Saturday, May 29, 2010


Buddy, your a boy, make a big noise,
playing in the streets gonna be a big man some day,
You got mud on your face,
You big disgrace!
Stuffing those sandwhiches into your face!
Singing we will, we will,
We will, we will,

That's right. I went there. I brought Roz Dauer into this. What now!?!! Hahahahahaa. Anyway, believe it or not, this post actually has a point! -gasp- I know right? Me? Posting something that is actually relevent? SURELY NOT!?!! Hahahaha. But it's true.

So, I have been obsessively editting my discription of the AMAZING castle and the FANTASTIC AND BEAUTIFUL area surrounding it, like I have a tendancy to do. And whilest working on that, I realized that the huuuuuugggge town that exists right outside of the castle's walls.... Has no name! Hahaha. Can you believe that? I forgot to name the stupid town! Hahahaha. BUT HAVE NO FEAR LOYAL READERS!?!! FOR I, THE SPASTIC AND HYPER LITA KAYE, HAVE DECIDED ON A NAME!?!! Hahahahaha!

At first, I was going to attempt to make something up that didn't sound like a Russian swear word or was impossible to pronounce. But then, I changed my mind and decided that I was going to call my town, Castleguard. YERSH! CASTLEGUARD!?!!

But why Castleguard, you ask? GOOD QUESTION!?!! I have decided to name my town Castleguard in reference to my absolute favorite Michael Cichton book of all time, Timeline. Seriously amazing book. If you ever have the time, I suggest you read it.

Anyway, you guys know how much I love to sneak hidden meaning and references to things that no one else gets into my stories. So are you really that surprised that I found a way to do it again? Hahaha.
I also, finally named the RoQuero's forest. And the river that cuts through it. The forest's name is Rayentha. Which I may or may not tweak a bit, I haven't decided if I like it yet. And the River's name is Tydix. Which is super fun to say. Hahahha.

And that's it for this post!?! So, in the immortal words of Gene Wilder, "YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!?" I'll post again some time soon.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

And the Plot is Furthered By a Good Parking Spot...

Okay, so as my TRULY LOYAL fans know, I am hard at work trying to come up with specific and vaguely unique armor for all of my fabulous characters to wear during our WAR at the end of the first book. Annnnndddd, I'm struggling with the male armor. Which is because.... Actually I have no reason or excuse to be having a hard time with the male's armor. I mean it's not like there is any shortage of references to male armor out there. Hahahaha. Anyway, the point is I'm stuck.

BUT! I think I've got a rather vague idea of what I want Kerian and Kazuo to wear! Yea! And here it is!?!!

Tada! Lucian! The led werewolf from UnderWorld 3: The Rise of the Lycans! Which was a terrible movie, I might add. It was total rip off of the cartoon series Gargoyles and their Human/Gargoyle conflicts. I liked the first UnderWorld though.... Ya know, the good one with no unnecessary nudity and or graphic sex scenes and lots and lots of gratuitous violence? But anyway! I like Lucian's armor. And his name..... obviously. Hahahahaha.

Um, I don't want to do exactly the same thing with Kerian and Kazuo's armor. Because that would be super lame. Buut I would like to do something similar to Lucian's armor. Because I love hard leather armor and I think that having the uneven shoulder padding, like archers often do, looks really, really cool. I also kind of like the idea of having Kerian and Kazuo, wearing armor that is similar to one anothers. Hahaha. I don't know why.

I think another reason that I was attracted to the idea of modeling Kerian and Kazuo's armor after Lucian's, as opposed to.... say Eomir's, is because he does not wear anything over the top, and Kerian and Kazuo are just soooo full of themselves. Hahaha. Kazuo is literally the kiss of death and Kerian is absurdly powerful, so why should they weigh themselves down with chain mail and heavy metal chest plates, if they are completely convinced that they will NEVER EVER be defeated by ANYONE EVER!?!! I mean really, it doesn't make any sense. Of course, by the time my character's are done with them, they will have wished that they had put on something a little more substantial, but that is beside the point now isn't it? Hahaha.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello my Freaky Little Darlings.

I need to rant. Deal with it.

Todays subject = Creepy guys and Stalking in General.

