Monday, October 29, 2012

Ohno? Oh yesh!

Soooooo, I'm a horrible, horrible person. Hahahha. Would you like to hear the story? Hahahha. Of course you would! So here's the story, in my group of friends we have a couple of Pagans and one or two of them were having a strange pagan rage about being prosecuted and stuff and things to that effect. And then after they rage about how all holidays come from Paganism and blah blah blah. Then we start talking about how weird religion in general is and whatever. And one of the girls is like my Patron Goddess is Baset. And the other is like, my Patron Goddess is Venus. She was the first Olympian. And you know how my brain reacted to that?

My brain replied, my Patron God is Apollo..........
Apollo Ohno!
He's the God of Sex Appeal, Bandannas, Awesome Hair and Rubber Suits!
Sex Appeal


Awesome Hair and Rubber Suits!

And don't you dare tell me that he doesn't count!
Cause he's an Olympian too Guys!

And that's why I'm a horrible person. Haha.
I can't help it!
But seriously though.... you have GOT to admit, that that was pretty fucking clever of me.

Daddy Stark laughed a lot when I told her.

Also, it's really rainy and windy here cause of the storm. I have wifi and my room mate doesn't for some reason. Her umbrella blew all inside out when we were going to dinner. And apparently Zombies can die. But we now need to figure out is if it's "something like decomposition or is it more like when you take the batteries out of a Furby?" -Daddy Tony Stark

OHMIGOD! On Dancing with the Stars tonight, Len referred to Apollo as the son of Zeus and called him a God?! That's as ironic as it gets! Like how did you know Len?!

Also, way to break my heart Apollo, you stupid perfect heart breaking bastard, you... A Waltz for Cancer? Way to punch me right in the Feels.... Jerk.... I love you so much.

And I've already posted this post and gone back and added more to it twice in a row now. Sooo, at this point, I'm kind of like fuck it. I'll just keep going and going until I've got nothing else to say about Apollo. Hahaha. So, speaking of Apollo being absolutely perfect, can I just point out to everyone that Apollo Ohno would be absolutely perfect to play Nightwing? Cause he absolutely would. Seriously, lookit him!

Now lookit Nightwing.

Now back at Apollo.

He's perfect for the part!
He'd have to shave his silly little soul patch thing though.

Sairent Hiru no uta Minna de Utaou!

Come Guys!
Let's sing the Silent Hill song!

Anyway, dream blog time! Last night I had a dream that I got the new Silent Hill video game, but instead of putting it in the X Box or something like that, I got in my car and drove to Silent Hill, cause that's how you play, I guess! And I get out of my car and I'm running around in the mist looking at dead bodies and shooting at monsters and stuff. Then I think that I see Pyramid Head and I get really excited! But it's not him. Awwww, -sad face- So, I keep exploring. And then all of a sudden, I'm like wait! I have to go to bed soon, maybe I should stop playing so I don't have bad dreams! Hahaha. Ironic. Anyway, I turn back and try to find my car again but I can't. And then I get attacked by Wolves. And I kill like two of them and the third one I kick in the face but obviously that doesn't kill him. So, he keeps chasing me around. And eventually I find like the actual town part of Silent Hill and this random guy comes flying out of no where and he's like come with me, I can protect you! Okay, so I follow him but the wolf is still chasing us, like through apartment buildings and things. Cause apparently neither of us is capable of closing any door that we run through. Then we somehow lose the Wolf. And this random guy, who looks suspiciously like Vincent from the new Silent Hill movie, 

takes me to his club house, and there's a few more people in there. And they're all like, we're so safe here! And I'm like, we're in fucking Silent Hill, no where is safe Dude. And I'm trying to convince them to leave, and then Pyramid Head kicks the door in and waves the Great Knife around everywhere and people are screaming and running and I'm like aweeeesome! Staring at him and stuff while I'm being dragged from the room. AND THEN?! I wake up cause my phone is ringing a lot from text messages. And I look at my phone and I'm like damn, I wanted to meet Pyramid Head. Hahahaha.

He loves me <3 p="p">
Too bad that's Poser Head.

