Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Baby If I Was Premenstral, You'd Be Dead

Hold on, wait a minute here.

Originally I wrote that they bring Emma straight to the castle to see Aiden and Hiroshi and that was all fine and dandy, but Emma is kind of yucky at this point. She was nearly run over, knocked out, kidnapped, spent the night in a strange bed, stuck on a horse all day long, I'd imagine that she wouldn't be very awe inspiring after all of that. Plus she's wearing, by Zarian standards, really weird clothing. And Eclipse and Sabastian are trying to pass her off as a Princess! Don't you think that they would have cleaned her up a bit at the very least? I feel like they would have. And if they didn't then perhaps the people at the castle would have been like, um no you can't see the King looking like a street rat. I mean come on! If Neil Patrick Harris can kick the fish tank guys out of his magic club cause their not wearing suits I think that the people of Zarius can be like, um bitch you need a bath. Right? Hahaha. I think that it's a good idea considering the time period.

So, I guess the question is, do Eclipse and Sabastian fix her up in town or do the servants in the castle fix her up ahead of time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, they may be weird cloths to her but then their cloths would be strange to her. so she might be resistant to wear them, (if you go that route). and do the people know that she got sent to earth? if they do i would say that they should assume she would be wearing earth cloths so it could help make it a give away that she was on earth (if you wanted to give help proving she was there)

but i guess i can agree that the guards would think that, so i say do you want to make it like a joke and say the two of them arguing with each other when they get to the castle about how one knew they should have bathed her and such. and the other one saying hey, shes been missing for so long, i think that they dont need to wait any longer then they have already.

but then how wealthy are you people? in the time period for us, they didnt bath daily, so the common folk wouldnt look great either. so saying that you might want to say that the servants make eclipse and sabastion bathe as well