Today, while I was at the Gas Station. Some creepy guy tried to pick me up. I mean it was barely 3 oclock in the afternoon. And he was in line for the chasier ahead of me and I didn't say a damn word to him. Not one! And yet, this wackadoo felt the need to follow me out to my car! And stand there and stare at me the entire time I was filling up my tank. THE WHOLE TIME!?!?!! And he kept trying to talk to me, he asked me if I had a face book, he asked me where I lived, told me where he lived, asked for my number, the whole bit! He wouldn't leave me alone! I mean he had to be in his late twenties, at least. In fact he was probably even older then that. And I'm just barely 19. Give me a freakin break......And you know what the best part is?


Infact, he's not even in the top five. He's number eight on the list. Eight!?!! But I won't go into the others, simply for the sake of keeping this post short and to the point.... But can you even believe that? I mean what the hell is it about me that attracts these weirdos!? Do I have "Stalk me! I love Creeps!" written across my forhead? Seriously.....

And this is exactly the reason that I have a knife on me AT ALL TIMES!?!! And on the rare occasion that I happen to be in a place in which having a knife will get me arrested, you better believe that I have a pen in my pocket. A pen which I will use Jason Bourne style, to violently rip a hole into your jugular! DO NOT under estimate me!?!!

I swear to God, it is no wonder that I am paranoid beyond all logical reason. Random people that I have no romantic interest in, calling me at all hours of the night, showing up randomly to my house, trying to get me to talk about sex with them, pretending they care about my personal life in an attempt to gain my trust, etc etc....

Seriously. I will kill you all if you don't back off.

And when I want to talk to you, IF I want to talk to you, I'll call you. But don't you dare try to corner me in the hallway and attempt to harass/embarass/intimidate me into going out with you, because that is a sure fire way to get the HELL beaten out of you, and/or murdered by yours truely. END OF STORY.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Weapon We Have Is Love!?!!

Hahahahaha. Just kidding. Although that is a fabulous song, hasn't that concept been done a bazillion times already? Seriously. Anyway in Zarius, we have better, more tangible, shiny weapons. Hahahaha.

Anyway, let's start with the loverly and talented Angel!?!!

Angel will be carrying three swords. Two short swords, and one Katana. One of Angel's short swords, will be strapped diagionally across her back and down her shoulder. Tilted to the left, like this \ . And the other will be attached to her belt and lie flat across the back of her hips, with the handle on the right side. Then tied to her left hip, because she is right handed, in the traditional fashion, will be her katana. So It'll look something like this,


And for a reference we have Taki! But please everyone, rest assure that this photo is just here to show you the placement of Angel's short swords. And although Taki seems completely incapable of finding a bra or an actual pair of pants, that my sister will be fully clothed. Hahahaha.

Anyway, moving right along to Emma!?!!

Emma will be carrying a pair of Sai and a Katana as well. Emma's Katana will also be tied to her left hip, as she and Angel are both right handed. And because Sai are relatively easy to holster and do not require sheaths, Emma can tuck her Sai easily into either the front of her belt, like Raphael of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Or criss cross them and tuck them into the back of her belt. I personally vote for the later, because that is how I carry my own set of Sai. Hahaha. And also to avoid the, however remote chance, that Emma's Sai may get tangled up in her Katana strings.

And for anyone who doesn't know, this is what Sai look like. Ya know, those things Elektra uses? Hahaha. This is picture is actually really similar to the pair of Sai that I actually own.
So yea, at first I was considering just using a regular pair of Sai. But now, I'm kind of leaning toward these,

They are called Manji Sai. And they are pretty cool, neh? Damn right they are! I think they will make Emma look a lot more epic. Um, as you can see, there are two different styles. One has a handle like normal Sai do. And the other is pointed on both ends. Not gonna lie here, I am leaning toward the double sided ones. Just because I can think of so many WICKED AWESOME things to do with them. But I suppose I could at least pretend to take your opinions into account when making my descion.... -passive aggressive, misplaced rage- Not that anyone here ever gives me any feedback but my brother!?!! Anyway, let me know what you think....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You Can't Butter a Hole, It'll Just Fall Out

.....Words to live by.

Hahahha. Soooo, this post is about Lucian. The former Leader of The RoQuero'Kubeh, and Blaise's Mentor. Yea, that's right. I finally got around to working on his character design. Took me long enough, right? Anyway, almost everything about his appearence is symbolic and explains something about my SUPER FABULOUS Blaise. Cause I'm amazing with symbols and psychology!?!!

Anyway, TADA!?!! Here he is Ladies and Gentlemen, the SUPER AWESOME, Lucian!?!!

