Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Alrite guys, enough stalling. Im gonna start posting actual bits of story soon.....just doing some last minute moderations because all sucks!!! -sob sob- Anyway, I'll post soon....


By the way, the song of the moment is "Ryojoku no Ame" by Dir en grey, not that you care but still! I LOVER THIS SONG!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009


I've decided to use the Yu Yu Hakusho method of ranking my demons according to how strong they are. The ranks are as follows, E, D, C, B, A, S. (E being the lowest rank and S being the highest.)

Good Guys

Aiden: A+
Hiroshi: A
Angel: A-
Emma: B+
Xander: B
Krystal: B+
Sabastian: B
Tereasa: A-
Eclipse: S-
Blaise: B+
Vlad: B
Serena: A-
Zareck: B+

Bad Guys
Kerian: A+
Kazuo: A
Kikyo: B
Kerian's army: C

*Note! You can move up in the ranks, but it's exceptionally hard to do. Most demons stay the same rank their whole lives. LoL

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I lied...

HERE YA GO! A brand spankin' new (and hopefully more helpful) outline of my stories plot!!! And just a note, I can't figure out how to fix this weird spacing, so you'll have to deal. LoL

-Angel and Emma have just turned three, and Hiroshi is pregnant with Xander. Aiden and Hiro have decided that the girls are finally strong enough to make the trip to human world, so they go to visit Hiro's family!

-While in the void on their way home their is a HUGE disturbance, (caused by the death of Aiden's father) and everyone gets seperated. Hiro and Angel wind up back in demon world, Emma in Human world (specifically Austraillia....) and Aiden gets lost in the void.

-Aiden almost dies searching for his daughter in the void!

In Human World Fourteen years later...
(repetitive, repetitive.)

-Emma gets into a fight with her foster father and storms out of the house. Thinking she needs to calm down a bit before going back home, Emma starts walking toward her school with her headphones blasting music as loud as possible

-While cutting through the student parking lot Emma nearly gets run over by a big black truck because a couple of stupid college students decided that this would be the perfect place to get drunk and drag race each other.

-Then Eclipse comes flying out of concievably no where to rescue her. After which Emma faints, because of stress, adrenaline, shock...whatever....

-The next day Emma wakes up (completely convinced all the weird-ness of the day before had been a dream I might add...) in a room she's never seen before in her life, freaks out, falls out of bed and when Eclipse comes running in to save her from her evil bed spread she punches him in the face cuz he scared her!
-After which he has to explain things and then try and convience her that he's not a crazy rapist and get her to come and meet her family!!

-Then it's family reunion time! Eclipse takes Emma to meet her family, but before anyone will even introduce themselves to her, Aiden has to determine if Eclipse got the right girl or not. (-tension, tension-) .... And he did! Yay! Suddenly Emma is surrounded by twelve diffrent people all trying to introduce themselves and give her a hug at the same time! Which is alittle ovewhelming...

-Emma has about a month or so to get to know everyone and explore the castle before Aiden and Hiroshi just up and decide to throw a party! To celebrate their daughter's return and make a big deal about promoting Eclipse to "captian of the gaurd". Yea! (A party is also the perfect excuse to introduce all my charries now and get Emma a freind or two. lol)

-Sometime after the party, Emma and Hiroshi (because Aiden, can't do it!) have a heart to heart and discuss exactly what happened the night she disappeared.

-Fast Forward Two Years into The Future!-

-Emma has a relatively good handle on her demonic powers and abilities now, has become best friends with Angel, Tereasa, and Krystal, and still has a huge crush on Eclipse. (Haha.)

- OH MI GACKT! Eclipse's right hand man Sabastian gets jumped while on gaurd duty! Oh no! After making sure Bash gets taken care of Eclipse goes out to check on the rest of his men and make sure no ones missing or anything like that.

-AND THAT! Is when Kerian comes in and declares WAR on his brother, because according to him Aiden is unfit to rule. (He joined forces with about a billion lower class demons and Kazuo's little band of thugs, btw...)

-Xander is standing out in the hallway when Kerian leaves and makes a comment that's half way between spiteful and creepy. Which only confuses poor Xander because not only does he have no clue who that was, he's not exactly sure what he meant by that baizarre comment.

- Aiden immedately calls the memebers of the court together for a war council! Yea! Cause they've got friends and allies, they're not about to fight a war alone! So they gotta see whose with them and who isn't.

-And the kids (Xander, Angel, Emma and Krystal) have no idea whats going on, until after the war council when Hiroshi freaks out and trys to send them away to human world (to stay with their uncle) so that they don't get.

-The only problem is... that that suggestion is met with extreme protest! And the children refuse to leave! Angel and Emma fight particularly hard for their right to stay and defend the castle. (Because they feel strongly about it, I guess.) And eventually Aiden gives in and decides to let them stay dispite the fact that Hiroshi really really really doesn't think it's a good idea.

