Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It Punches You In The Face With How Bad It Is

Hey you guys!

 (He's Canadian. lol)
Guess what?! Because of all the drama and shit going on in my life right now, I have writer's block!

 (She's not Canadian. lol)
 Is anyone surprised? I'm not. And it's particularly annoying because I have a bunch of free time today and tomorrow... So unfortunately I might actually end up doing homework tomorrow rather then I don't know, something that's enjoyable? 

 (He's a mouse. lol)
Hahaha. -passive aggressive mini rant... with gifs- Haahaha

(Nigel Bubbles? Cobra Thornberry? Either way, it's hilarious.)
......And that's all that I have to say about that!

Is it bad to want to write fan fiction for your own book? Cause I really just want to write a bunch of one shots where all my characters run off to have sex with their significant others and like fail parenting sketches and first date type stuff and things like that. Hahahaha


Anonymous said...

nigel bubbles will give me nightmares forever

Anonymous said...

yes, i'm surprised she isn't Canadian.