Sunday, April 22, 2012


Soooo, I was thinking yesterday.... Maybe Cassandra doesn't have to die.

Cause you know, if Emma's adopted Mother dies of Cancer and she's stuck with a step father that doesn't want her and that she hates then that gives her a pretty good reason to run for the hills of Zarius with her real family and never look back. But I'm almost thinking that maybe that's too clean an out. And frankly, I don't want Emma to become angsty Harry Potter bitching and moaning about her Mom all the time because that's not the kind of person she is. However, if Cassandra dies and Emma doesn't angst at least a little bit then it will seem strange and unnatural. Ya know?

So yea, that's why I'm thinking that maybe I won't kill Cassandra off. Of course, if I don't kill her off then I have to figure out what to do with her. Emma loves her and so we can't let Eclipse steal her away from Home and then never see Cassandra again. Clearly, I'd have to relocate her to Zarius. So, I'd have to figure out when and where to do that. And add a scene where Emma asks Aiden and Hiroshi about her Mom. And change the very very beginning scene. But, despite all the work that I'm making for myself here, I still tend to think that not killing Cassandra would be best.

As usual, I'm open to thoughts and opinions Bros.
-Lita Kaaaaaaaye


Shadow Wolf said...

i liked the orginal idea. Emma does not have to bitch she can just run the hell away and forget about her step father and call it a sodding night. though i understand it is kind of a cheap way to get her to Zarius but i think it was fine before.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i think she does need to die, like why would she want to stay there? like i understand that its her actual parents and such, but ive never really understood it. you have parents now that love you, why do you want to know your actual parents that are no longer in the picture. like in tangled, i understand why she would want to leave, shes being help captive, but for emma she isnt help captive and has freedoms in her world so why would she care. her wanting to know why she was abandoned sure, but wanting to stay im iffy on. like she has a home with the mom