Isn't he pretty? His hair isn't quite right, but it's the closest thing I could find to what I actually wanted his hair to look like. Hahaha. But anyway, Lucian has long, black hair that is either always in a ponytail or Aragorn-Style. And I haven't decided, if I wish to add colored streaks to his loverly hair or not yet. He's got Dark Purple eyes. Blue Skin. And I haven't decided on a power. Hahaha.

Anyway, using my SUPER AMAZING Psychological Skills, I constructed Lucian's appearence solely to explain some things about Blaise and his neurosis and what not. For example,

-The reason Blaise keeps his hair so long, is because Lucian had very long hair. And Blaise looked up to Lucian. This also explains why he pulls his hair back Aragorn style, when in BATTLE!?!! Even though, it's not the most effective way to keep his hair out of his eyes, he does it because of Lucian.

-Blaise is also instantly drawn to Emma because like Lucian, she has purple eyes. And people are often drawn to things and people that remind them of things or people that they have fond memories of.

-And Lucian's has blue skin because..... It's Blaise's favorite color? Actually there is really no reasoning behind that one at all. I just think he looks cool with the blue skin. Hahahaha

Anyway, as I said, as of right now, Lucian has no power. But I'll think of something for him. Um, it was suggested to me to make him Ice, but I feel like that might be a little bit too convient considering that Blaise is Water. And I would make him like a fish or something like that. But he's best friend's with Nicademus and Nic is a shark. And I don't want to over use anything.... Although, I'm pretty sure at this point have like six psychics. Hahaha. Um.... so yea. Any thoughts anyone?

Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm all About Saving Your World

Alright, so I have decided to do a full comphrensive break down of Emma and Angel's Armor that they will be wearing during the final battle scenes of book one. Most likely complete with a bunch of pictures of anything I found online that even remotely looks like what I want. Hahahaha. I haven't found a single picture or been able to create a single drawning that perfectly illustrates what I picture in my mind yet. But I think I can get reasonably close with words and such. So yea... In my mind's eye I see The Radic family, The RoQuero and basically everyone else looking like something of a cross between Lord of The Rings/Chronocals of Narnia and The Varden and old school Samurai Warriors.... Because I am super cool like that. DEAL WITH IT!?!! SO, lets get started!?!!

-Okay so, because Emma and Angel are women and Angel has rather large breasts, we will have to start off by taping those down with cloth bandages so that they don't get in the way. LIKE MULAN!?!! And obviously they will be wearing underwear.

-Over that they shall wear pants! Yesh! Pants! Black pants made of cloth, not leather. And they shall be loose, but not baggy. And a sleeveless chain mail shirt. Angel's will only be long enough for her to be able to tie her belt over it and have it stay. Where are Emma's will go down all the way to her mid thigh, like a dress.

-And over that, they shall wear shirts! Yesh, Angel will be wearing a black Gi jacket with the sleeves cut off of it. And Emma, will either be wearing a Gi jacket with the sleeves rolled up a little past her elbows or a t-shirt. I haven't decided yet.

-On top of that, we place the armor itself.

Angel!?!! Angel's armor is for the most part inspired by traditional Samurai style armor. But of course, I have taken it and destroyed it and made it the way I like it to the point where it is almost indistinguishable. Hahaha.


-Angel will be wearing a three quarter length breast plate. You know the type doesn't cover your stomach? Angel needs her full range of motion in her hips after all. Angel's breast plate will be made of like custom shaped/fitted steel plates, covered in dark red hard leather. And like most breast plates, it will come in two peices that you put together and lace up the sides when you put it on. Hahaha. And it'll most likely have the Radic Family Crest, or whatever I decide to make the symbol of our country, burned into the leather on the front. And attached to her lovely chest plate she will have a pair of shoulder pads. Nothing super fancy. And not exactly traditional Smaurai shoulder pads. Just something small that won't get in her way and will deter people from trying to break her collar bones.
-On her arms, Angel will wear a pair of fingerless black gloves, probably leather, and over those she will wear some sort of wrist guards. They'll only cover from her wrists to her elbows though and I want them to look as though you could kill someone with them. These two will likely be plate mail covered in hard leather. But I want to do something fancy with them. Maybe burn something specific to Angel into them. A rose, or something a long those lines.

