Sunday, August 16, 2009

Watch this, You're gonna love my GUTS!

Okay, sooooo, my blog refuses to let me copy and paste my story from the word document to the blog and I am NOT retyping everything I wrote, just so I can post it on this blog. So the way I see it, I has two choices.

One, I cut you guys off so you'll NEVER know how the story ends?! HAHAHAHHA!

Or two, I get a Deviantart account. I don't really mind making a Deviantart account because I was already pondering maKing one anyway, I'm just afraid that the people whoose opinions actually matter to me, might either get lost in translation or have trouble navigating Deviantart.


Whatever, Just thought I'd put that out there. I'll keep you loyal fans posted on whatever I decide.....


-completely_iNsAnE- said...

join deviantart?! -clears throat- um..yea, you should totally join. i think the glorious peeps of dA would love to read your story. also, i need another follower, so... ooh! ima follow you.^^ heheh. go for it, hun.

andand, i really feel liek i haven't talked to you in ages, so call meh, or something...k baii.

viccicat said...

I will follow you too, I don't know how to navigate DA so I guess I'll be asking for help too!!