Friday, November 8, 2013

Close But No Woof Woof

Sooooo, this post literally just disappeared off of my dash and I have no idea what happened, so I suppose that I'm going to try and post it again although I really don't remember everything that it said.... Hrm. Anyway,

Last weekend when I was at the mall I got approached by the same modeling agency but it was a different representative. And that kind of boosted my confidence for awhile. Then crushed it a little because chances are that I will never get a chance to actually try modeling. And it's not exactly something that I've always dreamed of or anything like that and I don't want to be a beauty Queen or anything, but at the same time its like maybe it would help me feel better about myself or something. And I feel like it might be fun to a point. But it's really not appropriate for a Police Officer is it? And I don't have the money to take the stupid class that they require for the damn things anyway, so why bother being upset about it? Well I really don't know. But here I am, feeling blah.

In other, but not completely unrelated note, I have decided to get rid of that piece of the bell. No one who was there for that is still in my life. Mike, Jen, Christina. They've all left me behind. And apparently I didn't mean enough to any of them for them to look back or even tell me what the fuck happened to us. Friends forever. Please, friend until someone better comes along. Friends until one bloody thing changes. Friends until I refuse to break up with my boyfriend to have a bullshit secret relationship with someone else. Well you know what? I am so sorry that I couldn't drop everything for you, because I guess that my own happiness doesn't actually matter..... Anyway, the point is that it doesn't remind me of the good times that we used to have anymore. It only reminds me of how much it hurt when you all disappeared without a word.

And I'm watching The Woman in Black because I'm curious to see if it's any good. I'm going to start rereading Ender's Game soon. Doing a group project practically by myself. So much stress. I have so much to do and no time to do it at all. My firefox keeps crashing. I hate everything. Etc, Etc, Etc

And I believe that this post had a doge in it originally so here you are,

1 comment:

Reichardt said...

If you keep getting approached then that's a good sign! And proof you're fabulously good looking. Just go for it again~!