-Anyway, training, preperation, so on an so forth....PREPARE FOR WAR! (I'm thinking they should have like a month to prepare for this...What do you think?)

-Somewhere in this phase of the story Ima have Eclipse all but admit he's in love with Emma and vow to protect her, because she is still not very good with her powers and he feels like it! Ha!

-And so the fighting begins! (At dusk, I've decided. Because dawn is soooo over used and NOBODY wants to get up that early, not even demons...)

-Dispite the fact that they're greatly out numbered the good guys are holding their own pretty well. Which is mostly because aside from Kerian and Kazuo this army consists of really low level demons.

-That is until Emma somehow gets seperated from Eclipse and the other gaurds designated to protect her and runs into Kazuo! Who, more or less desimates Emma's life.

-THEN! At the same time Angel comes running to save her little sister, Eclipse realizes the love of his life is no longer right there with him, She's being strangled! OH NO! So Angel (who has sustained a few minor injuries at this point) throws a fire ball at Kazuo's head, he drops Emma, then Eclipse, after breaking all but one of his power limitators tackles him to the ground and starts ripping him to shreads....

-Theres a short fight there, then Kazuo dies and Eclipse turns his rage toward Kerian. Which amuses Kerian, not only because he's never managed to actually kill a dragon before, but because he can tell that Eclipse can't fully control his dragon powers. (He's only used them like twice!)

-Which is why Blaise, Vlad and Sabastian take it upon themselves to intervene here, Because if they had let him fight, Kerian would have surely killed him. And Eclipse is not happy about that, at all and winds up causing some damage to his friends in an attempt to get to Kerian.

-Aiden then steps inbetween Kerian and Eclipse, followed shortly after by Hiroshi. Meanwhile, a little ways away from the action Angel, Krystal and Xander are trying to keep Emma from slipping into a freakin' comma. LOL

-Between the two of them Aiden and Hiroshi manage to DOMINATE Kerian's life, and then Aiden delivers the killing blow. (Of course) And thats more or less the end of the fighting. YAY!

-Krystal manages to save Emma's life, (YAY!) everyone's happy. Aiden and Hiro forgive Eclipse for lying to them. And all is well, Then Krystal slips and says something about Emma being pregnant. End of Party. And when asked why she thinks this, Krys replies "because of the hCG in her blood." (Yes, apprently you can detect pregnancy like 10 days after conception with a simple blood test.) And that is more or less proof positive Emma's pregnant, because Krystal is a super docter/healer/whatever.

-OH NO! Emma goes white, looks at Eclipse. Aiden is furious with the dragon. Hiroshi loves babies, so he's happy. Angel can't believe Emma didn't tell her! It's chaos!

-In the end, Emma and Eclipse get married, have a little girl, name her Serena and all is well with the world! UNTIL PART TWO ANYWAY!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Newest "Mostly Flaming" Decisions of DEATH!

Firstly! I have decided that I made the Kerian conspiracy waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy more complicated then need be...and that, in hind sight, it was a little stupid... So, The new Kerian conspiracy, is gonna go like this,

Kerian and Aiden are brothers, and Kerian's older. So by all rights, he should be the rightful heir to the throne right? Wrong! He's not! Because he sucks and he's creepy. Maybe the king sense's the dark side in him or something, whatever?! The point is Kerian, will NOT be named king...EVER! Then the rest of it's the same. He tries to kill Aiden in his sleep, fails because Hiroshi blows his cover and then gets his ass banished. You know...

Also!!!! Kerian doesn't love Hiroshi. Kay? He doesn't. He hates Hiro because he's a half breed. Then for awhile he wanted Hiroshi because Aiden had him. Now he just sort of feels like killing them both off, for no good reason.

And! I'm keeping my Imperial Court...I don't care how useless it is....

Hiro's powers are most definitely going to change. I have decided I most definately want him to be an alchemist. Which I shall explain the details of later....

I'm bringing in ALL of my cameo charries in NOW! And I'll worry about the sequel when I get there.

We're having a party to celebrate Emma's return, introduce minor charries and give Emma a chance to put the moves on Eclipse.

The ak-weird/sorta of creepy exchange between Xander and Kerian, that happens after Kerian declares war on us, is totally on!

The severity of the wounds Angel sustains during the final battle are going to be lessened. (I think I'll just break her right arm or something like that.)

I'm working on a couple power limitators for Eclipse to wear regularly, in an attempt to hide his dragon-ness. Enchanted wrist cuffs, special necklace, you know, stuff like that.

It is decided that from now on the Void will ONLY be disturbed by GIGANTIC bursts of demonic energy.

Emma is being relocated from Boston to Australia, Cuz I feel like it. HAHA!

