Monday, October 5, 2009

I am The Spider

Meow. So as you well know The Makai, is very, very diffrent from Earth. And here are some resons why,

The Moons

Oberon- The largest of the three moons. Has an unexplained blue-ish tinge to it. Has the longest/slowest cycle of moon phases.

Anatolia- The smallest of the three moons. Has a slightly red tinge to it, because of it's proximity to the sun (Ceres) and the rocks it's surface.

Cybele- About two thirds the size of Oberon. Has a green-ish tinge to it. Which is thought to be because there is plant life there, although they can't prove or disprove that.

Note!- Even though the moons are clustered together in the sky, they rotate through their moon phases independately of each other.

The Suns

Umbriel- The larger of the two suns. Provides 90% of all the heat and light in the Makai.

Ceres- A dwarf star in comparison to Umbriel. However since it is a bright enough star to be seen in the day light, it is considered a sun. Contributes almost no heat to the planet.

I have also decided that in The Makai, we are going to operate on a modified verison of the Mayan Calender. I haven't figure out the specifics just yet, but right now it looks kinda like this,

27 hour day
7 days a week
14 months in a year
Average of about 26 days a month

1 comment:

viccicat said...

ok, I'll buy it!!