hey Emma, will you hand me the Cobra please?
Darnell: Yea. It should be in a basket, -demonstrates with his hands- about this big.
Emma: Uh, okay... But I don't see a basket anywhere.
Darnell: -jumps up- WHAT!?!! Shyt! Where could it have gone!?!!!
-Blaise and Vlad exchange looks-
Vlad: Wait, you were actually serious?
Darnell: Of course I was!?!!
Angel: -Queen of Sarcasm- Yea Guys. Everyone knows you can't travel 60 miles up Son of a Bitch River without a Cobra in a basket.
Blaise: Oh, well... That sucks. 'Cause we left the Cobra at the Airport.
Krystal: -panicks- We didn't know it was yours!
Darnell: -growls- Blaise... I could kill you right now!
Angel: -stealthily steals Darnell's gun, so he's not tempted to try-
Atreyu: ..... I'm still here! -this time wearing a cape-
Nicademus: -turns around- Hey! What's all the yelling about down there!?
Angel: Darnell is crazy!
Darnell: Angel! -just noticed his gun was missing- Give me that back!
Angel: -sticks tongue out- Never.
Nicademus: -raises eyebrow-
Darnell:... Gah! Nic! Blaise left our Cobra at the Airport!
Nicademus: Oh, is that all? That's nothing to get upset about.
Nicademus: Yea. I have a spare Cobra. -pulls Cobra out of his jacket-
Everyone: O_o
Blaise: ....Why do you have a Cobra in your jacket?
Nicademus: Just in case I need one.
Angel: For what?!
Krystal: -screams suddenly- OHMIGOD! NICK THERE'S A ROCK! LOOK OUT!
Nicademus: What? -turns around and sees a giant rock- .....Shyt. Everyone hold on!
Everyone: -screams and grabs onto someone or something-
-Nicademus, being the absolutely fabulous Pirate Captian that he is, manages to avoid the rock! Yay! However the turn he took to avoid it was sooooo sharp that the boat all but tips over and sends everyone flying. And they crash land on the shore and then pass out and when they wake up, THEY ARE IN OTHER WORLD!?!! Hahahaha. Cause that makes sense. Then slowly, everyone wakes up one by one!-
Darnell: -growling and pissy as he walks around gathering up all their food and supplies that were thrown from the boat- I can't even believe this.... -mumble mumble- This would have never happened if we had MY Cobra....
Nicademus: -wakes up and immediately panics- OHMIGOD! -shake Atreyu awake- Atreyu! Atreyu! Where is my boat!!?!
Atreyu: What are you taking about? We're on the boat. -rolls over-
Nicademus: ... -waits for it-
Atreyu and Nicademus: -look around a little bit and then they discover that the boat is totally fine!- Thank God... -huge sigh of relief-
Nicademus: NOOOOO! -sitting on the bank of the river, crying- My boat! My beautiful boat!
Blaise: -looks around and gasps suddenly- OHMIGOD! IT'S SNOWING! -sticks tongue out-
Angel: -skeptical- ....In the Amazon?
Blaise: -chokes on "snow flakes"- Blegh! Ew! Never mind, that's totally not snow....
Angel: Ya think?
Krystal: -catches some in her hand- I think it's ash...
Vlad: Ash? Why the heck would it be snowing ash?
Emma:.....I think we're in Silent Hill.
Angel: Again, we're in the Amazon. Why would you think that?
Blaise: Yea. I thought Silent Hill was supposed to be in America....?
Emma: -points- There's a sign over there.
-Everyone looks at the sign, which reads "Welcome to Silent Hill" in big letters. Then under that it says "You sudnt come here" in someons writing-
Vlad: Holy Crap!
Emma: -shrugg- I guess it's not in America....-suddenly squeals- I HOPE WE GET TO MEET PYRAMID HEAD!?!!
Darnell: -still in a bad mood- I hope Blaise loses his skin privlleges....
Emma: -throws cell phone at Darnell's head- Don't be so mean! It's not Blaise's fault that you didn't tell him that you brought a Cobra in a basket!
Angel: Or checked to make sure we had it for that matter...
Atreyu: I'M STIL HERE!?!!
Darnell: .... Anyway, now that we've got all of the gear together we should get moving.
Krystal: Where are we going?
Darnell: My plans have been shot to hell, we have no boat, no cobra and we're lost somewhere in the rainforest. So...-shrugg- It's your call. Althought there isn't very much to do in Silent Hill....
Nicademus: I would like to go to the library.
Blaise: Strip Club!
Angel: No way. Definately not going to happen.
Blaise: Why not?
Angel: What if we run into Maria?
Blaise: ...Good point.
Emma: Oh! Lets go to The Blue Creek Apartments!
Vlad: Why?
Emma: I think that's the best place to find Pyramid Head. Assuming we're in Silent Hill 2 that is....
Angel: Why don't we go to the hospital?
Krystal: -gulp- The hospital? -grabs Angel's arm- I hate Hospitals...
Angel: You do? But your a nurse...
Vlad: -not listening- Yea! The Hospital! Then we can kill a whole bunch of Nurses!
Krystal: -gasp- What!?!
Angel: -laughs- No. Not you Krys.
Blaise: -breaks out into song- DEAD NURSES! CAN'T TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES!?!!
Emma: -laughs- You are definately no Alice Cooper, my friend.
Darnell: Alright then, -grabs Nicademus by the collar and starts dragging him away from the river- Let's move out.
-20 Minutes Later, finds our heroes very lost in the jungle-
Vlad: We are sooooo lost.
Angel: Now that we have a very firm grasp of the obvious...... -sigh- I mean seriously, You're only just realizing this now?
