Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Space Skunks

So, I deleted my last post because NO ONE understood what I was trying to convey with it, and I am now reposting just the important stuff, so that hopefully someone will understand me this time... And here we go!

-Emma's memory of the night she got separated from her parents and Angel.

I had originally planned on having her relive that night in a dream, either shortly after Hiroshi tells her what happened or sometime before the war, (which would give Eclipse another reason to worry because she's acting weird) But now I am not so sure. Then I thought, maybe while Hiroshi is explaining what happened that night, that Emma could have a flashback and remember bits and pieces of what happened. You know the noise, the flashing lights, being found, stuff like that. Which might be interesting, maybe I'll have her pass out or something.... Then it was brought to my attention that there is a third option. Perhaps through the use of a spell or talisman or something I could have Emma relive that night through Hiroshi's memories of it. Which would also be quite cool to write, but I'm worried that doing it that way might be major rip off of Harry Potter. So..... I don't know what to do.

Anyway, This was the only actually important thing that was in my last post. Comments, Opinions and Concerns would be great! ...Thank you!


-completely_iNsAnE- said...

i couldn't really tell you if the talisman idea is too Harry Potter-ish, but it does kinda sound used, no offense. i think you should go with the flashback/passing out idea. i can see it work better then the other one. hope my input's hellping you. did my other idea help you out? the kiss one, i mean...

ps: you think you could help me with something? my blog doesn't wanna

viccicat said...

Ok so I seez it liek thisss I likes Hiroshi telling her the story and as he does, the sound and tone of his voice triggers some flash back bit, as though she can see pieces of what happened as he describes them. Things she doesn't remember could be blurry or cloudy in her minds eye, and those that she does remember become clearer like somehow the auto focus finally settles on the picture right. Just my thoughts