Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Children of the Candy Corn

So, in this post I will be posting my new proposal which is way less lame then the old one was. And I brought Tate here,

Along with me to stare into your soul and command you with his mind powers and creepy contacts to read the stupid thing and then do the commenting. But also to be gentle because it is but a first draft. So be kind Lovelies! Tate commands it.

“Hmm,” Emma sighed contently, completely at peace in this moment. It was a beautiful summer night in Zarius. Untainted by the self-destructive pollution of man, the endless blue-ish black expanse of sky was dotted with millions upon millions of stars, sparkling like jewels against black velvet in the sky high above her. The three beautiful moons of this world, Oberon, Anatolia and Cybele, shone brightly in the deep dark night, casting an ethereal glow over the whole of Zarius. The scene from her balcony window was indescribably beautiful, and she was content lying in the arms of her lover.
Tomorrow was the night of the full moon, the night that they’d been training for, the night they’d been preparing for, the night they’d been dreading, the night of their epic battle. The battle for Zarius would begin in less than forty seven hours. At dusk Kerian and his army would attack this castle, their only goal to destroy her home and kill her family, to take over Zarius and end her perfect life here. It was horrible, it was inescapable, it was too much to bear and it was creeping closer and closer with every passing hour. But in this moment, while she could feel Eclipse’s heart beat through his chest and his warm breathe on her neck, nothing was farther from her mind and this was a perfect night.
“I’m so lucky.”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
“Because,” Eclipse purred, pressing kisses to her soft flesh. “I am in bed with the love of my life, the single most beautiful, perfect woman in the whole world.”
“Aw, aren’t you sweet tonight?” Emma giggled, Eclipse’s stubble tickling her neck as he kissed her, a radiant smile on her face.
Eclipse brushed his fingertips across her cheek, tucking a piece of scarlet hair back behind her ear. “Do you know how much I love you?” He asks quietly.
“No,” Emma closed her eyes and snuggled closer to him. “Tell me.”
“I love you so much that I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If you’ll have me…”
This surprised Emma a great deal. For although Eclipse was always attentive and affectionate, and made quite sure that she knew how he felt about her, the odds of them staying together forever were slim because of her status and his position within the castle and Eclipse was far too much of a realist to let himself believe in true love or tell her forever if he didn’t believe it in his own heart. Emma had accepted this about him even though she was an optimist and a hopeless romantic herself.
“What?” She turned her head to look at him, but when her eyes fluttered open all she saw was a little, black box sitting on the bed in front of her. Emma stared at it for a moment. “What is that?”
“Open it.”
Emma propped herself up on her elbow and took the little box in her hands, her fingers trembled ever so slightly as she lifted the lid. Inside the box was the single most beautiful ring that she had ever seen in her life. A dark jewel that sparkled with bright flashes of red, blue, purple and green in the flickering candle light, was set in the center of a silver ring. Four, small amethysts had been placed in the delicate scroll work on either side of the center jewel. Emma took the silver ring and turned it over in her hands. Admiring the scroll work along the side of the ring, beautiful hearts and intricate swirls and an inscription inscribed upon the inside of the band that read, “True Love Never Dies” in lovely cursive script.
“Just in case we die tomorrow, I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world and always intended to spend the rest of my life with you.” Eclipse whispered in her ear as he slipped the ring onto her third finger. “Emma, will you marry me?”

After which Aiden and Hiroshi discuss Angel's chances against an army of rabid Mongolian zombies on crack with machine guns. Sooooo, I hope you liked my first draft here and let me know if there's anything glaringly wrong with it. And The Woman in Black is a strange movie. Lita out.

P.S. I hate men. You tell them that you're upset about something and they go, well that's how it is or yeah but or what's wrong with that? Because they agree and don't understand why you're upset. Yeah thanks. That helps. Didn't come to you looking for help or understanding or anything like that just now. Now really please continue to make me feel worse. Thanks. -sigh- Next time I'm calling my Mom or waiting until my roomie gets back or something to talk.

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