Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Gangnam Style, Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Gangnam Style!

Hello my Freaky Little Darlings,
In today's post we are going to vote on how Nicademus loses his eye!
Option A
After Nicademus leaves the castle, dumping the throne on Valken, he does not in fact dive right into a life of Piracy but instead breifly tries his hand at monster hunting, Van Helsing style, and he fails miserably. Then in one of his missions he ends up loosing an eye cause he doesn't know what he's doing. Then later on Lucian ends up picking him up and helping him out for awhile and then he becomes a Pirate.
Option B
We don't know what Nicademus does when he leaves the castle, dumping the throne on Valken, all we know is that he eventually ends up with Lucian and the RoQuero. And he and Lucian are friends so when they go after Rorak, he would accompany them, then Lucian would be mortally wounded and Blaise would lose his mind and kill Rorak. THEN maybe Blaise in his blind rage and personal anguish, turns on Nicademus and takes his eye by accident cause Nicademus tried to calm him down wrong or something.
I don't know which I prefer. Option B is a lot like when Eclipse rips Blaise open by accident. I think that it would be tragic and totally understandable and Blaise could angst about hurting his friend and that kind of crap. Buuuut, Option A would be good too. Cause like, it makes sense that Nicademus might fail once or twice before he finds a calling in Piracy. On the other hand, I may not go into his back story so much. So, is it really necessary to have such a history in place for him? Frankly, I have no idea. So I'm leaving it up to you Bro's.
Unless you're all stupid.
Then I'll do it myself.
Anyway! That's all that I got for ya'll today. Later!
-Mistress Kaye

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit

I know what you're thinking,
What's Lita been drinking?
Nightwing's smoking Hott.
Yes, I could've nailed him
But no it's not a failure
Because there's one thing he is not,
To score a ten would be just fine,
I'd rather be dressed to the nines!

Neil Patrick Harris is Fantastic
I love this song
And can't nail Nightwing.
As hott as he is, he's still a fictional character.

Anyway, the other day I was watching Batman and Robin, and I suddenly noticed that D'Artagnion's Robin outfit is practically Nightwing's except that it's red instead of blue. Like seriously? Has anyone else ever noticed that? I mean, LOOK!

Waaaaaaay to go Batman fans for never picking up on all of this nonsense.

And now onto something that's more or less totally relevant to my book, eh? Suuuure. Except that I don't have much to say that's news... Like nothing at all really. Although, I guess that I could make a report on the progression of Blaise's story. And such a progression report would be that I'm making progress! However, I am noting that so far, this story is an awful lot of how Blaise and Vlad fell in love and then a lot of how Blaise looks to Lucian as a Father and Nicademus as an Uncle and not so much death and destruction until the end when everything goes to hell. And I like how it's going so far, I've just got to determine how long and how often Nic will be around and when Vlad gives in to the touchy feelies. Like should Vlad get over himself before Lucian dies or after? I just don't know yet. But I have to say that writing this, I'm getting frustrated with Vlad just like Blaise is. Hahha. It's Vlad! Come on! You were literally made to be Blaise's only one! Stop being a spazz and get with it already! Hahaha. Stupid blonde bastard.... X3

Also, it is true! Nothing suits me like a suit. And Cheyanne is my suit. Hahaha. A double breasted Hungarian suit! X3    Ohhh Barney <3 p="p">

Friday, September 14, 2012

Are You Down, Down, Down?

Okay, so ya'll know how Vlad is a psychic monster of some impressive skills, right? And you are also aware that when Eclipse goes bat crap crazy cause his Lady's been killed that Blaise tries to blood bend him into submission, right? Well I had a thought the other day. I was like hey, Blaise and Vlad are partners and Vlad's a psychic. Why wouldn't he try to help his friend stay alive by helping his boo mess him up? And there's no good answer. Of course Vlad would help his man. Hahaha. Then of course, I started thinking about Eclipse. Is he enough of a bad ass to over power two moderately epic Vaikas and still have energy left to thrash Sabastian and rampage? I don't know about all that. That sounds like an awful lot of power and I'm not sure doing this. So what do you think? Help me out!

