Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dying is a Day Worth Living For

So, this one's just going to be a quick post. I promise..... Maybe.

Hahaha. Um, basically I'm posting this because I forgot to put something in the post from the other day and I'm too lazy to go back and edit that post, so TADA! Another new post for ya'll. Hahaha

Firstly, what should I call my holiday? I've got no idea on that one.

I'd also like to name The Game that the children play. I was thinking of something having to do with the Gods, because this World sort of gives off the air of an era in which they're always naming things after Gods, if you ask me. Like, Thursday = Thor's Day. Hahaha.

Um, and should I keep the "creepy" chant of a count down type thing or not? (I would write my own, of course.) I kind of liked it. Like it worked in the movie, but then again, the movie was a slasher type deal and this is just a game that silly children play on this particular holiday. So, maybe the count down chant isn't appropraite. I don't know.

Anyway, I thinking about this holiday the other day in Chem class and obviously it's an annual thing, right? Well, just because it's an annual thing, does not mean that I'm gonna write about them celebrating it 6 times between when Emma returns to Zarius and the War. I was just going to do it once, but then it was suggested to me that all the World Leaders in one place would be a great oppertunity to start a War. Which is true. But I'm not trying to start a World War here. Kerian wants revenge on his Brother first, that is his main goal in life. Then once he has control of the Kingdom, he'll try to take over the World. But like I said, revenge comes first and formost.

However, I was thinking about it and I kind of like the idea Kerian showing up, a full 20 years after the murder, to visit his Father's grave. I was thinking that I might make that his first stop after he escapes the Island. Then the next day, he'll recruit Kazuo and go declare War on my beloved Zarius. Personally, I like the plan. But let me clarify something before I ask you what you think of it, Kerian is not on Tethys to start trouble. He can't start trouble there. All he's going to do is visit Valken's grave, and I think that I want Aiden to see him out of the corner of his eye or something and then be spooked about whether he saw his Brother or not for the rest of the night. Then fears confirmed the next day!

Let me know what you think. And don't forget to read Sometimes Dead is Better or this post won't make much sense to you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sometimes Dead is Better

Oh, Pet Sematary...
Pet Sematary was my first Stephen King book you know!
And guess what it started
A life long obsession!

Anyway, that quote doesn't really have anything to do with this post at all, but it's such a good line, isn't it?! It's right up there with "We're going to need a bigger boat" and "Go Home and Shave your giant head of smell with your bad self!" Like it's just one of those lines that you'll never, never forget! The movie's really good too! And the sequel doesn't bring shame upon the name of the original or the people involved! So, Pet Sematary is just a good thing all around! Acquaint yourself with it, Bro!

And now I suppose that we can get to the point of this post. And what is the point, you ask? Oh! Well, I'm glad that you asked! The point of this post has an awful lot to do with Graveyards, Halloween and ZOMBIE GHOASTS!?!! Hahahha. Just kidding about the Zombie Ghoasts. Though, in my opinion, if you don't get that reference, you should be slapped. Hahaa.

Oh! And before I begin, I'd like to let you all know that I've decided that Harcos is a stupid name. So the floating island of coolness is now Tethys and that Australlia will be renamed in due time.
Anywaaaaaaaaaay, like I said, this post is all about Halloween and Graveyards. The other day I was sitting in my Math Class, bored out my blooming mind because intersession classes suck like you wouldn't even believe, and I started thinking that Emma doesn't really know anything about her grandfather, Valken and how he died. And I don't think that that's right, I feel that she should know about how awesome her Grandpappi was! So, I started thinking of excuses for somebody, anybody really, to bring up Valken. And finally I thought, (salad man -Layfon) (Thanks for your help Baby. -_-) maybe Emma could have a touching moment with her Grandmother whilest visiting Valken's grave. Which may or may not be a cliche thing to do, but before I could even decide whether to do it or not, I realized that I didn't know where Valken was buried?! Or if he was even buried!! Which is sort of a big deal if you ask me. I mean, I feel like I should know where the remains of the last King of Zarius are, right? Right!

So, I started thinking about that. And first I thought, oh we could bury him in the grounds somewhere. And then I was like, no that's creepy. I don't want a graveyard out back somewhere near my pretty garden! And how much room would that take up anyway? Reason would lead us to believe that there's probably been more then one former King of Zarius and like I said, I don't want one grave out in my pretty garden, let alone a bunch of them! So then I was like, well where else could I put him? Because I decided that given the dynamics of my World it makes more sense that he would be buried as opposed to cremated or anything like that. Then I started thinking about Tethys and how it's got nothing on it but the Imperial Club House, which really isn't much for an entire island to have on it if ask me. And I wanted it to be kinda of a sizeable island anyway, so I think that what I'm gonna do is have all of the Kings and Queens of old from every country be buried on Tethys. Which I think is a fine idea, since the island is nuetralizing and stuff anyway.