-Rustling in the bushes-
Emma: -painfully naieve- I think I hear someone coming! We can ask for directions! -runs ahead-
Blaise: I hope it's Father Vincent! -runs after her-
Everyone else: ACK!
Emma and Blaise: OHMIGOD! IT'S PYRAMID HEAD!?!!
Faust: Gah! Intruders!
Pyramid Head: ..... -uses his super awesome Jedi mind powers to choke Blaise-
Darnell: Crap! -opens fire on Pyramid Head- Emma! Get out of the way!
-Bullets bounce off Pryamid Head's Pryamid and go flying into the bushes and trees and such around them-
Unknown Blonde Voice: Ouch!
Blaise: -totally can't breath-
Faust: -blink blink- .... I have fans?
Emma: Yea! You're my favorite character! I love you!
Faust: -totally flattered- Really?
Emma: Yea. Blaise loves you too! -motions vaguely at Blaise, then suddenly notices that he's being strangled- OHMIGOD! BLAISE!
Vlad: -shakes head- Gawd, she is soooo slow sometimes....
Angel: Yep. That's my sister...
Darnell: Dammnit! Nothing is working! -pulls out a grenade-
Faust: -takes grenade away from Darnell-.... Don't worry. I got this. -turns to Pyramid Head and starts whispering to him- ....Yea. Yea. Of course we can trust them.... No. They love me.... Yea, of course, I'll ask. Just put him down.....
Pryamid Head: -suddenly stops strangling Blaise with his mind-
Blaise: -falls over-
Vlad: Blaise! Blaise! Are you alright!?! -cradles Blaise in his arms-
Blaise: -huggles Vlad. cough, cough, choke-
Vlad: Is there anything I can do to help?!! -In hyper romantic cliche panic mode-
Blaise: Yea... - totally ruins the moment- Get Pyramid Head to autograph my shirt for me.
Vlad: -totally drops Blaise on his head- .....I hate you sometimes, ya know that?
Atreyu: -comes out of the bushes, dragging James with him- Hey guys! I'm still here! -and still wearing a cape, dontcha know?- And lookit who I found? It's James!
Pyramid Head: -loud growly breathing sounds!-
James: AHHHHH!!!!?!?!?! -tries to run away-
Pyramid Head: -walks over and steals James away from Atreyu, drags him into the bushes-
Blaise: -laughs- Clang, Clang. THUNK! Scraaaaapee. Pyramid Head has come to rape!
Emma: -hysterical laughter-
-THEN EVERYONE STARES AS TERRIBLE, TERRIBBLE SOUNDS LIKE SCREAMING AND SUCH COME FROM THE BUSHES FOR A FEW MOMENTS!??!!!! Then Pryamid Head comes back out of the bushes and acts like nothing happened.-
Faust: -high fives Pyramid Head-
Everyone: O_o
Darnell: So... we are looking for the Hospital.
Faust: Well, we're going to the mall. Wanna come with!?!
Nicademus: Are you.... A foreigner?
Emma and Blaise: HELL YESH!
Darnell: -sigh- Alright...
Emma: I get to walk with Faust! -runs over and grabs Faust's hand-
Blaise: I get to walk with Pyramid Head!
Pyramid Head: -stares at Blaise for a second, then picks him up and puts him on his shoulders-
Blaise: Wah!
Vlad: -kinda pissed- Hey! What the hell?!!
Faust: -laughs- Sorry about that. Pyramid Head thinks your friend looks a little bit like Angela.
Angel: He does not! Angela is hott and female and Blaise is.... not either of those things.
Blaise: Hey!
Vlad: O RLY? Then why did he strangle Blaise just a minute ago?
Faust: -shrugg- Don't ask me. -looks at Pyramid Head, then back at Vlad- But it's either him or her. -points at Angel-
Angel: No way!
Pyramid Head: -turns and starts to walk away-
Vlad: Hey! -chases after them- You give him back! He's mine!
Emma: Hey Faust, Do you find it difficult talking with a German Accent?
Oh and one more thing. My blog has suddenly decided to let me copy and paste things again. Which means I can post my story again!??!!! Yay! So now the question is, would it be easier for everyone to read my stories here, or should I continue not to post them on DeviantArt? And don't say do both, because you all know I'm much to lazy for that. Hahahaha. Anyway, comment and let me know, and if you can't figure out how to comment, text me or something. Because I could really use the INNNNNNNNPPPPUUUUTTTT!?!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Bibble Bibble!?!!!
Okay! Who is up for another absurdly random post!?!! I know I am!
Today's Topic = My hair!
I love my hair!? I think it looks really, really cool! Don't you? OF COURSE YOU DO! But as cool as my hair is, I am sensing that it may be time for change. And yesh, I am focusing on random things that in the long run don't really matter in an attempt to keep from falling apart and/or killing my beloved boyfriend! ....But that's really none of your bussiness now it it devoted Fans?
MOVING ON!?!! I have been pondering chopping all my hair off recently. Ya know, because I like girls with short hair, and I've never actually had really short hair, so I thought I might try it. But there is one major problem with this idea.....

IF I CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF I WON'T LOOK LIKE SAILOR JUPITER ANYMORE!?!!! And I know that sounds funny too you, but Sailor Jupiter is my non exsistant, childhood idol! She's epic! She kicks ass! She's bad ass! She throws balls of lightning at monsters and gets into fist fights with random girly men that have super natural powers!?!!! She's frickin AMAZING and I like looking like her..... Hehehe. <3
Um, but on the other hand, I might look cute with short hair. Maybe..... And if I cut all my hair off I could look like Sailor Lesbian!?!!
Today's Topic = My hair!
