Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stealin' Celes' quiz...again!

1) First list all your OC's by first name so we can see your list of all your wonderful OC's


And a bunch of minor characters

2)Who is your favorite OC?
-I think it's probably a tie between Blaise and Angel

3) Who is your least favorite?
-Kikyo. It's not even close.

4)Who is your most developed?
-Um, probably Emma. Although Blaise and Eclipse are also pretty well developed.

5)Which OC would you want to date if they magically came to life?
-Oh! Blaise or Angel definitely! <3

6) How many girl OC's do you have? Boy OC's? It OC's?
-Of the main characters, I have 11 boys and 5 girls.

7)If you were stuck in a burning building what do you think the third OC on your list would do?
-Emma would definitely freak out and call the fire department.

8)Name one thing you regret about one of your OC's.
-Um, I would have to say that Angel was originally based on my two-faced, bitchy, ex-best friend. But that was a long time ago, and I have changed Angel's personality for the better, since then.

9)Which of your OC's would make the best father/mother/it parent out of all your OC's and why??
-Oh, this is a hard one. Um, over all I think I'd have to say Krystal and Eclipse. Krystal because she's so sweet and loving. And Eclipse because he's the kind of person that lives for his family, ya know?

10) Which of you OC's do you think will most likely be put in jail?
-Blaise and Vlad, for either breaking the law or starting a riot. Or Kikyo for prostitution.

11) The eighth of you OC's was put into the future! What will their job be!?!
-Krystal, loves being a nurse. So Ima say she's probably off curing space flu somewhere.

12)Name the first OC's catch phrase!
-Aiden: "......Shyt."

13)Do all of your OC's live together or are they separated?
-Some of them live together. But mostly their separated.

14)Are there any pairings that are in your list of OC's?
-Aiden and Hiroshi. Angel and Krystal. Emma and Eclipse. Blaise and Vlad.

15)Your seventh OC switched bodies with you for the day! How will they react by the end of the day?
-Angel: "Two things, Your job sucks and I now hate children."

16) Your last OC just became 15 years old. What do they do?
-Darnell, would be in military school. Getting excellent grades and out shooting officers in the shooting range.

17)Now randomly select a person on your OC list. Who was it?

18) That OC you just chose? Yeah, they think they are Superman and are on the roof about to jump off.
-Well since Serena actually can fly, I don't really think anyone would try and stop her.

19) Are any of your OC's bored with this meme?
-Kazuo. But he's always bored, so I don't think that really counts.

20)Would your second OC perfer the beach or the mountains?
-The mountains.

21) Would your tenth OC battle a shark?
-Sabastian would only fight a shark if he absolutely had too. 'Cuz he's a whimp that way.

22) Which OC's hate each other?
-Well everyone hates Kerian and Kikyo. Kerian hates everyone and Kikyo hates Emma, Serena and Eclipse. Blaise and Vlad kinda hate each other sometimes.

23) Which OC did you create first? And last?
-Um, I created Blaise and Angel around the same time. And Zareck was definitely last, out of the people on this list.

24) And if those two were fighting, who would win?
-Zareck would win by default, because Blaise and Angel would kill each other.

25) Are your OC's fat or skinny?
-They are all pretty average.

26) Wat are your first 2 OC's favorite foods?
-Aiden likes steak. And Hiroshi likes sushi.

27)If your listed OC's were in a fight to the death, who would emerge victorious?
-Eclipse is technically the strongest of them all. But being how in-experienced he is with his powers....I don't know. Besides I don't think my people would fight each other to the death. It's much more likely that they'd gang up on Kerian and Kikyo and leave it at that.

28)There's a zombie attack and your OC's are stranded. Who do you elect to be the leader?
-Aiden, Blaise or Angel. Aiden and Blaise both have experience leading people. And Angel, well she's just a tough bitch.

29)During the Zombie attack who is the first to die?
-Kikyo. We'd push her out in front as a distraction and while their eating her we would initiate attack plan Delta! lol


-completely_iNsAnE- said...

i'd totally do this quiz....if i had more than four characters...

viccicat said...

interesting, very interesting