Saturday, April 21, 2012

Freakish Misery

Hello my Freaky Little Darlings,

Today, I post of Monsters. Remember like last month when I asked ya'll about giving Kerian some big old beasties to compensate for his rather small army? Well, I've decided what I'm going to give him and it's going to be Lizards! Not like some sub species of lizard people that uses weapons and talks, I mean like real Lizards. Big ones.

Like this big old Lizard thing from Star Wars.

Except that I don't want anyone riding these big Lizard things. After all, they are wild, extremely dangerous animals and this is not Star Wars or the Rough Riders from Avatar, so we don't ride the Lizards in Zarius. I also want them to look more like real Lizards. Okay? So, no feathers. And no beaks. I want them to be as big as the Lizards in Star Wars, but they'll look more like a Komodo Dragon.

Or a Goanna.

And I think that I might want to give it a cowel like a Frilled Lizard or a Tricertops or something.

Anyway, as I said before, no one will be riding these beasties which means that they're not domesticated. They're wild animals! Which means that Kerian can't control them any better then anybody else on that feild and he knows that and he doesn't give a crap. So what he's gonna do is bring two of these big beasties out onto the feild and just let them loose and whoever they kill, they kill. He's cold and unattached to anyone, he just wants to kill Aiden so as long as the Lizards don't beat him to it, why should he care who they kill?

And ummm, I think that's it. Oh! Except that I'm probably going to call them Slizards, because it's fun to say and as a nod to Spy Kids. Hahahaha.


Eman29 said...


xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...


Shadow Wolf said...

frst off the rough riders rode rhinos Azula and her bitches rode geko like things and there was a (lizardhound) at the end of the sceries.

anyway. i like the no riders and cowel idea but depending on the fear factor you want would be the type of lizard you use.

as you know
Goannas are like rapotors smaller faster but they are not ambush predators (Like raptors). so if you want an oh crap that thing is quick go with the goanna

as you know again
Kamoddos are larger heavier and much stronger. if you are going for a oh crap that thing is big and unstoppable go with the Kamoddo

basically it all depends on the way you want them to be scary.

Lita Kaye said...

Yea... I wasn't really all that concerned about getting the Avatar reference right Bro.

Either way, it's not gonna be like a Goanna or a Komodo Dragon super sized, I just refenced those animals because that's the look that I wanna go for. I haven't decided the dimensions of the thing yet, but it's not going to to be one or the other like that.

Anonymous said...

how about using like 2 t-rex and 10 like raptors, or something like that. they will be giant and such, the t-rex's will be a bitch to take down and the raptors can fight in a group so they have to take care when fighting them. say they knock one down and about to give it a final blow they can have others charge in to save it and kill the guy. or something like that?