I love my hair!? I think it looks really, really cool! Don't you? OF COURSE YOU DO! But as cool as my hair is, I am sensing that it may be time for change. And yesh, I am focusing on random things that in the long run don't really matter in an attempt to keep from falling apart and/or killing my beloved boyfriend! ....But that's really none of your bussiness now it it devoted Fans?
MOVING ON!?!! I have been pondering chopping all my hair off recently. Ya know, because I like girls with short hair, and I've never actually had really short hair, so I thought I might try it. But there is one major problem with this idea.....

IF I CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF I WON'T LOOK LIKE SAILOR JUPITER ANYMORE!?!!! And I know that sounds funny too you, but Sailor Jupiter is my non exsistant, childhood idol! She's epic! She kicks ass! She's bad ass! She throws balls of lightning at monsters and gets into fist fights with random girly men that have super natural powers!?!!! She's frickin AMAZING and I like looking like her..... Hehehe. <3
Um, but on the other hand, I might look cute with short hair. Maybe..... And if I cut all my hair off I could look like Sailor Lesbian!?!!
She's not as cool as Sailor Jupiter in my opinion. But you have to admit, Sailor Uranus is pretty adorable. Hahaha.
I also have the potiential to wind up looking like my beloved husband, the creepy and talented JOHNATHAN FAUST THE 8TH!?!! <3>
Then we have Yoh. Yoh's hair is very similar to My husband's. Except Yoh has no bangs. And I'm kinda anti-bangs, don't ask me why, so of the two I lean more toward this one. But yea I've always liked Yoh's hair. Hahaha.
Ummmmm, so yea. Anime is cool. But still I bet you guys would all like to see some actually pictures of actual people, huh? Ohhh, you already stopped reading this post? .....Damn..... WELL I'M GOING TO POST THEM ANYWAY!?!! DEAL WITH IT!
My mom likes this one the best. Joise, from Joise and the Pussy Cats. But I'm not entirely sure. It just seems a bit too similar to the hair cut my mum has. Not that that's a huge deal or anything. Just saying......And lets be honest, when will I have time to be able to curl the ends up like that on a daily basis? NEVER! Hahaha.
This one is also super cute. I think I would look okay with hair like that. Ummmmm, I don't know who the model is, because I stole this picture as a random reference for my custom Sailor Scouts, off of DeviantArt. I didn't even look at the name. -_- Still, she is pretty adorable tho. Hahaha. <3>
I like the look of these ones. I mean their cute, right? They are a little bit shorter, slightly diffrent shaped version of the first girl's hair cut.
This one is my personal favorite. I might be the exact same hair cut as in the last two pictures, but I wasn't exactly sure. So! I decided to post this picture anyway! And like I said it is my favorite one. <3
Okay, I lied. One more cartoon. Hahaha. But hey! It's not anime! <3>
Ummmmm, so yea. Anime is cool. But still I bet you guys would all like to see some actually pictures of actual people, huh? Ohhh, you already stopped reading this post? .....Damn..... WELL I'M GOING TO POST THEM ANYWAY!?!! DEAL WITH IT!

Okay, I lied. One more cartoon. Hahaha. But hey! It's not anime! <3>

I have always looooved Akima's hair! I mean seriously, isn't it cute?! Anyway um, as much as I love her hair, I hesitate to chose this one, simply because it is sooooo short and I'd really only be able to wear it that one way. But I haven't completely crossed it off yet. Maybe if I cut my hair short and I like it this time, I'll try it next time. Ya never know! Hahahaha.
Anyway, the only other thing I'd like to point out here is that all of these girls, (and Boys!) have straight hair and I don't. My hair is partway between curly and wavy, soooooooo I really don't know what the heck it would look like cut into any of these styles. Hahahahaha. But yea..... That's my stupid, take your mind off the pain, personal delima of the month. Enjoy.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I Can't Wait Forever...
So, as anyone who has talked to me lately know, I am severely pissed off and I'm in no mood to continue ranting about happy things such as Emma's wedding. So, I'm going to post the plot line for one of my fabulous and random side stories that I came up with a while back. It's based on an episode of SNAPPED, but it also has a lot of influence/references from The Crow. SNAPPED, in case you didn't know, is a show in which they review, true, real life case studies of Lady Killers. And I think it's really interesting. So, here we go....
-Alright, so the story would start off examining long time lovers, Amanda RavenHearst and Dresden Marx, who have a very passionate Love/Hate relationship. You know, there is a lot of fighting, often screaming and occasionally they break things, but never abuse because there really is love in this relationship. Anyway, one night Dresden and Amanda go out for a drink, and while they are at the bar they kick some major ass and pool, do some dancing and get alittle trashed, making some insane, crazy drunk enemies in the process.
-Anyway, right before Dresden and Amanda leave the bar, a guy comes over to them and attempts to start a fight with Dresden, presumably for Amanda. But Dresden will have none of that and they leave peacefully. However, this guy and his buddy jump into their car and follow Dresden and Amanda. At first they are just follow the couple but as Dresden turns down a country road and there starts to be less and less people around, the other driver gets more aggressive. He smashes into the back of their car, blares the horn, he's screaming at them and eventually runs Dresden off the road. It's a pretty horrendous crash.
-So this crazy bastard and his friend drag Dresden out of the car and start beating the crap out of him. Amanda jumps out of the car and foolishly starts screaming and trying to pull them off of her boyfriend, which does not work. One of the guys turns on her, and Amanda suffers some severe head trauma and all but passes out. Then this scum bag, decides that it is a fabulous idea to rape Amanda....Great.... Anyway, Dresden sees this and goes completely ballistic. And since, now it's only one on one he has a much better chance of defending him from this guy. And the crazy guy does not like that, so he pulls a knife out!?!! And being the crazy bastard that he is starts stabbing Dresden. Just stabbing and stabbing and stabbing, until his friend panics and pulls him off. And he starts yelling and panicking because dude just killed somebody! And in the response, his crazy friend turns around says that he is just as much to blame for this, so if anybody finds out about this, they'll both go to jail. Ya know? Cause that conversation hasn't been done a thousand times....