So I decided that and that's all well and good and then I was like waaaaaiiit, Tethys is a floating island, you have to take an air ship to get there, this is no longer just a easy little thing to work in there. Ya know? What's Emma supposed to do? Sneak onto the ship with no idea where they're going just for the lols? I could do that, but I feel like it would be a little weird. So, I started thinking, how do I get the whole family to go to a graveyard together? Which is kind of a weird thought if you ask me. Hahaha. Anyway, I was like, weeeeelllll they could all go on Valken's birthday, but that's a bit cliche. Also, I feel like Angel, Emma and Fiore would be les likely to go to that kind of a thing because they never really knew Valken. So, how do I get everyone up there at the same time? If only we had a holiday like Day of the Dead....

Then I was like, hold up. Why can't I have a holiday like Day of the Dead?! I don't have any holidays at all so far! And that's kind of unrealistic if you ask me, because everyone, everywhere has some kind of a holiday. Ya know? Like literallly everyone. So, I'm gonna have me some holidays in my World! The first of which is this Day of the Dead type deal here. Now, it's gonna be a holiday for everyone. But only the Royal Families and people of that nature will be going to Tethys to celebrate it! Okay? So I don't want you thinking that every person on the planet is going to this island, cause that would be silly. Just like the Judge up there always said, you gotta bury your own, and celebrate your own loved ones with your own family and and friends, don't go all the hell the way to Tethys to celebrate a dead King that you've never met before, that's how it works.... Okay, I lied. He never said that. But wouldn't it be funny if he had said something like that in Pet Sematary? Hahaha.

So, I haven't decided what I'm gonna call the holiday yet. Because I really wanna call it Saturnalia, because that sounds so freaking cool! But according to Sheldon that's Pagan Christmas, so using that name wouldn't make any sense at all. But it sounds so cool! Hahaha. Anyway, I've decided that what's gonna happen is this, all the royal families from their assorted countries will make the trip to Tethys. There will be like a cermony type deal where everyone lights candles and they recite a prayer to the Goddess Nayotake. Then there shall be a feast and a party and such! I haven't decided whether or not I want them to decorate the graves yet. But I obviously don't want this to be a totally depressing holiday. Then after everyone has eaten and all that, the children are going to sneak away to play a game!

A game! A game! Yes! Why you ask? Because the second half of this holiday is fun! And children like to play games! And I was watching this movie the other day and, well to be quite honest, the movie wasn't that great but the concept was quite interesting. And in this movie they played a game that was basically tag, in the graveyard and it looked like so much fun! I think that it would've been the perfect game to play after the Prom with all of my friends. Except that I was far too cool to go to the Prom and none of my REAL friends even went to the Prom anyway. So I thought that would be the perfect thing to do after Blaise's Prom! Because you know, occasionally Blaise is in High School. So, I started writing a fabulous short about Blaise and everyone playing this game in the graveyard after Prom and then it was like, ya know, a lot of these characters are in my book, I should come up with a way to work this into the book, and thanks to the fact that the location of Valken's grave ended up creating a holiday, now I have a good reason for them to play this game!....Got a little off topic there didn't I? Oh well, Blaise's high school Prom is a big deal apprently. Needed to be mentioned. And Diana is very much in the way right now, making it quite hard to type. Hahaha

Anyway, back to the game. Everybody circles up and holds hands and repeats this "eerie" chant of a count down thing and then they all run off and hide and stuff and the person that's "It" is instead called "The Ghost." Which I think is better then "It" anyway because in my mind "It" is a gaint, creepy clown that eats children and the idea that "It" is chasing you is terrifying?! Hahaha. Anyway, if the ghost tags you then you're dead and you have to help he or she catch everyone else. Last man alive, wins! So, like I said, it's basically tag. And tag is a children's game, and a simple one at that, so it's perfectly reasonable to believe that children on Earth can do it, that in my World could play tag just as well. So, that's my new traditional game to go along with my super cool new holiday.

