Thursday, July 9, 2009


So, as of late I've been pondering Hiroshi's powers and how to make them alittle more epic and slightly more unique and "believable." AND THIS?! Is what I have come up with,

-When performing regular Alchemy, Hiroshi will have to gather up all the materials and use an Alchemy Circle/Alchemy Symbols and stuff like that there. Just like any other alchemist.

-However, Since I want his powers to be a little more along the lines of Creation, instead of straight out Alchemy, I'm going to give him the power to create life. Which, I have decided, will require the use of some of his blood. (I havent decided exactly how much blood yet, but I'll get to it.)

-Anyway, with this power Hiroshi would ultimately be able to bring people back from the dead, although he never would use that power. Because number one, he can only keep the body from dying. He does not have the ability to ressurect the soul. Which essentially, would produce an empty shell that merely looks like whoever he was trying to save. And number two, he is not so supid as to go around messing with nature and going against the gods and that kind of thing.

So..... yea. That's Hiroshi. Fear him, Love him, etc, etc. lol

AH?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BLOG?! It won't let copy and paste my story from the word document?! Oh come on, -whines- I don't wanna have to type all that again....


-completely_iNsAnE- said...

ok, so, i'm wondering about the bringing people back from the dead concept. is there gonna be like an equivalent exchange thingeh, or is that too FMA...?
cuz, i'd think a lot of blood would be needed to bring back a human...then again, i'm not sure.

viccicat said...

Bringing someone back from the dead, yikes, I don't think that you should do a FMA exchange to do this, I think it should be super hard and difficult and energy zapping thing to do it, maybe a can only be done at the Autumn equinox or something and it would require some blood but other stuff too. Not sure here. If he has to do it it is a last almost beyond last straw that would leave him weak for awhile.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

You realize that he would be brain washed beyond all brain washed-ness before he would even think of doing this right? He had no choice at this point.