Tuesday, May 21, 2013

If He Gives You a Seven Tonight, I'll Kill Him Myself

Okay. So I was writing a thing just now, the bit in Valken's crypt and I mentioned something about how Kerian would never be buried there because disgrace and banishment and such like that. Which makes sense. Kerian was sent into exile, so by all rights he should die a horrible death and his body should either rot out in the sun forever and get torn apart by animals or he'd be given a pauper's funeral/grave site on the prison island. However, now I'm thinking Aiden loves his Brother. So maybe after Aiden kills him, he could order someone to collect the body and bring it to the family crypt. Which would mean that in the second book Adrienne would have to break into the crypt to collect Kerian's body. Which is fine. But originally, I was planning on having Aiden send someone to collect Kerian's body and having them not be able to find it. And if I stick with that idea, then probably what will happen is after we realize why Kerian went nuts in the first place and kill him a second time around, then he will finally be allowed into the family crypt.

Honestly, I think that they're both pretty believable for the time period. So, what do you guys think? Does Kerian get into the crypt at the end of this book or does his body vanish and he gets into the crypt at the end of the next book?


Anonymous said...

hmm, maybe they can only find a part of the body which they bring to the grave, and then they steal the part because they need the whole body for it to work or whatever you are having happen. (i dont know about the whole part where you say kill a second time) like i donno if you were planning on him coming back to life or whatever. so i donno, if you go that route you might need to have to be a part where the person would be able to tell its his, like a tattooed part, or head, or like an eye if he has a reconizable one? or a finger/hand with a family ring or something

Anonymous said...

but if you want me to choose out of your two options, i would prob say the not finding him.