-Amanda recovers from her serious head wound enough to get up and crawl over to Dresden like twenty minutes later, only to freak out and have a mental break down when she realizes that he's dead. Right around then, a man who lives about a mile or so down the road shows up, he had just returned home from the midnight shift at work, heard the screaming and called the police. Now he's just trying to figure out what happened. Well, he is horrified at the scene, but recovers from the sight quickly and tries to calm Amanda down. But she will have none of that, she refuses to let go of Dresden's dead body and continues to cry until the police arrive and pull her off of him.
-Oddly enough, other then not wanting to let go of Dresden, Amanda does not display many symptoms of shock. Which the Police make a note of. Then after Dresden is taken away in an ambulance, they take Amanda's statement. Then a week or so later, after Dresden's funeral, the police come to Amanda and convince her to do the press conference, begging the general public for help with the investigation, because she is their only witness and there is very little physical evidence.
-And by the way, at this point the papers have dubbed this case, "The Road Rage Murder"
-But wait! Wasn't there a sexual assault? Shouldn't they have evidence from that? Yesh. They should, but they don't. The man that raped Amanda would a condom, so there is no DNA evidence to speak of. And because Amanda was all but unconscious because of her head wound, she was not able to defend herself in any way. So no, DNA under the fingernails or defensive wounds or anything like that. The police did recover a bunch of transfer evidence and some hairs from the scene. But all that sort of evidence can prove is consistency. The only blood they found was either Dresden's or Amanda's. And they couldn't find the murder weapon.
-Anyway, Amanda agrees to do this press conference. So she goes on TV and tells her tragic story with Dresden's parents sitting by her side for support, and then she asks for the anyone from the bar to come forward, anyone who recognized the car or licence plate to come forward, basically anyone with any sort of information to inform the police. Then she asks for the accomplice to come forward and expose Dresden's murderer, because she'd be willing to drop the sexual assault charges against him if he testifies. And this....... almost works! Over the next couple of weeks the police receive a billion calls. And over the next 4-7 months they explore each and every of these new leads, while Amanda wallows in hopeless misery. She may even contemplate suicide....
-After exhausting each and every lead received the police have come up with absolutely nothing. And that is when the prosecution decides to go after Amanda. Why not, right? After all, she is the only witness, maybe she did do it. And they have no evidence to rule her out. (This is where my version of the story starts to deviate from what actaully happened...Hahaha.) Anyway, both Amanda and Dresden's parents are utterly horrified. They make no statements to the media about this ridiculous accusation, and Amanda's only comment is "I did not kill Dresden."
-Then a few weeks later, after the prosecution has built up a towering case of circumstantial evidence against Amanda, the trail begins! Amanda has no defense except the truth, issues a simple "Not Guilty" plea and the trail begins. The prosecutions case is built entirely around the speculation that Dresden was abusive and back it up with witness testimony from their neighbors, who state that Amanda and Dresden were constantly screaming at each other and implies that theirs was a loveless relationship and that Amanda killed Dresden because she was finally sick of the abuse. They also testify that all the damage to their car was already there, it wasn't new. They also aim to discredit Amanda's testimony, focusing most of their attention to the fact that she claims she was raped but that the bruises would suggest otherwise and that there is no DNA evidence. After all, why would some insane, random rapist bother to use a condom? Exactly. And Amanda is shocked. Then when they question her about these speculations and Amanda has a mental breakdown on the stand. And why wouldn't she? They are accusing her loving boyfriend of being super abusive jerk! It's insane!
-Because of the overwhelming amount of evidence to consider and witness testimony to go through, it winds up becoming a multiday trail. So, after the first session of the trail Amanda is ambushed outside the court room by the press. So she cries a little bit about how she can not believe that they would accuse Dresden of being abusive, and that how anyone who actually knew him would laugh all day at the thought of Dresden ever raising a hand to her. Then she once again asks the accomplice to come forward.... But just like last time, no one comes to her rescue.
-Sooo, as the trail continues things begin to look worse and worse for Amanda and eventually she is found guilty of killing Dresden. A crime she obviously did not commit. So after the trail, Amanda is taken to jail and locked up to await her sentencing hearing. And she doesn't say a blessed word about it. She just cries quietly to herself.
-Anyway, this would be where the influences from The Crow begin to show more strongly. This is also where my version of this story begins to deviate from what actually happened. Hahaha. So, while in jail awaiting the sentencing hearing, Amanda begins to hear Dresden's voice and she starts to dream about him again. And it is these hallucinations that keep her as sane as she could possibly be in this situation. I don't think I want he to progress into full on hallucinations just yet, but you never know. I could change my mind. Hahaha. Anyway! Amanda rots in jail for a few weeks, then finally the sentencing hearing begins! And well, wouldn't you know it? They sentence Amanda to life in jail without the possibility for parole. Loverly.
-So, Amanda is carted off to prison. Which is much diff rent then jail, mind you. Hahaha. Thankfully however, Amanda only has to be there anywhere between a few days and maybe two weeks. I wouldn't want to leave her there any longer then that. But why do they let her out? Because a couple of weeks or so, I haven't yet decided what is reasonable yet, after the papers began reporting that Amanda was found guilty for first degree murder, the accomplice turns himself and his friend in! Because he has a soul and refuses to let an innocent woman rot in prison forever. Good man! ....Well kinda....
