Thursday, June 4, 2009

David and Cassandra

Alrite. So this post is about Emma's mother and her husband. I think it's about time I told you about them and gave them names and stuff, don't you? lol

Cassandra, Emma's adoptive mother, is a nurse. She adopted Emma shortly after she was found, (I'm thinking maybe a month or two after.) and it was just the two of them until Emma turned nine and her mother married David, who is a building contractor. Two years after that Cassandra was diagnoised with cancer. After a year and a half she beat it into remission and was healthy for nearly two years before it came back with avengence and eventually killed her. (The timeline, from diagnoisis to death will be about four years. So Emma would be roughly 15.) Emma takes her mother's death very hard. And to make matters worse David refuses to accept the fact that Cassandra's gone and that he couldn't have done anything to help her, and decides to start blaming Emma for everything and generally making her life hell. And sadly Cassandra was an only child, so Emma has no other place to go.

Possible last names: Akhurst, Williams, Thomas, Umm.... -Hunts down List of Australian Sur-Names-

1 comment:

viccicat said...

It's good, it workses how about Hawkins, or Wyndham, or Redmond for a last name.