But what is the point you ask? Why should I waste several pages of my book on a game of tag? Well, I'll tell you why! Firstly, I'm making my World very realistic as far as alternate universe go by including things like holidays and religons and such like that. I'm also using it to demonstrate that my World is a peaceful one and that we can all get together to celebrate something without ripping each other to shreds. Also, I wanted to get Andromina, Elonwey and their still nameless Mother a little more involved in the story, after are they are our main supporters in the war at the end of the book. Blaise as well. I can expand on Aurora and Lily's character's a bit. And finally, I think that it would be a very good excuse to have Eclipse and Emma kiss again. I want it to sort of be like the tipping point for them where it kind of evolves beyond a crush for the two of them. Which I think wi'll be good because in the original plotline it was kind of like first kiss and then bam she'd pregnant and I didn't go into their relationship at all. But I think that I should a little more. Depending on how well this scene comes out, I may add another one a little while after it in which Emma and Eclipse actually start seeing each other in secret.

Now I know that none of you are wondering why Blaise would be involved in this holiday celebration on Tethys because he's not Royalty, But I am going to tell you anyway. The RoQuero'Kubeh are gypsies, they travel about everywhere and never really stay in one place too long, so when Lucian is murdered where would Blaise and Nicademus bury him that they'd be able to find him again should someone want to pay their respects to the pack's leader? I wanted it to be relatively easy for Blaise to visit Lucian's grave. And since the RoQuero are and have always been very loyal allies to the Radic family. I believe that when Aiden receieved word of Lucian's demise that the honorable thing to do for his trusted allies would be to offer them the oppertunity to bury him on Tethys with great Kings and Queens of Old where they'd always be able to find him and the promise of a ship whenever they'd wish to visit him. Because Aiden is a nice guy and all Lucian ever did was to help the Kingdom. Plus, I like the idea of having Valken and Lucian buried in the same area for some reason. So, that's why Blaise is there.

And I think that that's it for this post. And remember,
When your kid gets hit by a car, whatever you do, don't bring him back to life or he'll kill your Wife and Neighbor with a scapel that he stole out of your medical kit.
-Sometimes Dead is Better-

Saturday, January 14, 2012

That's Why They Call Me Mrs. Fahrenheit

What's up?
Really? That's fascinating!
(Four and a Half Gold Stars to anyone who paused there to tell my blog what was up!)
(And no cheating and going back now that you know that there's stars at stake here.)
Anyway, I had a strange dream the other night.
And I figured that since I haven't posted about my fabulous dreams in awhile that you all would just looooove to hear about it! Aren't you lucky?

It started out with me and Claudia sitting outside of like a university looking place waiting for my boyfriend, Layfon and Artie. And we're just talking, complaining mostly about how late they are and then all of a sudden there's a huge like boom, not an explosion but like a crash, followed by a significant amount of screaming. Then Artie and Layfon and a bunch of other people come running around the corner of one of the buildings. Well, actually Artie's riding a bike and everyone else is running. And we're like, what is going on over there? Then this huge ass plant looking thing comes crashing around the corner, Doom Tree style, taking out half of the building in the process.
And me and Claudia are like, whaaaaaaaaa?! Drop the all too precious and important Tessla. And we start running too. All through the campus we run, until we notice a cute guy standing in the doorway of one building and he's motioning and yelling for us to head in there cause we'll be safe. So everyone runs into that building and he shuts the door behind us. And the evil plant thing just stops dead in it's tracks. Which is weird. Then cute guy leads us around the corner because the doors are all glass and he doesn't want the evil plant thing to see us. Which is also quite strange. But no body is bothered by that, but Artie sure as hell wants to know what's going on here! He gets off his bike all huffing and puffing, throws it down and starts questioning cute guy. And I'm not paying any attention to the questioning because I'm too busy checking to see if Layfon is okay. And then he sits down to rest and I start looking around at everybody and notice that this one guy is peaking around the corner. And he's looking around the corner for a few minutes before he just up and looks around the corner and I'm like hey! Cause we're not supposed to be over there cause the tree will see us?!

But he's like, it's gone. And every body's like whaaaaa!! And the cute guy's like hmm, it must've left. Cause there's no way that it could get inside and it knows not to cross this line or the security system will set it on fire! And I'm like, the tree knows? -_0 But that doesn't bother anybody else and Artie's like how smart is this thing? And starts asking question about the security system. Then like right after he says something this evil tree thing starts busting up through the floors like a friggin Graboid!! And if you don't know what a Grabiod is, then shame on you! Shame!