-So, the accomplice turns himself and his friend in and in light of this new evidence, the guilty plea and the discovery of the murder weapon and the car used in the crime, they have to let Amanda go. And the accomplice doesn't even ask about Amanda's previous promise to not charge him for sexual assault on top of everything else. Anyway, RETRIAL!?!! At this point, I want Amanda to be a little pissed. I mean, all she's done so far is cry. She's been so good about everything so far, so at this point I want her to get pissed. Amanda is gonna walk into that court room and she is going to slap either the prosecutor who went after her and accused Dresden of being an abusive bastard, or she's gonna slap the guy who murdered Dresden. Who knows? Maybe both.
-And after the retrial and the impending slapping, at the sentencing trail, I want Amanda to make a super dramatic, heart wrenching speech, not unlike the one Matthew Shepard's father made at Henderson and McKinney's sentencing hearing. Because I think she needs the chance to speak about what she's lost and so on and so forth. Then after the sentencing Amanda is going to stay with her sister's a few nights. And maybe even her parents. Then she is going to go home, for the first time since Dresden's death. And she's going to feel very, very lonely.
-And this is where is starts to get strange. Hahaha. Amanda will be in there room, or moping about the apartment, when who should show up, but Dresden himself!?!! Fabulous! Yay! .....But wait, he's dead. Isn't he? Yersh, of course he is! But this is my story! And in this scene Dresden is not just a feeling. He's not just a voice in her head. This isn't a dream or a hallucination. He is actually there. So, Amanda runs over and hugs him! She starts crying. And they spend the night together saying good bye. Because let's face it, by the time Amanda regained consciousness enough to go and check on Dresden, he had already bleed out and they never got a chance to say good bye. Not really.
-Anyway, the lover's spend the night together talking about super, cliche, romantic, finding closure-y things. And whether they actually have sex one last time or Amanda simply falls asleep in his arms, is pretty much irrelevant, because either way, Amanda wakes up alone the next morning. And continuing the super lame cliche romantic theme, when she wakes up alone the next morning I want her to find the wedding ring that Dresden never got a chance to give her and maybe a rose or a love letter or something on the pillow next to her. Because I'm a SAP!
-So yea. Then 9 months later Amanda gives birth to twins! A boy and a girl and she shall name them Eric and Shelly. In honor of The Crow. But wait! How is it possible that she could be pregnant? Dresden died over a year ago and she hasn't been with anyone else? True...but this is magic!?!! And being that Amanda has had two serious miscarriages in the past, it is particularly miraculous!?!! And even thought it is physically impossible, Amanda is sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that the kids are Dresden's. Hahahaha
So......What did ya think? Am I crazy? Hahaha. Anyway, as I said, partially based on true events. Influenced by The Crow. Which I just watched for like the 300000th time yesterday. <3
Um, yea. So as brillant as I think I am for coming up with this, I can't get into writing it. AT ALL! Which might be because it's soooo gloomy. Or maybe cause it's so radically different from everything else I write. -shrugg- Who knows? Anyway, that's my latest, totally irrelevant story. Fear it. Love it. Let me know what you think, if you dare.
-Alright, so the story would start off examining long time lovers, Amanda RavenHearst and Dresden Marx, who have a very passionate Love/Hate relationship. You know, there is a lot of fighting, often screaming and occasionally they break things, but never abuse because there really is love in this relationship. Anyway, one night Dresden and Amanda go out for a drink, and while they are at the bar they kick some major ass and pool, do some dancing and get alittle trashed, making some insane, crazy drunk enemies in the process.
-Anyway, right before Dresden and Amanda leave the bar, a guy comes over to them and attempts to start a fight with Dresden, presumably for Amanda. But Dresden will have none of that and they leave peacefully. However, this guy and his buddy jump into their car and follow Dresden and Amanda. At first they are just follow the couple but as Dresden turns down a country road and there starts to be less and less people around, the other driver gets more aggressive. He smashes into the back of their car, blares the horn, he's screaming at them and eventually runs Dresden off the road. It's a pretty horrendous crash.
-So this crazy bastard and his friend drag Dresden out of the car and start beating the crap out of him. Amanda jumps out of the car and foolishly starts screaming and trying to pull them off of her boyfriend, which does not work. One of the guys turns on her, and Amanda suffers some severe head trauma and all but passes out. Then this scum bag, decides that it is a fabulous idea to rape Amanda....Great.... Anyway, Dresden sees this and goes completely ballistic. And since, now it's only one on one he has a much better chance of defending him from this guy. And the crazy guy does not like that, so he pulls a knife out!?!! And being the crazy bastard that he is starts stabbing Dresden. Just stabbing and stabbing and stabbing, until his friend panics and pulls him off. And he starts yelling and panicking because dude just killed somebody! And in the response, his crazy friend turns around says that he is just as much to blame for this, so if anybody finds out about this, they'll both go to jail. Ya know? Cause that conversation hasn't been done a thousand times....
-Amanda recovers from her serious head wound enough to get up and crawl over to Dresden like twenty minutes later, only to freak out and have a mental break down when she realizes that he's dead. Right around then, a man who lives about a mile or so down the road shows up, he had just returned home from the midnight shift at work, heard the screaming and called the police. Now he's just trying to figure out what happened. Well, he is horrified at the scene, but recovers from the sight quickly and tries to calm Amanda down. But she will have none of that, she refuses to let go of Dresden's dead body and continues to cry until the police arrive and pull her off of him.
-Oddly enough, other then not wanting to let go of Dresden, Amanda does not display many symptoms of shock. Which the Police make a note of. Then after Dresden is taken away in an ambulance, they take Amanda's statement. Then a week or so later, after Dresden's funeral, the police come to Amanda and convince her to do the press conference, begging the general public for help with the investigation, because she is their only witness and there is very little physical evidence.