Quick On The Draw

Sooooo, I've decided that we need an orb of Makinar in this here book. Hahaha. Yes, and Orb of Makinar, deet da deet da deee, quick on the draw. In reference to Aladdin, of course.

And what shall this most magnificent orb of fantastical-ness do? Well, I was pondering and I thought that due to the extent that Emma was wounded, she probably wouldn't survive long enough for Krystal to save her. And so, I have created a pause button. THE ORB OF MAKINAR! I've decided that it's a naturally occurring stone made of some element that I have yet to name and can only be found on Tethys, the floating island of awesomeness. And what it does is too like freeze or pause a person's current state for a limited amount of time, which would give a healer like Krystal a chance to actually work on and save a patient that would've otherwise been doomed cause there wouldn't be time to save them. And I like it and it's cool. Annnnnd it won't look like that picture. Hahaha. I'm thinking moonstone or cat's eye type looking stone.

...........I tied my phone to a dog. Hehehe

Saturday, September 8, 2012


 I haz a beard

Anyway, it's been awhile since I posted about Blaise, so here ya go! Have another brilliant post about my favorite fictional Man.
That's HYDE but you all know that I use him for Blaise's reference. Hahaha

So, I was thinking about Blaise's mutant transformation into a half Dragon/Water Bender and I was recalling how sudden and violent the change is and all that crap. And I was thinking that because this is an unnaturally natural occurrence that maybe Blaise's Dragon bits should be a little malformed or something. Like maybe his wings aren't perfect or perhaps their not entirely symmetrical or something. Maybe the transformation creates wounds or the first time he changes leaves a scar on his back. I don't know yet. But it was just a thought. Seems appropriate though. Feel free to comment.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh Yeah, You Blend

Komodo Dragons

 As you know, or should've known, Steve Irwin day was recently. And they showed the episode where Steve goes looking for Komodo Dragons and let me tell you, I had forgotten how incredibly terrifying those beasties are! Impressive and Amazing, but scary as all hell. Like, did you know that they have feeding frenzies, like Sharks? And I mean actual, honest to God hard core feeding frenzies on dry land. Madness. And they can smell blood in the air! And any number of other creepy things. Hahaha.

Anyway, watching this, I started thinking that perhaps, I need a Komodo Dragon and I was thinking that it should be Kazuo. Because as of right now, I have only two characters that have both an animal and a secondary power and that's Angel and Emma. And then later on, I'll have Blaise. And they're all good guys. Unless you count Kikyo. But that's way later on and I'm sure none of you remember her part in any of this anyway. Hahahha. Um, so yeah. I was thinking of giving Kazuo the power of the Komodo Dragon! Cause he's a predator. A hard core killer. And he's been killing some pretty high level dudes and causing some serious trouble for awhile now and he couldn't do that if he wasn't a serious killer, right? Right!

So, that being said, I wouldn't change his appearance or anything at all, I would just make some mentions about it here and there. Like when I'm talking about his reputation and when he gets killed and things to that effect. And I guess that that's all about that. Hahaha. Let me know what you think.

How Long Have You Been a Midgit?

True Story

Okay, so today's post is about Rocher and maybe some other stuff but mostly Rocher. Um, I've decided that he should be a little more clean cut, I guess. I don't want him to be "rugged" because Aiden is rugged and Nicademus is rugged and Gabriel is rugged. So Rocher can be more classic. He'll have shorter hair and it will be tame rather then crazy like Aiden's. He's going to be tall but not exactly huge. I'm staying with the dirty blonde hair and scarred face and stubble and I haven't decided about eye color yet. But I was thinking that perhaps he should be a snake. A Viper or a Rattler would be nice. Something like this one would be good.

I don't know what color I'd do for eye color though. I also might give him fangs. Like it might be necessary. Hahaha.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In Loving Memory

Steve Irwin
Conservationist, Hero
February 22, 1962 – September 4, 2006

But NEVER forgotten.

"I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it." 

The World would be a much better place if we had more people like you.