Anyway, all hell breaks loose cause the vines are like strangling people and throwing them up against walls and everyone's running everywhere and I immediately get separated from Claudia. But me and Layfon are running together and we manage to help a few people escape a viney death and then a bunch of us are running together and we find a place to hide and it's got a window in it and through the window I see a lab tech get killed and for some reason that effected me greatly even though I didn't know her. Then I see Claudia and she's just standing there trying to do something, I don't know what, But I see this plant start racing down the corridor and it's heading straight toward her and I flip out! Burst through the door of our hiding spot and race over to Claudia and tackle her to push her out of the way and the two of us go through the window and land in the water. Cause apparently this collage or whatever is next to the ocean? Like right on the beach. And she's all thankful that I saved her and then she asks if I'm alright and I say that I'm fine even though I'm all cut up from going through the window. I splash some water on my wounds and it stings! And Claudia's ohhhh I'm sorry! It must be salt water. And then she's like ......Salt water?! And starts like rolling around in it and splashing it in her hair and stuff. And I'm like what are you doing? And she's like salt water! And Then she yells for Artie and he sticks his head of the broken window and Claudia look at him and says artifact and he throw her something and when she grabs it, it like turns her into a human flame ball!

Then Claudia tells me to go and get everybody out of here, she'll take care of the monster plant of death. And she starts spewing flames everywhere and it's madness and me and Layfon and everyone escape! Then I woke up to turn my alarm clock off because it's the weekend and I don't need to be up at 6 today. Then I go back to sleep and when I start dreaming again, I find myself in the car with a bunch of survivors, but not the same survivors that I escaped the facility with, so go figure that one out. And we're driving about looking for a safe place to hide because apparently whatever made that plant so evil and viscous got into the water supply and now there's a bunch of evil plants! Now, apparently all of my loved ones have been evacuated already and moved some place safe and so have Layfon's. Or so we thought, cause all of a sudden he gasps and he's like my grandparents are still Home! Cause apparently they don't have a TV, so because they don't have a TV the military didn't come and evacuate their house like it did everyone elses', which makes total sense, right? Of course it doesn't! I love dream logic.

Anyway, so then the plan becomes that we have to go and rescue them before the evil plants of death can get to them, so we high tail it over that way with all these people in the car and when we get to his grandparents house we are delighted to learn that they live in the woods! Excellent! But whatever me and Layfon go inside to get them and when we come back out we find that all of the survivors that we were with have left the car and invaded the neighbors house because they need to shower and stuff like that. I'm standing there going, THERE ARE EVIL PLANT MONSTERS EVERYWHERE, WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS NONSENSE?! But why would anyone listen to me? Really? I go over and yell at them to get out here because we have to go but their not listening to me because apparently I'm not the leader, Layfon is. So I make him go over there and get them to leave. And they listen to him! But instead of being stern, he tells them to just hurry up and take their showers, instead of making them leave right this second. Then he goes back to the car to take a nap. And I'm like what is the world coming too?!

Then the trees start acting all strange and rustling and stuff and apparently that is a tell tale sign that they're turning evil and I start flipping out! I yell at the other people to get the hell out here right this second and then run down to the car and try to wake up Layfon but he won't wake up! And his grandparents are taking like 9 million years to come down the stairs to the car. And the trees closest to the car, like the ones lining the driveway, start twitching an awful lot and I figure that even if I can't wake up Layfon that I have to move the car, but for some reason I can't start the car! So I start trying to push the car and I move it just enough to avoid the first attack by a tree, but they're all twitching so I feel like I have to move it more and it's really really hard but I keep moving it just enough to avoid getting hit by the closest tree, but the car is really heavy and it's up hill a little bit so I'm having a really hard time pushing it and this time I can't clear the nearest tree in time and when it attacks it hits me and the back end of the car, sends me flying and the car spins out onto the lawn. And I'm like oh crap Layfon! And I run back over to the car and try to start pushing it again, but now I'm injured and weak and the stupid car won't budge and the trees start to descend and I am positive that I'm gonna die!

And then right at the last second the tree bursts into flames because Claudia came to my rescue! Yaaaaaay! She's like standing in a bucket of salt water on a trolley holding the artifact and blasting fire everywhere. Then after the danger has passed, and Layfon's grandparents finally get down the stairs, everyone comes out of the house next door and they're all like yay! Claudia saved us! And I'm like, I was trying to prevent us from needing saving but you jerks wouldn't listen to me. Then Claudia gets out of the bucket and in a very Hancock type manner, looks at the other survivors and says, all you people that didn't listen to her, you are all idiots. Okay? Idiots. And there's no argument from me on that statement. However, the other people strat bitching at Claudia. But she can hold her own in an argument pretty well. And that's when Layfon wakes up and goes, what happened? And I smack him for being stupid. And then I give him a big hug. Hahahaha

And that was my most recent strange dream that makes no sense at all! I typed it quick, so it's not as detailed as the others, I'm sure that you'll can live with that though. Hope you enjoyeded it! Haahahahaha