-And by the way, at this point the papers have dubbed this case, "The Road Rage Murder"
-But wait! Wasn't there a sexual assault? Shouldn't they have evidence from that? Yesh. They should, but they don't. The man that raped Amanda would a condom, so there is no DNA evidence to speak of. And because Amanda was all but unconscious because of her head wound, she was not able to defend herself in any way. So no, DNA under the fingernails or defensive wounds or anything like that. The police did recover a bunch of transfer evidence and some hairs from the scene. But all that sort of evidence can prove is consistency. The only blood they found was either Dresden's or Amanda's. And they couldn't find the murder weapon.
-Anyway, Amanda agrees to do this press conference. So she goes on TV and tells her tragic story with Dresden's parents sitting by her side for support, and then she asks for the anyone from the bar to come forward, anyone who recognized the car or licence plate to come forward, basically anyone with any sort of information to inform the police. Then she asks for the accomplice to come forward and expose Dresden's murderer, because she'd be willing to drop the sexual assault charges against him if he testifies. And this....... almost works! Over the next couple of weeks the police receive a billion calls. And over the next 4-7 months they explore each and every of these new leads, while Amanda wallows in hopeless misery. She may even contemplate suicide....
-After exhausting each and every lead received the police have come up with absolutely nothing. And that is when the prosecution decides to go after Amanda. Why not, right? After all, she is the only witness, maybe she did do it. And they have no evidence to rule her out. (This is where my version of the story starts to deviate from what actaully happened...Hahaha.) Anyway, both Amanda and Dresden's parents are utterly horrified. They make no statements to the media about this ridiculous accusation, and Amanda's only comment is "I did not kill Dresden."
-Then a few weeks later, after the prosecution has built up a towering case of circumstantial evidence against Amanda, the trail begins! Amanda has no defense except the truth, issues a simple "Not Guilty" plea and the trail begins. The prosecutions case is built entirely around the speculation that Dresden was abusive and back it up with witness testimony from their neighbors, who state that Amanda and Dresden were constantly screaming at each other and implies that theirs was a loveless relationship and that Amanda killed Dresden because she was finally sick of the abuse. They also testify that all the damage to their car was already there, it wasn't new. They also aim to discredit Amanda's testimony, focusing most of their attention to the fact that she claims she was raped but that the bruises would suggest otherwise and that there is no DNA evidence. After all, why would some insane, random rapist bother to use a condom? Exactly. And Amanda is shocked. Then when they question her about these speculations and Amanda has a mental breakdown on the stand. And why wouldn't she? They are accusing her loving boyfriend of being super abusive jerk! It's insane!
-Because of the overwhelming amount of evidence to consider and witness testimony to go through, it winds up becoming a multiday trail. So, after the first session of the trail Amanda is ambushed outside the court room by the press. So she cries a little bit about how she can not believe that they would accuse Dresden of being abusive, and that how anyone who actually knew him would laugh all day at the thought of Dresden ever raising a hand to her. Then she once again asks the accomplice to come forward.... But just like last time, no one comes to her rescue.
-Sooo, as the trail continues things begin to look worse and worse for Amanda and eventually she is found guilty of killing Dresden. A crime she obviously did not commit. So after the trail, Amanda is taken to jail and locked up to await her sentencing hearing. And she doesn't say a blessed word about it. She just cries quietly to herself.
-Anyway, this would be where the influences from The Crow begin to show more strongly. This is also where my version of this story begins to deviate from what actually happened. Hahaha. So, while in jail awaiting the sentencing hearing, Amanda begins to hear Dresden's voice and she starts to dream about him again. And it is these hallucinations that keep her as sane as she could possibly be in this situation. I don't think I want he to progress into full on hallucinations just yet, but you never know. I could change my mind. Hahaha. Anyway! Amanda rots in jail for a few weeks, then finally the sentencing hearing begins! And well, wouldn't you know it? They sentence Amanda to life in jail without the possibility for parole. Loverly.
-So, Amanda is carted off to prison. Which is much diff rent then jail, mind you. Hahaha. Thankfully however, Amanda only has to be there anywhere between a few days and maybe two weeks. I wouldn't want to leave her there any longer then that. But why do they let her out? Because a couple of weeks or so, I haven't yet decided what is reasonable yet, after the papers began reporting that Amanda was found guilty for first degree murder, the accomplice turns himself and his friend in! Because he has a soul and refuses to let an innocent woman rot in prison forever. Good man! ....Well kinda....
-So, the accomplice turns himself and his friend in and in light of this new evidence, the guilty plea and the discovery of the murder weapon and the car used in the crime, they have to let Amanda go. And the accomplice doesn't even ask about Amanda's previous promise to not charge him for sexual assault on top of everything else. Anyway, RETRIAL!?!! At this point, I want Amanda to be a little pissed. I mean, all she's done so far is cry. She's been so good about everything so far, so at this point I want her to get pissed. Amanda is gonna walk into that court room and she is going to slap either the prosecutor who went after her and accused Dresden of being an abusive bastard, or she's gonna slap the guy who murdered Dresden. Who knows? Maybe both.
-And after the retrial and the impending slapping, at the sentencing trail, I want Amanda to make a super dramatic, heart wrenching speech, not unlike the one Matthew Shepard's father made at Henderson and McKinney's sentencing hearing. Because I think she needs the chance to speak about what she's lost and so on and so forth. Then after the sentencing Amanda is going to stay with her sister's a few nights. And maybe even her parents. Then she is going to go home, for the first time since Dresden's death. And she's going to feel very, very lonely.