Anyway, I think that we need to talk about the new movie. I haven't seen it yet, but I know that it's pretty much based on the 3rd game. And based on what I've read so far, I've got a problem with that. Why you ask? Because Vincent is the greatest character in the game! He's a crazy priest and he's kind of hott and he likes to fuck with people's minds! He's amazing! But it would seem that in this movie he is not a crazy priest, he's like a kid. He's Heather's age! Ummmm, what? No. Not okay with that. Not okay with it at all. The only good thing about Vincent being all messed up from what he should be is that maybe Claudia won't kill him at the end. That would be good. Although, if he's not the same as in the game then maybe I wouldn't care so much if they killed him. Ya know?

Glad that Pryamid Head is making an appearance! Even though he's not in the 3rd game. Hahaha
Looks like he got more ripped too.

And Nurses!
But those are in every Silent Hill game pretty much. Hahaha.

And I suppose that that's all I got for right now. I'll likely rant and rave about the movie sometime after I see it. IN 3D! IN IMAX! At which point I may or may not wet myself. Hahhaha. Either way, I'm amped and it's gonna be amazing! Except for the part when they kill Sean Bean. Cause I know that they're going to do it! I know it! Hahaha

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Well Job My Friends


Sooooo, here's the thing Bros, I'm Thor. And I was thinking that because I'm Thor and I have no classes on Thorsday anyway that maybe I should try to post like once a week. Any thoughts?

Now, moving on to the post that I promised you before I posted the last one, maiming Hiroshi. I've posted like 7 or 8 different times about maiming my Father, you know. And why so many posts, you may ask? Becaus no one will give me feedback on anything -unamused face- and I keep changing my mind! -skitzophrenia face.... whatever that would look like- Hahaha. Anyway! The point is, I cannot finish the war scenes for good until I determine how exactly to maim my Father properly!

Now remember, in reference to FMA and the fabulous Edward Elric, I am going to maim Hiroshi's right arm and left leg. Okay? Right arm, left leg. That's not in question and I'm not changing my mind about that bit. What is in question is how and to what extent do I maim the right arm and left leg?

Originally I was thinking, broken arm, stabbed in the thigh. However, if you recall, I stabbed Kazuo in the thigh with a broken arrow and he rips it out and stabs me with it. Do I really want to do essentially the exact same thing with Kerian and Hiroshi? I tend to think no. But at the same time, I kind of feel that that's the perfect feel for both scenes, but I don't want it to read as repetitive. Soooo, I don't know about that. I was toying with the idea of breaking his leg. Weeeeeell, that's all well and good in theory, but it sort of messes up his mobility in the aftermath of the battle scenes. Which is important. Cause he needs to put everyone in their place. So, I'm kind of like meeeeeeh. What now?

I suppose that I could dislocate his shoulder on the right side or something. Cause that would essentially render his right arm totally useless. Or I suppose that I could have Aiden shoot his Husband instead of his Brother by accident. But that doesn't speak very highly of their teamwork skills which I boast about at some point before the maiming. It also doesn't help my leg conundrum either now does it? Nope. Not at all. I mean, I suppose that I could just do something simple and slash his leg open, that would cause a limp anyway. But it doesn't feel like enough of an injury. Like it doesn't feel like it's enough to make Hiroshi stop fighting. Especially since at this point his Husband can be assumed dead and he's basically the kingdom's last great hope. Hahahha.

Though I suppose that if I threw Daddy across the field that would add something to the deterrent factor. Cause I remember in one of my previous drafts of this scene I had Kerian kick Hiroshi in the chest and send him flying, right after he maimed him. That might work out if I give him a more minor injury to the leg. I don't know...


And I guess that's it for today then. Happy Thorsday everyone! 

Oh yeah. And I'd also like to thank all my friends at school for doing a great job ignoring me. I do so love feeling like I'm talking to the walls. Really I do. -passive aggressive- Whatever.

 I don't care anymore.
I'm just gonna keep on dancing,
with my beloved Hammer in hand.
Of course.