-As far as lower body armor goes, Angel will opt for the traditional Samurai Leg Wear. Which is attached via a belt or sometimes two belts. And consists of three panels, one covering each thigh and one across the back with an open front. However, I think in Angel's case that I will remove the back panel. Because I think that they get in the way when you run, and have always considered them bothersome and annoying. Anyway, the panels should not be any longer then Angel's dad. And they should only be wide enough to suitably cover her thighs.

Emma!?!! Alright, now Emma wears almost exactly the same armor Angel does. But with some subtle differences. For example, Emma's armor is more influenced by the armor of traditional knights then Samurai's like her sisters or really anything else. However this too, I have taken and messed with until I had it the way I like it, so bear with me....

-Emma will also be wearing a three quater length breast plate, that comes in two peices and laces up the sides to keep it together. And just like Angel's, Emma's breast plate will be made of custom shapped/fitted steel plates and covered by hard leather. Except I want Emma's to be dyed purple! Dark purple. Hahaha. Because I'm lame. And whatever gets burned into Angel's chest plate will likely be burned into Emma's as well. Emma will wear shoulder pads as well. But I want them to be a little diffrent from Angel's. Pherhaps they will cover a bit more of her arm or something like that. I haven't exactly decided yet.

-Emma shall be wearing the exact same plate mail wrist guards covered in hard leather and fingerless black leather gloves as her sister. However, I want the coloring and the fancy design or whatever I decide to burn into the leather to be diffrent. Pherhaps for Emma, it could be a reference to Cassandra or the moon or something like that. Hahaha.

-As for leg armor, Emma shall opt for something a bit more similar to that of what the knights of the days of old would wear as oppsed to the Samurai leg armor Angel is wearing. Which in this case, means that the armor sits a bit higher on the waist and comes down a bit lower on the leg. The band around the waist that holds the armor up will be metal plated and a bit wider then the ties Angel is using to hold hers up, but not by much. Um, two plates hang down from the waist, one over each thigh. They will be a bit less wide then Angel's. And a bit shorter. I may also add some extra chain mail links just kinda hanging down and just kinda be there. Hahaha. And that's pretty much it. Umm, it would be a bit heavier, but I think Emma will deal. Hahaha.
-Then over that, the girls will be wearing knee high, black leather boots with the excess material of their pants tucked loosely into the top. Angel will have a Dagger either tucked into or strapped onto her right boot. Emma however, has opted for shin guards. They will be strapped on top of/over her boots and instead the dagger will be strapped to her right thigh.

-And now for the fun part, Weapons!?!! In addition to the dagger in her boot, Angel will be sporting two short swords and a katana. The short swords will be arranged like Taki's. One fastened, straight across her hips and the other diagonally across her shoulder. And the Katana will be tied to her left hip in the traditional fashion. And in addition to the dagger tied to her thigh, Emma shall be sporting a pair of Sai and a katana. Yea. That's right, I said Sai. And you know what? I don't care if you think they are impractical. I love them! And I'm using them!?!! Anyway, Emma's Sai will be tucked into the belt that holds her leg armor in place. And her katana will, also be attached traditionally and hang off her left hip.

-AND HAIR!?!! Angel will wear her hair up in a high ponytail And it will most likely accompanied by a black head band. Hahaha. Emma however, is going to go with Aragorn/Gandalf/Legolas Style to match Blaise.
And that's what I came up with. I'll post the rest of them, as I finish them..... maybe. Or at least that's the plan. And before you critics my crappy pictures, I would like to remind you that I took with pics with my phone off of a TV screen. So shut up.

Anyway, Thank you very much Soul Calibur 4. Um, These pictures obviously, aren't exactly what I described to you. But they are as close as I could get. Because I can't draw for shyt and yea.... Um, I haven't decided if I like the huge round Thunder Cats looking, belt buckle or that piece that hangs down in front, enough to actually keep them or not yet. I mean I think they look cool. But I think a huge round belt buckle would get in the way. And that piece that hangs down in front, literally has no purpose. And I am trying really hard not to waste time with things that have no purpose whatsoever or are counter productive in this particular story. Hahaha.

Anyway, as far as everyone else, I'm having a really hard making a Soul Calibur and/or SIMS version of pretty much any of my male charries because I hate 90% of all the male armor they give you in that game. But I've been pulling armor reference pics off the interwebs left, right, and sideways, so I'll be able to do it. It'll just be slow. Hahahahhaha.

So let me know what you think, I KNOW YOU WON'T!?!!