Friday, July 16, 2010

Curse You Tiny Toilet!?!!

Alright. So, as you all of you with cell phones and the capablity to text know, I have been working on some rough sketches of what I want Hiroshi's personal Alchemy Circle to look like, and I think that I've finally got it.

I based the component of my fabulous Alchemy Circle, on this Alchemy Circle from Full Metal Alchemist.

And Sakura's Magic Circle from Card Captor Sakura. If you couldn't tell just by looking at it.... Hahaha. Anyway...... Here it is!?!!
WE WALK IN THE GARDEN OF IT'S TURPULENCE!?!! ....Which I don't even think is a word, mind you. Anyway, isn't it great?! I spent a lot of time on it and I kind of love it. Hahaha. But then again, I am super baised.

Ummmm, there is a moon at the top. And a sun at the bottom.... Because that is how I drew it. Hahaha. And I would like you all to note that the sun is supposed to look like the sun in Sakura's Circle. I just can't draw, so I left it out.

And here is my loverly Alchemy Circle complete with some cool looking symbols. Um, don't ask me what the symbols inside the little circles mean, because I literally have no idea. I copied them off of Harry Dresden's wall. Hahahaha. But they do look cool, right?
The symbol in the middle is the Kanji for "Hiroshi," which is of course, my father's name. I put it there, because I decided that the personalization was nessicary. Hahaha.
Also, special thanks to my best friend in the world, Celes, for looking this symbol up for me. So that I could work on my Alchemy Circle instead of paying attention to the obnxious brats that I was babysitting at the time. YOUR THE BEST CELES!?!!
After I had finished the intial circle, I started thinking that perhaps it was too plain looking. So, I added these extra, totally unnessicary, swoopy lines. And I'm kinda glad that I did, I think that they look really cool.

Then, in the tradition of over doing things, as I have a tendancy to do, I added more swoopy lines. This time all around the edges. I really thought that I would like the scalloped edges. But now, I'm not so sure. I think that they kinda of take away from the circular-ness of it all. So I may just stop at the first set of swoopy lines and leave it at that. Any thoughts?
Also, I forgot to add that last concentric circle around the outside edge of the Alchemy Circle to my earlier sketchs. Opps. But there is supposed to be a ummmm, fourth circle around the outside edge of the circle. Just so you know.
And in that last concentric circle, the one furthest from the center, there will be inscriptions. As well as the planetary symbols, which shall be evenly spaced throughtout the circle's edge. I may also add inscriptions to the wavy line that goes through the middle of the circle. Because it could look cool. Or maybe not. I don't know yet.

Anyway, as I said before, this is just Hiroshi's base circle. He will have to change the inscriptions and maybe even some of the symbols in the little circles, depending on what he is trying to accomplish with this particular transmutation. Which I think makes sense. Anyone else? Yay or Nay?
Also, I went back and read my original post about when Hiroshi will need to use an Alchemy Circle and/or blood and when he won't..... and decided that everything that I wrote back then, doesn't make sense anymore. So, prepare for that to be revisited..... eventually.
Ta Ta For Now.

1 comment:

layfon said...

well i personally like it more without all the swoopy lines. it seems to look clearer and such to me without them and kinda seems more badass somehow without them.