-And this is where is starts to get strange. Hahaha. Amanda will be in there room, or moping about the apartment, when who should show up, but Dresden himself!?!! Fabulous! Yay! .....But wait, he's dead. Isn't he? Yersh, of course he is! But this is my story! And in this scene Dresden is not just a feeling. He's not just a voice in her head. This isn't a dream or a hallucination. He is actually there. So, Amanda runs over and hugs him! She starts crying. And they spend the night together saying good bye. Because let's face it, by the time Amanda regained consciousness enough to go and check on Dresden, he had already bleed out and they never got a chance to say good bye. Not really.
-Anyway, the lover's spend the night together talking about super, cliche, romantic, finding closure-y things. And whether they actually have sex one last time or Amanda simply falls asleep in his arms, is pretty much irrelevant, because either way, Amanda wakes up alone the next morning. And continuing the super lame cliche romantic theme, when she wakes up alone the next morning I want her to find the wedding ring that Dresden never got a chance to give her and maybe a rose or a love letter or something on the pillow next to her. Because I'm a SAP!
-So yea. Then 9 months later Amanda gives birth to twins! A boy and a girl and she shall name them Eric and Shelly. In honor of The Crow. But wait! How is it possible that she could be pregnant? Dresden died over a year ago and she hasn't been with anyone else? True...but this is magic!?!! And being that Amanda has had two serious miscarriages in the past, it is particularly miraculous!?!! And even thought it is physically impossible, Amanda is sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that the kids are Dresden's. Hahahaha
So......What did ya think? Am I crazy? Hahaha. Anyway, as I said, partially based on true events. Influenced by The Crow. Which I just watched for like the 300000th time yesterday. <3
Um, yea. So as brillant as I think I am for coming up with this, I can't get into writing it. AT ALL! Which might be because it's soooo gloomy. Or maybe cause it's so radically different from everything else I write. -shrugg- Who knows? Anyway, that's my latest, totally irrelevant story. Fear it. Love it. Let me know what you think, if you dare.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Is Someone Calling Me?! I hear My Name!
Alright!?!! So this post is about my Dragons!?!! You see I have a couple of diffrent options as far as my beloved dragon's wings are concerned, so I made a bunch of mock ups with my photophucker to show you guys my thoughts on the subject.
-Firstly! Emma's beloved daughter, the gorgeus and talented SERENA!?!!! I have always pictured her cute little baby dragon wings dark pinkish red, so here are the options!

-At the moment I'm leaning towards this last one. Hahahaha. But I also like the middle one. I think the first one, might be a bit too bright though...
-And next we have, Emma's darling husband, Eclipse! I have decided the main color of his wings will be Purple!
-Firstly! Emma's beloved daughter, the gorgeus and talented SERENA!?!!! I have always pictured her cute little baby dragon wings dark pinkish red, so here are the options!

-And next we have, Emma's darling husband, Eclipse! I have decided the main color of his wings will be Purple!
Looking Through Your Eyes
Okay! So I have been thinking about it, And I've decided not to let you guys help me design Emma's engagement ring. Know why? Know why? Because I have finally figured out EXACTLY what I want, and it's gorgeous. Deal with it.
-Basically what I want is this exact ring,
-With this beautiful stone in the middle. Althought I haven't decided what shape I want the stone to be yet. And there shall be Amethysts as the accent stones on the sides.
-And the side details of this ring. But just the side details, I want to keep the top of the band the same as the other ring.
-So yea.... I think it'll be beautiful. I mean I would wear that ring most definitely. So basically all I gotta do now is work my description of my custom ring into the scene where Eclipse proposes. Hahahaha.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Blood Drops Look Like Roses on White Lace
Alrite, so I have decided, no thanks to my friends and editors, to include a little bit of Emma and Eclipse's Wedding in book one. It'll be, basically, the very last scene of the book and I don't intend to go into a huge amount of detail about it, but still, IT'LL BE THERE!?!!! There for, I need to post about it at least once or twice discussing all the little details and such, that normal people wouldn't necessarily notice or care about. Hahahaha.
-Alright, soooo first thing is first. Emma's ring! The ring..... Well, lets talk about this for a second. First off, I do NOT want a diamond. They are just so....typical. So instead the stone in Emma's ring shall be my favorite stone, a Mystic Fire Topaz. Specifically one with a lot of purples, blues and greens in it. Because I said so. Hahaha. And as for accent stones..... assuming I have any, I would use Amethysts, or maybe even dark purply-blue Shappires. Um, I also want the band to be Silver....or White Gold. It doesn't really matter, I just want the band to be silver colored.
-Alright, soooo first thing is first. Emma's ring! The ring..... Well, lets talk about this for a second. First off, I do NOT want a diamond. They are just so....typical. So instead the stone in Emma's ring shall be my favorite stone, a Mystic Fire Topaz. Specifically one with a lot of purples, blues and greens in it. Because I said so. Hahaha. And as for accent stones..... assuming I have any, I would use Amethysts, or maybe even dark purply-blue Shappires. Um, I also want the band to be Silver....or White Gold. It doesn't really matter, I just want the band to be silver colored.
But other then that, I don't really know. I don't yet have my heart set on a specific design.
Hahaha, so I went trolling the interwebs for Mystic Fire Topaz rings.....And that didn't really work out so well. Did you know that there is a surprising shortage of Mystic Topaz rings..... No I shouldn't say that, there is a surprising shortage of ATTRACTIVE Mystic Topaz rings out there. Hahahaha. So, anyway then I started looking for regular engagement rings and custom made engagement rings and I found a few that I really liked, but none of them jump out at me. I mean I haven't yet found THE PERFECT RING! But, I'm quickly coming to relaize that that may very well not exsist.....or at least not for me and Emma. Hahahaha. So maybe, I'll just post a few of my favorites and we will vote on them.... Not that I'd expect to get much response from my loyal readers, as usual, but ya never know!