Dancing Thor actually makes me so so happy though and dancing Loki is just cute as a zombie button munching on a brain taco. He does look a bit less happy then Thor does when he's dancing though. But then again, I suppose that that is to be expected. Hahaha

Thursday, October 18, 2012

They're Repulsive

Guess what I, Thor, did on this fine Thorsday? Just guess. Ha! Wrong! What I did on Thorsday, my day off, my day in which I have NO CLASSES, I woke up at 7:30 this morning got dressed up and went to a Psychology Conference. And get this, the bus that they sent for us, wasn't big enough so I had to sit on the floor in the back. Oh what a fabulous Thorsday it was! Hahaha.

No seriously though, great conference. Absolutely full of Bilgesnipe though.... Hahaha. Kidding again. X3 They don't have Bilgesnipe here. Obviously. Hahaha.

Anyway, the point of this post is as follows.... Does anyone have a problem with Blaise saying "dick measuring contest"? Hahaha. Cause I was writing the scene where he and Eclipse get into that argument and you know how Eclipse takes everything like a personal attack and Blaise gets frustrated with him real quick. Well, reading it I was like, this is turning into a dick measuring contest and that's not what Blaise wanted so he should say something, right? Hahahaha. I mean, it's not like it's something that Blaise wouldn't say.... I guess, I'm just wondering if it would be ....too much? I guess. I don' know.


Ummmm and I guess that's all that I got for you for today. I'm gonna have to start like posting actual bits and pieces from my story cause I'm like running out of nuts and bolts to discuss at length in blog format anymore. Though I do have to talk a bit about maiming Hiroshi once again. But I don't feel like it now. Maybe I'll do it later. Hahaha.

Also, did you know that Miley Cyrus is a freakish hybrid cross between a hillbilly and a hummingbird? According to Berta. Hahahhaa


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

This Day We Fight!

This is Psy.
He sings Gangnam Style.

Apparently Psy in his infinite awesomeness knocked Justin Beiber down a few pegs in The Top Ten and in response Beiber fans are going onto Youtube and playing Justin Beiber's music videos over and over again in an attempt to bring his numbers back up.
Well I say Nay!
In response to their response I'm going to be playing Psy's Gangnam Style video over and over and over again to keep him on top! And I encourage you all to do the same!

Cause at seven years old he's already cooler then any of us will ever be. Haha.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Good Enough to Fool a Nazi or Your Money Back!

I'm not sure what is going on in this picture. Like Thor has piggy tails and a Harry Potter tee shirt and he's the only one that looks happy about it too. Hahhaha. But Stephen Colbert's promise about fooling Nazi's is reassuring. Is it not? Although, I can't quite recall Cap ever trying to fool a Nazi so much as bash them upside the head with a shield.

Anyway, everyone in my house is sick right now. Momma, Daddy, Batman and Wolf Cakes. Everyone. And I alone am healthy. And I am determined to stay that way! Determined! So I strike myself with lightning every few minutes just to electrocute all of the germies. Hahaha. Verily, it is quite a clever plan. Now, moving on! Can anyone please explain to me why I have dreams of being chased by a T Rex while Hunk a Hunk of Burning Love plays on an endless loop? Please? Cause I sure as hell don't get it. LIKE THIS PICTURE?! Hahahaha.

As far as relevance goes this post doesn't really have any. I'm just bored and everyone's sick so I've got nothing to do. -sigh- It's pretty lame, I've gotta say.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Verily, I am Thor

Verily, my brethren, Thor is bored and cold and lonely this night.

Hawk looks comfy though. Perhaps I shall snuggle up to him since my Brother is MIA, running around causing mischief somewhere or whatever he's doing.
Anyway, I've nothing of any relevance to post today.
Verily, I'm just bored and cold and lonely at 2am.
The picture is for my Hawkeye. We tease her a lot for being whipped by a Natasha that we don't even have, but verily we really love her.
And by we, I mean me and Loki. Hahaha.
I remember this one time Loki and I and Clint, verily.... Um, Nevermind.
I'm gonna go hide under my fuzzy blankies and watch a movie or something.
Send me Wall Things!
Goodnight My Brethren.

Oh! Also, Silent Hill 2 comes out soon. I'm so excited. Gonna see it in IMAX 3D, probably gonna wet myself. It'll be great. Absolutely fantastic. I'm excited. Hahaha.

Also, this is my 200th post guys! Hooray!