Thursday, October 8, 2009

Darnell's Gun?!

Hahaha. As you might be able to tell from the title, this post is about Darnell and his gun.
Anyway, I have decided to go with a DESERT EAGLE as Darnell's signature weapon, simply because, to my very limited knowledge, it is the biggest and most powerful hand gun out there. I will, of course, let him modify/customize it to his liking. I was also considering, having something engraved into it. Pherhaps "One Shot, One Kill" or his intials or something along thoose lines, but I haven't really decided yet. lol


Unknown said...

things to say...ummm... i keel you. yippy kya mother- you know where that is going. bow chicka DIE BITCH. i dont sodding know maybe it is not his name maybe his beloved mother or something.

viccicat said...

I kind like Ben's thoughts, but I haz a suggestion, how about Die, toaster die, or just bang you're dead. Seriously, tho I likes the one shot one kill, or a variation of it.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

One shot, one kill is a military slogan by the way. That is why I chose it.