-Next order of bussiness! Emma's wedding dress!?!! I literally found, like the most perfect dress ever. Hahahaha. Would you like to see it? Of course you would!?!!!

Hahahha. Isn't it super pretty? I loooove those sleeves. Um, the only part I'm not sure about is the corset part. I haven't yet decided, if I want to keep it or have just a plan front...I mean it's not that it doesn't look good with the corset, I just don't like a dress with a corset built into it's ability to look awkward at certian angles. Hahaha. Anyway, regardless of the corset part, I want the details of the dress to be lilac. Cause I think pale purple and white are sooo pretty together. Hahaha. And Emma's jewelry will all be silver!?!! ....Should I decide to let her wear any, that is. Hahaha. Anyway, I'll repost this pic when I'm done photophucking it. Hahahaha.
-Moving on.... THE WEDDING PARTY!?!!! Angel will be Emma's fabulous Maid of Horror. Hahaha. And Sabastian will be Eclipse's Best Man. And the other two Bride's Maids will be Krystal and Andromina. And the other two Groom's Men will be Blaise and Xander. Annnnnnndd both of Emma's adorable parents will walk her down the aisle. Most definately. And I believe there should be a large blown up photo or maybe even a painted portrait of Emma's adoptived mom, Cassandra, up at the alter as well. Because she needs to be there too!
-Um, I did pick a dress for my loverly Bride's Maid's. It's a prom dress, but I don't care I think it'll look insanely beautiful and not to mention flattering on my darling sister and company.

And I think I'ma be strange and give them all the same dress but in a diffrent colors. So they feel unique. I was also considering maybe doing that epic color fade thing that I love so much. Hahahaha. But regardless, Angel will wear dark red. Krystal will wear royal blue. And Andromina will probably wear black...I'm still deciding on that one.....And anyway, Andromina has PURPLE skin! What color, can I put on her that won't clash with her skin and will still look good on Angel and Krys? I mean really. Hahaha.
And the Groom's Men well.....really haven't given much thought to their outfits at all. Literally the only thing I have decided as far as their outfits are concerned, is that they will be wearing clothes. Hahahaha. How sad is that? I mean can you tell I don't really care? Hahahaha. Oh! But I did have a rather brillant idea to maybe have the guy's suit jackets or shirts or whatever, match their lady oppisite's dress. Which some people thought was a good idea....
Anyway, That's all I got for now. Hahahaha. I'll post again with the pictures of all the pretty shiney rings I found and when I actually have the compacity to think about what the male half of this wedding will be wearing. Hahahaha. Oh and btw, if you start reading this post and going, "GOOOOODDDDA LORD!?!! -Simon impersonation- WHAT THE HECK WAS SHE THINKING!??!!! THAT IS SOOO TACKY AND LAAAAMMMEEEE!" I would like to remind you people that I have no taste. Hahahaha. And that that is one of the many reasons that I will not be having a big white wedding such as this, I'll be eloping. HA!
April Fools Day....
This was supposed to be an easy week for me. This was supposed to be a fun week for me. I didn't have any tests, I got an A on my second Psychology test, the rewrite of my English paper isn't due til Monday, I helped a close friend of mine work through some personal problems and now he's doing much better, I had been literally counting down the days til Anime Boston.
NOTHING depressing or infuriating was planned to happen..... (Well ya know, other then my rotten babying sitting job.) Well I guess life's a bitch. Because literally less then 24 hours before Anime Boston, everything bloody went wrong. EVERYTHING!?!! I would like to think that I am, in general, a reasonably optimistic and happy person, but these last two days have severely phucked up my view of the world and my belief that people are basically good and can change.... It's truly awful.
And as much as I would LOVE to share with you every single detail about every single wretched event that I have witnessed and every deliberately obtuse conversation and comment I have had the pleasure of hearing over the last two days, but I am so pissed off and angry and....heart broken and literally on the verge of tears that I can't bring myself to talk about it right now..... I feel like Leeloo when she's on the computer, or the screen or whatever the hell it is, learning about war.... It's like I've re-realized all the acute horrors of the world, all over again, all at once.... There's just sooo much hate.....
I mean it's really a miracle that I can even string together a coherent sentence right now. Maybe I'll fill you in on everything later.....maybe not. I just felt like I had to say something, but I just can't seem to get the words out.....
NOTHING depressing or infuriating was planned to happen..... (Well ya know, other then my rotten babying sitting job.) Well I guess life's a bitch. Because literally less then 24 hours before Anime Boston, everything bloody went wrong. EVERYTHING!?!! I would like to think that I am, in general, a reasonably optimistic and happy person, but these last two days have severely phucked up my view of the world and my belief that people are basically good and can change.... It's truly awful.
And as much as I would LOVE to share with you every single detail about every single wretched event that I have witnessed and every deliberately obtuse conversation and comment I have had the pleasure of hearing over the last two days, but I am so pissed off and angry and....heart broken and literally on the verge of tears that I can't bring myself to talk about it right now..... I feel like Leeloo when she's on the computer, or the screen or whatever the hell it is, learning about war.... It's like I've re-realized all the acute horrors of the world, all over again, all at once.... There's just sooo much hate.....
I mean it's really a miracle that I can even string together a coherent sentence right now. Maybe I'll fill you in on everything later.....maybe not. I just felt like I had to say something, but I just can't seem to get the words out.....
Hate is Easy
Love takes Courage
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