Also I've just decided to change Kerian's powers as well. I think I'll make him a necromancer. Lol

And....I think that's it for now. I don't think I'ma re-post the plotline with more detail. I think I'll just start posting the actual story and let you people figure out what's going on on your own.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Alrite, Xander wins....

For some reason, it all of a sudden irks me an awful lot that Xander is the only one that does not have a elemental or animal type power, SO! I have decided to change Hiroshi's powers to something along the same lines as Xander. So that he won't be the only one...and because I think it will make alittle more sense that way...not that anyone even really notices that Xander is the odd man out anyway, but still! It would make me feel better if it made alittle bit more sense....

Now, the only problem is picking out a new ability for Hiro. I was thinking something along the lines of like an alchemist, (like the ones in Full Metal Alchemist) only not. Something like the ability to create things and fuse exsisting things together, with your mind....but in order to make it work you need to use a drop of your own blood....or something... I'm still trying to figure out a way to word it so that it actually sounds like what I want it to be. But honestly, some advice please? I mean does it sound stupid?

And seriously guys, if you don't comment on anything or never give me any advice again in your lives! Could you at least tell me if you think I should repost the plot with more detail or leave it as is? I would greatly appreicate it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


...Exactly how does one go about deleting a blog? I have decided that my other one is a waste of space, because I don't post anything on it! Will some one help me delete it? I'm stupid... LoL.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm all lost in the supermarket...

Alrite bitches , LETS GO!!!

-First order of bussiness, I am an idoit! I mean why the hell would you create an imperial court and then not use it for anything!?! That's just stupid. So I have decided that to give my useless court some relavence that it would be a great idea to have a war council! Yea! Because Aiden and Hiroshi have friends and alli's and shyt like that, their are not going to fight A WAR, alone. That would be silly... So we're gonna have a war council and see whoose with them and whoose not. I think it's a good idea, anybody else? Or am I alone in this one?

-I also think that this would be a great excuse to leave the children (Krystal, Angel, Xander and Emma) IN THE DARK! Yes, the plan is, we will not tell them a blessed thing about whats going on until after the council meets, which in turn means that I can put that creepy/ak-weird exchange between Xander and Kerian, as Kerian's leaveing the castle, back in there! Woot! I love that scene!

-But! (The draw back) The idea of the war council makes me wanna bring my cameo charries in NOW instead of waiting for the oppertune moment.... (lol) Which I'm not sure if I should do or not.... What do you guys think? Darnell now or later? ...Although I suppose I could always bring in someone now and leave the rest of them till later......That could work. What about that? Darnell and Amanda now, Blaise and Vlad later? (Blaise is gonna hate me for even asking that question, by the way...)

-And! My plotline, think i should just redo it and include all the specifics this time? Or just leave it as is? I don't know.... -pout-

-And freakin Xander! I've tried 86 thousand diffrent hair styles and colors! NONE of it looks right for him all of a sudden! Any suggestions? (Remember Aiden has black hair and Hiroshi's is silver.)

-listening to Gackt and dancing badly-

Monday, January 5, 2009


Angel in all her demonic glory!
My best friend, Celes, drew it for me.
And I love it.
And I love her for drawing it for me.
And..and..BEHOLD IT!

....Because Character referance is important...

The Bad Guys....
(Anybody know who this is a picture of? Cuz I love this pic but have no clue, who it's of...)

The Good Guys




(A slightly better referance pic, then the last one)


THIS JUST IN...I have decided Vicci is going to have kittens! 5 of them?! Ha!
-Two black calico girls, Elphaba and Azkadelia
-One grey boy with a black eye patch, Jareath
-One grey boy with black stripes, Aragorn
-And one creamy orange boy, Horatio

Horatio goes to Xander. Tereasa gets Aragorn. And I keep Elphaba, Azkadelia and Jareath...beacuse I'm a kitten whore. lol

And while we're on the subject of Vicci, any opinions on whether she should talk or not? Telepathy? Maybe she only talks to Emma...I don't know. Help me out here!

AND! I have picked the charries (finally) that I shall use in my ridiculous cameo in part two of my story!!!
-Blaise Adams
-Vladimir Mattrik
-Darnell James
-And Amanda Ravenhearst

None of you have ever met Amanda before, because I decided the story I made her for sucked and never finished it. But I like her, so, meh! And I hope eveyone is psyched for th triumphant return of DARNELL!?!

Also! I was thinking to make my story a little more believable that I should introduce a religon, cause everyone has one you know? Something along the lines of Avo and Scorn (Anyone whoose ever played Fable should know what I'm talking about...) could work just fine. The only problem is, I have writer's block and can't come up with names at the moment!!! Which is...-snapps pencil in half- ...frustrating to say the least...But anyway, what do you guys think? Good idea? Bad?..Ninjas?

And random white text...